Female trans swimmer crushed by male trans swimmer

Incorrect, a transgender female to male athlete undergoing testosterone treatment CANNOT participate in female athletics, they must compete as a male. But a transgender female to male athlete that is not undergoing testosterone treatment can participate as a female. What I can't find out is rather breast removal could lead to the natural production of testosterone, that could be in play here and needs to be examined.

You’re as psychotic as those rules.
Men are men, women are women, like it or not.
Very confusing. I’m not sure who is what in this story.
And if homo men are attracted to men then why do they butt-fuck homo men who act like women?
Why do lesbians muff-dive on lesbians who act and dress like men if they’re allegedly attracted to women?
From my experience, a transgender male to female is attracted to men that act like men. Matter of fact, they absolutely despise gay acting men. They are attracted to a man's man. A transgender female to male is attracted to women, real women, not those that act all butch. A gay male is attracted to another gay male. A gay female is attracted to another gay female. But anyone claiming to be transgender and then finding themselves attracted to the opposite sex as what they were at birth is simply playing society for fools.
From my experience, a transgender male to female is attracted to men that act like men. Matter of fact, they absolutely despise gay acting men. They are attracted to a man's man. A transgender female to male is attracted to women, real women, not those that act all butch. A gay male is attracted to another gay male. A gay female is attracted to another gay female. But anyone claiming to be transgender and then finding themselves attracted to the opposite sex as what they were at birth is simply playing society for fools.
I wasn’t talking about transgender freaks. I was talking about the standard homo freaks.
And many homo males act feminine while homo women act manly. It’s inconsistent and illogical.
Winner here.

Homosexuality is all about getting attention and pissing off the "Straight arrows" as they call us.

Always has been.

The fact that Normatives generally ignore these folks forces them to push the envelope, and thus the need for "Trannie-competitors" in ladies' sports.

I have never used my sexuality as any kind of "attention getter". My personal life is just that, my PERSONAL life. I don't and never have flown it in public, or used it as a crutch, or thrown it in peoples faces for any sort of reason. And there's millions like me as well.

It's the ACTUAL nutjobs that get the attention, it's the militant fuktards that demand the air time, it's the psychotically deranged that fly their private parts in your face and whine and cry about it. I despise them as much as you or the next person. But don't be pigeon-holing ALL homo's in with these derange freaks!!!
You guys don't get it. Lia Thomas, the loser in the race, is a male transitioning to female. The winner is a female transitioning to male. So a girl beat a guy. The loser has the dick and the winner doesn't.


No. A male cannot transition to a female. It is biologically impossible, and it take a severely fucked-up mind to think that it is possible.

Likewise, a female cannot transition into a male.

Lia Thompson is a mentally-defective man who thinks that he is a woman, and who has had his body chemically and surgically mutilated to support this delusion. It doesn't make him a woman. It just makes him a mentally-defective, physically-mutilated man.

Likewise, Iszak Henig is a mentally defective woman, who believes that she is a man, and is in the process of being mutilated in accordance with that delusion. It does not make her a man; only makes her a mentally-defective, mutilated woman.

And this is why sane people only laugh at and mock you LIbtARdS when you try to make any claim to “science”.
From my experience, a transgender male to female is attracted to men that act like men. Matter of fact, they absolutely despise gay acting men. They are attracted to a man's man. A transgender female to male is attracted to women, real women, not those that act all butch. A gay male is attracted to another gay male. A gay female is attracted to another gay female. But anyone claiming to be transgender and then finding themselves attracted to the opposite sex as what they were at birth is simply playing society for fools.

I'm not going to ask what experiences you have, to be such an expert on what all the various flavors of these kind of degenerate freaks find attractive.

I really do not want to know.
I have said it before: male, female and mutilated. Prove me wrong!!!

No. A male cannot transition to a female. It is biologically impossible, and it take a severely fucked-up mind to think that it is possible.

Likewise, a female cannot transition into a male.

Lia Thompson is a mentally-defective man who thinks that he is a woman, and who has had his body chemically and surgically mutilated to support this delusion. It doesn't make him a woman. It just makes him a mentally-defective, physically-mutilated man.

Likewise, Iszak Henig is a mentally defective woman, who believes that she is a man, and is in the process of being mutilated in accordance with that delusion. It does not make her a man; only makes her a mentally-defective, mutilated woman.

And this is why sane people only laugh at and mock you LIbtARdS when you try to make any claim to “science”.
I would tend to agree with you except for the fact that same sex pairings happen quite frequently in the animal world. Giraffes, dolphins, lions, bison, walruses, penguins, and swans to name a few. And same sex pairings were quite common in ancient times, especially among the Greeks--Sparta for example, and the Romans. Gay native americans were highly respected in their tribe. Being gay is entirely normal, just as normal as being straight. And it is not a "choice". God don't make mistakes, so the creation of gay people must have been his will. Matter of fact, Jesus Christ himself may have been gay. I mean running around with a bunch of men, many of whom had left their families. If it walks like a duck.....
Good grief college swimming is a freak show

Daily Mail: Female trans UPenn swimmer Lia Thomas is CRUSHED by male trans competitor.
Look at the bright side…Go to a collegiate swim meet for a little circus and go to California for a lot of Mexico…The Left really has this shit all figured out.
Incorrect, a transgender female to male athlete undergoing testosterone treatment CANNOT participate in female athletics, they must compete as a male. But a transgender female to male athlete that is not undergoing testosterone treatment can participate as a female. What I can't find out is rather breast removal could lead to the natural production of testosterone, that could be in play here and needs to be examined.

Unless she traded her breasts for testicles she isn’t producing testosterone.
And it is not a "choice". God don't make mistakes, so the creation of gay people must have been his will.

By that logic, thieves, murderers, rapists, child molesters, drug addicts, and such, are not “mistakes” other, and are just acting according to God's will.

No surprise, at all, that you would follow that absurd argument by slandering Jesus, with the suggestion that he was a sick degenerate faggot such as yourself.

I think we now know all that anyone needs to know about your character, or how much credibility to give to any thing that you say.
In my opinion, this is just all the more reason to not even pay any attention to what other people are up to. Last month at my local bowling alley, I bowled the best game that I have ever done in my life. I did a 157. Before that, my best game was the 137 that I did Easter weekend of 2001.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I'll never be as good as the pros because I don't have the arm power.
LOL dude lost to a chick transitioning to a man. What a wuss.

Penn transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, who had been crushing her competition since joining the women’s swim team after three years swimming as a biological male, met her match Saturday in the 100-meter freestyle during a tri-meet with Yale and Dartmouth.

Thomas won the 200-meter and 500-meter races at Penn’s final home meet of the season, but she finished sixth in the 100-meter where Yale’s Iszac Henig, a transgender swimmer who is in the process of transitioning from female to male, crushed Thomas. Henig finished the 100 in 49.57 while Thomas touched the wall in 52.84.

In the 400-freestyle relay, Thomas was beaten yet again by Henig, who swam his leg in 50.45 to Thomas’ 51.94.

Lia Thomspon won the 200 and 500.. i can't see another instance where she raced the 100.

Meanwhile, the article said she was beaten in the 400 relay. A single person can't lose in a relay, it's a team race.

It seems the leftist media has turned on her to root on a female turning male in an attempt to correct the narrative. Thompson wasn't only beaten, she was CRUSHED!!!!!

Watch the media hate now.

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