Fearing the midterms, Trump re-courts his dwindling base....

As Trump's approval ratings continue to go up.

Wishful thinking isn't a strategy, snowflake.

I think you should send Hillaryious out on the campaign trail, that worked wonders for the libtarded party.
Your post actually proves Nat's thesis. Trump polls go up as he courts his base. The question is whether that trend will continue to Nov. And that's the same issue McConnell raises in asking whether the gop faces a cat 3, 4, or 5 hurricane

Trumps #'s go up on RW Rasmussen polls - RW's totally ignore any other poll.

F' em.

watch ..

Poll: Trump approval drops to record low

6 hours ago ^^^^
. Sure I'm a Trump guy...of course you can prove that, right?

Sure I can.......LOL

. Sure I'm a Trump guy...of course you can prove that, right?

Sure I can.......LOL

View attachment 186463
That actually has not been my experience. I know five definite hard core trump supporters, all have at least graduate degrees and would be considered well into the middle class as professionals, and two older guys who are both college grads but who are simply filthy rich.

They share a belief that society has bent over backwards to give minorities a better chance than their kids, and have not even been thanked. And they think the dems want to tax them to give healthcare (and educ) to improve their lives. And they probably agree on illegal immigrants being a pain, but I wouldn't be surprised if one guy employs them .... for a pittance. He is an asshole. The others good guys and two are personal friends.

And there's guns. They don't trust the dems at all on that.
It is little surprise that Trump has rekindled the push to both chat about a wall with Mexico AND to start a trade war with China.

The problem, however, is that even with a majority of republicans in congress,NO real money has been allocated for a wall (never mind Mexico paying for it)....NOR does the tariffs on China present for him anything but serious trouble with his rural base who will see soy beans and corn and beef rotting in silos and storage bins as China refuses to purchase these items.

The unforeseen consequences of demagoguery and false promises are catching up to the charlatan, and the loss of a republican majority in congress will be a very hard lesson for Trump cultists....

Together with Mueller's final report to the DOJ, ......let the fun begin in the upcoming months.

Trump doesn't even have a path to the White House

Muellers final report: Grade F on linking Putin to Hillary's Schlonging
Jesus, talk about delusional.

There has been a trade war with China for decades. Trouble is, all the attacks have been launched AGAINST us and none FOR us. Trump is the first President to recognize it and have the balls to launch a few salvos on our behalf. China needs U.S. trade a lot more than we need theirs. I will happily pay a few dollars more for U.S. made products because I understand which side of the bread is buttered.

Just because YOU are too stupid to see beyond the reach of your nose doesn't mean that the end results of foreign policy initiatives are "unforseeable."

The Starkeys are all for China's Theft of Intellectual property
see ?

a day later and not one comment about Trumps new low rating.

nothing new from RW Drone ass lickers.

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