Federal Judge Halts Deportations After Trump Invokes Alien Enemies Act.

Grow some balls and make your gulag on US soil instead of paying Central American authoritarians to do it for you.
Don’t need to. They’re illegal aliens. Not migrants. Not Asylum seekers. You’ve been lied to again. Trump is doing exactly what the law states he can do.
A judge does not have the ability to order actionable proceedings only to rule on the constitutionality of something. He can be ignored with impunity because he is trying to cross over into the executive branch. Don't worry his bosses will tell him that. He can rule it unconstitutional but he can't stop something that's in motion. In fact I don't even think he can stop the continuing deportations Trump can continue to ignore him at this point until he gets a ruling from a higher Court.
Wrong. The decision would have to be stayed by motion, or overturned in appeal. Of which the defense can get an emergency stay until the appeal his heard.

Just read the act. It is only enforceable against anyone of whom we are at war with.

We are not currently at war with Columbia.

Trump is going to lose. Bigly
Actually he has a 47.5 percent approval, and the people are saying the country is heading right direct at the highest level it’s been in nearly 20 years

Meanwhile your demklan only has a 21 percent approval rating, the lowest ever recorded
Actually, the majority of the country doesn't like what he is doing when it comes to the economy, but I know you will lie everytime.
A federal judge has ordered an immediate hold on efforts by President Donald Trump to quickly deport Venezuelan nationals under rarely used wartime powers intended to resist a foreign invasion — and demanded the return of planes already headed to Central America.

U.S. District Judge James Boasberg on Saturday ordered the Trump administration to immediately halt efforts to remove those Venezuelan migrants until he has more time to consider whether Trump’s use of the Alien Enemies Act was illegal.

The lawsuit, brought on behalf of five named Venezuelan immigrants, was provisionally turned into a class action — meaning it serves as a block on deportation of all non-citizens in U.S. custody who are subject to Trump’s proclamation invoking the rarely-used law.
Well it's being ignored
This is the court "order" Trump should ignore. What will Boasberg do?

This is a ministerial act by President Trump, and SCOTUS has said in the past that such cannot be challenged in court.

... ordering any flights carrying the supposed criminals to turn around.
US District judge James Boasberg quickly ordered the Trump administration to halt all removals after the commander in chief signed off on a presidential action invoking the 1798 law – aimed at targeting Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua, The Washington Post reported.
The chief judge in the District of Columbia said he heard that “flights are actively departing” and directed US officials to have planes in the air carrying migrants returned to the United States, the outlet reported.
“Any plane containing these folks that is going to take off or is in the air needs to be returned to the United States however that is accomplished,” Boasberg reportedly wrote.
“Make sure it’s complied with immediately.”

The article says the Judge put a 14-day restraining order on the act used to deport these criminals. WTF happens after 14 days? Can we fire up the jets and resume the deportations?
F I N A L L Y ...

An approach to Illegal Aliens that actually has some teeth to it...

And some ball$...

I may not like a lot of what Trump does but in T H I S context I'd say he was right-on-target... :clap:
So just to be clear. Ignoring a federal court order is in play now?

Roger that

To be clear, judges do not run this country, judges do not run the Executive Branch.

President Trump is removing threats to the safety and peace of the nation. People that Biden and Mayorkas deliberately permitted in, even to willingly flying them here.
The left thinks democracy is unelected judges telling the elected head of the Executive Branch how to protect We the People from foreign invaders.

What's next? Tell Trump to go easy on the Houthi's?
Whites here talk about race all the time. That's what this immigrant shit is all about. Didn't see any of you b----es opposing Trump inviting white South Africans to come here and live in sanctuary, or his claim that the Canadian border is artificial. So STFU.
We have white immigrants being deported as well idiot ...nobody cares about race we care about law and order , civil society we don't want lawless anarchy... Fools like you are distracted by that stupidity ...race doesn't mean anything we need law and order
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tRump is again breaking laws.

And you kids approve.

You are now the party of criminals.
Please ..we're the party of law & order ..corrupt ideologue, district Court judges aren't the law they're not in the Constitution, they were created by Congress and can be uncreated .a peon judge can't force a president or an administration to import criminals illegally into the country... Comprende?
The only invasion into this country happened 3-400 years ago by Europeans.
The country didn't exist you fool.... Regressives like yourself who focus on completely and totally on race are a joke.. there was no country here, there was a bunch of native American tribes who didn't even have a written language...

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