Female Feticide is real Santorum isn't crazy It's an issue

Women OWN their wombs.

You dont get to climb inside their wombs and tell them what to do with them.
It stands to reason that activists in the US want fewer girls. There is a societal manipulation that the population of homosexual men might increase with fewer women.
We should encourage the GOP to put up as many of this type of bill as possible. After all, women only make up 50% of the voters.

I'm not sure if defunding prenatal testing is the appropriate answer, but I'd sure like as hell to be able to discuss this issue of abortion, eugenics based on disability and now on gender with
some semblance of sanity and not hysteria.

Prenatal screens say nothing about gender.

The 20 week ultrasound is a standard of care for correct management of a pregnancy.

So what is Santorum bitching about?
It stands to reason that activists in the US want fewer girls. There is a societal manipulation that the population of homosexual men might increase with fewer women.

Is being stupid actually physically painful?
So are the conservatives who generally agree with Santorum on this pretty much out of the same crowd that wants ultrasounds REQUIRED before abortions are performed?

Are you people intentionally trying to headache me to death?
I guess I missed all those Republican bills in congress to help these fetuses once they come actual children.

Or does cutting home heating assistance to the poor so the rich can have a tax cut not count?
You're really fast there getting off topic just to bash the Republicans. The thread is about abortion, not heating oil and tax cuts.

we do not trust the rights motivations

TM I've been a woman's rights advocate for years. You tell me with these statistics from the United Nations how this is a left wing or right wing issue.

Catch the numbers. It's appalling. And it's happening.

The United Nations Children's Fund states that systematic gender discrimination has resulted in up to 50 million girls and women "going missing" from India's population.

These findings are endorsed by the abnormal sex ratio figures found in the of Census 2001. ] An analysis of the fertility and mortality survey of 1998 estimates that about 0.5 million female births go missing yearly.

These translate into approximately 10 million female fetuses getting aborted over the past two decades.
TM will praise only the left. Here's an example of the Republicans sponsoring a bill intended to stop gender-determined abortions and she doesn't like the motivation.

If its still in the womb, many liberals can't see an issue.
Liberals tend not to care about fetuses, male or female. Their hedonist values demand that abortion is available as a convenience throughout the pregnancy and up until birth. Therefore, it makes no difference to them why the abortion came about.

we do not trust the rights motivations

Read the bill moron.
It doesn't matter what the bill says. TM hates the fact that Republicans wrote it.

Should we start making laws on what men can do with their penises?
We already have some of those:

I can't take mine out in public.
I can't stick mine in minor's body.
I can't send pictures of mine to minors.
I can't sell my stud services to horny women.

....not that I want to do any of those, but they are all AGAINST THE FUCKING LAW!
We are NOT talking about China are we?

we are talking about the US.

We have many Asian people in America. And if it is part of their culture to discriminate against females and female fetuses, then it is probably going on right here in the good ol' USA, too.
All this babble, and yet nobody has produced a single shred of explanation as to why female feticide is supposedly an issue in our country.
Worldwide, 42% of female fetuses are aborted, while 25% of male fetuses are aborted.
All this babble, and yet nobody has produced a single shred of explanation as to why female feticide is supposedly an issue in our country.

I did. Read my previous post.

No you didn't. All you did was suggest a hypothetical maybe which was a stretch at best.

If immigrants bring all of their other cultural norms with them, what makes you think they don't bring their gender selective abortion practices with them?
Sex-Selective Abortions Come Home - By Steven W. Mosher - The Corner - National Review Online

The physician, who practices in the Bay Area, wanted to find out why so many immigrant Indian women in the United States were so eager to find out the sex of their unborn children, and why so many of them choose abortion when they found out they were carrying a girl.

What she discovered over the course of 65 interviews conducted over several years profoundly shocked her. Fully 89 percent of the women carrying girls opted for an abortion, and nearly half had previously aborted girls.

Puri’s report, published in Social Science and Medicine this last April, makes for grim reading. Women told Puri of their guilt over their sex-selection abortions, how they felt that they were unable to “save” their daughters. Even the women who turned out to be carrying boys this time around could not shake their remorse over having earlier aborted daughters in this deadly game of reproductive roulette.

They also made clear that they were not free actors when it came to reproductive “choice.” Many, when it was learned that they were carrying girls, became the victims of family violence. Some — in an effort to make them miscarry — had been slapped and shoved around by angry husbands and in-laws, or even kicked in the stomach. Others were denied food, water, and rest in order to coerce them into aborting their unwanted girl babies.

Looking at the sex ratio at birth among U.S.-born children of Chinese, Korean, and Asian-Indian parents, they found that first-borns showed normal sex ratios at birth. But if the first child was a girl, the sex ratio jumped to 117, and if the first two children were girls, then the sex ratio jumped to 151. That is to say, for every 151 boys, there were only 100 hundred surviving girls. The rest had been eliminated.
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If immigrants bring all of their other cultural norms with them, what makes you think they don't bring their gender selective abortion practices with them?

Okay, my turn.....

If one-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eaters invade the country.....

Well, you get the picture. How about we now talk about something that's actually going on in this country, instead of speculating about speculation, and crying that we need to set public policy based on the same....

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