Feds are using aircraft to drop millions of rabies vaccines throughout the Eastern USA

They throw this stuff out of a freaking helicopter? What if a child finds it and eats it? How about domestic animals like horses and cattle?
It's a vaccine, not a poison. The food part is fishmeal. If something besides a raccoon eats it .... they'll be vaccinated against rabies.
It's a vaccine, not a poison. The food part is fishmeal. If something besides a raccoon eats it .... they'll be vaccinated against rabies.
I'm not sure how many biscuits a cow or horse (1,200 lbs) would have to eat compared to a raccoon (20 lbs)
Hopefully it isn't toxic to humans.

Either that happened at the same time or that is one lazy street painter.
:rolleyes: What would you expect the painter to do in that situation?

Have a funeral and bury it? :dunno:
IS THERE EVEN a legitimate oral med for rabies for wild animals? COME ON MAN. What;s the source for this again? cbs.....and the usda has been doing this for 13 years so they say?? then how come we have never heard of this before. This sounds like misinformation to me. Let's fine them 2500 dollars. each.
I thank you for providing that link Blues Man I just read the whole thing. DId you by any chance go through it? I saw some .....for lack of a better term...suspicious things. Since 2019 i've become MORE of a skeptic of governmental programs, experiments and especially....vaccine so called mandates. (I'm ignoring all the rest of the illegal/immoral/unconstitutional/unethical behavior we've seen over the past two years)

I live in a wooded area..surrounded by larger wooded areas ..forests...and having a fair amount of experience with the forestry service, I'm wondering why i have NEVER heard of this program before now? and why have they (gov't/scientists) trotted out this program AT this Time.....meaning This time of continued 'encouragement' for all of us to take an experimental vaccine proven to be deadly in a fair number of cases. In addition to doubting the efficacy and accepted medical science of it, based on my own determinations over the past 2 years at the very least, i don't trust these folk...EVEN with wildlife. Note date on following link.
PITTSBURGH (AP/CBS) - The U.S. Department of Agriculture has begun scattering millions of packets of oral rabies vaccine from helicopters and planes over 13 states from Maine to Alabama.

The major aim is to keep raccoons from spreading their strain of the deadly virus to states where it hasn't been found or isn't widespread, said field trial coordinator Jordona Kirby.

The USDA is also continuing tests of a vaccine approved in Canada to immunize skunks as well as raccoons, said Kirby of Wildlife Services, which is part of the agriculture department's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

About 3.5 million doses of the experimental vaccine Onrab are being distributed in parts of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Tennessee - which also are getting the approved vaccine - plus four other states.

USDA dropping rabies vaccines from sky in 13 states for wildlife


I understand they have been doing it for years with some dog biscuit looking things.

But hey, I'm sleepin' with my AR in the bathtub just to be sure. ;)

imagine if rabies ever became airborn !they actually discovered a strain that was in a Texas cave yrs ago ! if something like that mutated and got loose the idia of violent zombies would become fact !

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