Female Circumcision Case

Nope. Male circumcision does not inhibit sexual pleasure (it may actually enhance it), and has been shown to have some health benefits (ie, it is easier to keep that area clean).
It looks better, is easier to take care of, and you named everything else, thugh it actually kinda inhibits sensations a bit. The head of the penis is less sensitive with circumcision.

Female circumcision is wrong. I have nothing more to say about it.

An ethiopian immigrant is on trial for cutting off his daughter's clitoris. The pracitce is known as female genital mutilation to the rest of the world, but it is common in rural parts of Africa--including Ethiopia.

Three details of the case:
1) The man contests this practice does not take place in the Ethiopian city he originates from, only from rural parts of the country.
2) The daughter testified against the father, but the daughter lives with her mother. The man on trial is divorced from his wife and believes the wife's family is responsible for both the mutilation and forcing the daughter to testify against him.
3) The man faces up to 40 years in prison if convicted.

The girl was 2 at the time, and is seven now. I do not trust a persons memory from when they are two. This girl was probably under a lot of pressure to "remember" a certain way from both the father and the mother...if I was a jurror I would not give the daughter's testimony much weight.

This is a very interesting case. No matter who is responsible, this is a nasty tradition, that should not be accepted in the United States. It can have a severe emotional impact on the female victims and of course physical problems can come up as well (after all, the procedure is done with razors, scissors, knives, etc.).

My questions:
1) Is the punishment too harsh?
2) What stance should the U.S. take on foreign customs of this nature?
3) Would the custom be acceptable if performed in a more professional manner?

My answers: Yes, don't allow it, no.
-This should be treated differently than male circumcision because the victims are usually not babies, I think traditionally the procedure is performed as they reach the age before marriage...or in this girl's case, the age of 2.

What do you think?

1) No.

2) Never, ever, ever allow it.


Even male circumcision should be banned unless failing doing so would be detrimental to the health of the individual involved...Especially on a child.
Female circumcision: I've been around enough foreigners to know how this works. Right now, there's a medical procedure in place that actually is circumcision. It's a surgury, done in sterile conditions, that removes the hood of the clitoris. Medically, all it does is slightly decrease their sensitivity, but doesn't, in any way, remove the woman's ability to derive pleasure and orgasm from sex. There's not really a reason for this procedure except that it works as a great comprimise for families with elders stuck in their ways. The woman gets a circumcision so granny doesn't go to her grave disowning her children and grandchildren, but the woman still gets pleasure from sex.

I wouldn't trust it to work the way you describe it here. There is no point whatsoever in mutilating or altering the female form, which is one of the most delightful things in creation or nature, your choice. Leave the poor girls alone. They have enough problems being born into a superstitious and ignorant religion without having their thangs twanged as well.
1) No.

2) Never, ever, ever allow it.


Even male circumcision should be banned unless failing doing so would be detrimental to the health of the individual involved...Especially on a child.
Sorry, but I disagree. Aside from Jewish custom, it should be allowed. It helps out in the future. Besides, male circumcision is more prevalant in the USA than other parts of the world.
I wouldn't trust it to work the way you describe it here. There is no point whatsoever in mutilating or altering the female form, which is one of the most delightful things in creation or nature, your choice. Leave the poor girls alone. They have enough problems being born into a superstitious and ignorant religion without having their thangs twanged as well.

I don't like it, either, but sometimes, it's really the only way to hold the family together, something that is very important to many people.
Serves that bastard right.

Hey kag... it looks like that Betty Boop in your avatar is getting ready to circumsize the yellow headed dick man she's grabbed on to... :laugh:

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