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Finally!! UN votes for No Fly Zone!!

Something I find interesting. The rebellion is almost destroyed. Khaddafi is almost certainly toast once the bombing strikes start.
Cool, we've found a new saddam to take care of and get credits for. Sort of. Since it isn't, like, bombing serbs for muslims.Tribal clans will take it over in what is turf wars, of course, not as important as Sheen's antics.
I'm betting that radical Islamists or some other group is ready. And then this brings into question... why now is the US getting involved?
Why not? The grandest United States Clown League Administration is at the helm.
Excuse me? Moron... your bus is leaving. What are you talking about Charlie Sheen? Last I heard, he got fired, and I said oh? Who gives a fuck?
I strongly advise you go back to skool to learn compehension scills.
Cool, we've found a new saddam to take care of and get credits for. Sort of. Since it isn't, like, bombing serbs for muslims.Tribal clans will take it over in what is turf wars, of course, not as important as Sheen's antics.Why not? The grandest United States Clown League Administration is at the helm.
Excuse me? Moron... your bus is leaving. What are you talking about Charlie Sheen? Last I heard, he got fired, and I said oh? Who gives a fuck?
I strongly advise you go back to skool to learn compehension scills.
I'm sorry, the translator I hired to help me comprehend libberish is on lunch.

Did you gibber something sensical?



Yemeni Police Open Fire, Killing 31 Protesters

Yemeni Police Open Fire, Killing 31 Protesters - WSJ.com


Bahrain Arrests Opposition Leaders

Bahrain Arrests Opposition Leaders - WSJ.com

so, lets get this straight- we ostensibly sppt. the House of Saud rolling down the causeway to help Bahrain's King crush a ......wait for it.....popular rebellion, BUT ,will sppt. the popular rebellion in Libya.

And yes I am well aware of the shiite/sunni angle in Bahrain and that we 'asked' Abdullah to show restraint and NOT do it.........and?????

The 64K question-
Who where thinks we will break with them over this? We have to sppt. them. Or do we?

so, who here thinks we have the tools in place to thread the needle on this?

I am also going to love watching the media thread the needle on;

a)not calling OBama out for Bahrain,
b) while patting him on the back ala the no fly zone,
c) not asking why the war powers resolution act is bring ignored.....;)
I'm for Washingtonian foreign policies, not Wilsonian. Wilson is the basis for all liberal and Neo-Con foreign policy. The 'exporting of Americanism' and helping others be nicer to one another. Washington's policy was isolationist to a good extent but it kept us out of so many problems we had no business being in, in the first place.

It's funny, I realize when I look at it, but whenever I play Civilization and other 'god games' where I build civilizations, I do the same thing. Trade with everyone, defend no one. At least I'm consistent that way.

Beware entangling relationships is still wise. Then again, I'm for the ending of the UN, NATO, SEATO and every other defense pact we have that requires us to defend someone. Arm? Sure. Got cash? The rest of the world can sort things out on their own, and it's the death of every empire that believes itself to be not only able, but required to be involved and arbiter every crisis in the world.


we cannot ignore the rest of the planet. Now; do I think Libya is a place where we need to go to wag the dog or allow obama to build his foreign policy cred. no matter how ham handedly he attempts to do it?NO…… but.....we don't have the luxury of pretending that the moves we make especially vis a vis the ME, will not cascade…..
Hence, more the reason to start doing the smart thing and let them sort their shit out on their own instead of mucking around trying to play nanny to them too. The world cries out for us to not get involved, I say we take them up on it and keep our treasure and blood for saving our own nation from the crisis we're in.
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Funny, how we're all so focused on what the US is gonna do or not do... meanwhile, the EU and Arab League are actually working on a plan... backed by the US... which will be led by the EU and Arab nations. Please don't let facts get in the way of y'all ranting about shit that isn't gonna happen.

I'm not sure who's the bigger ranter "about shit that isn't gonna happen."

Those that expect the US to get involved or those that expect the UN resolution to make any difference.
:lol:what a wily bastard. I am almost pulling for the guy on one level, be it him or his sons, just to watch them run circles around Obama and the rest of the Turtle Bay low voltage doltage.

* MARCH 18, 2011, 10:08 A.M. ET

Libya Declares Cease-Fire

Libya's foreign minister Friday said the country will abide by the United Nations Security Council resolution calling for military action in Libya, and will implement an immediate cease-fire and end all military operations across the country.

"My country will try to deal with this resolution," Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa told reporters in Tripoli as he read from a prepared statement.

"According to article 25 of the [U.N.] charter and considering that Libya is a member of the U.N., then it is bound to accept the Security Council resolution and has decided an immediate ceasefire and the cessation of all military operations."

Libya Declares Cease-fire - WSJ.com

I threw this choice out there yesterday, but I didn't think he would actually do it.

Its the Saddam 2 step....he knows his greatest ally right now is...time. He'll be all sweetness and light now. He is in possession of 75% f the country and its material, physical and temporal capitals.

So, what...the UN is going to go in and topple him, perfom the surgical regiome change?
When is being so reasonable, which he will now become? Who would send the troops to do this? No one.

The Spice must flow.... They will tire, he will wait and then crush the rebellion when the idiots at Turtle Bay have slithered back to their a fore state of mendacious somnambulant sentience. :lol:


Finally someone in the thread gets it.

But let's say that the UN or US would ever be so astonishingly aggressive, or stupid, as to EVER dipose of a mid-east dictator again.

Who has the money to pay for it?


Why wouldn't the UN or US support "democratically inclined" rebels in Saudi if the Saudi Regime (a Monarchy, like, remember George III) used force to suppress the rebellion?

Hell, if I was a Captain in the Saudi AF, and wanted to be a Billionaire, I'd get a few friends together, declare a "Democratic Revolution" and start straffing oil fields until the US stepped in to help my revolt.
The US is not taking the lead...well, that is what is being asserted. I see the French do more, an perhaps the middle east countries. But if need be, I think the US Airforce will show him the door.
He was waiting for the UN, which I admit has come nearly too late. Obama is not going to take military action unilaterally. He has done the right thing. Now, we need to pound Quackdafi into the desert!
Has Obama asked the congress for authorization to make war on Lybia?

Personally, I think we should support the rebels, but I would not support commiting US military assets unless and until the Congress authorizes it.

Doesn't have to. A Republican Congress does it and they get bitched at. Democrat Congress does it they get bitched at.
Congress is POLITICS.
Whether people bitch about it or not is irrelevant. before US combat forcves can be committed the Congress must act.
lets step back a minute and re-run 2 days ago.....

march 16th

US Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice insisted that the no-fly zone was no longer sufficient and that they wanted an authorization that would allow immediate attacks against Gadhafi’s forces on the ground, including air strikes.

so they really wanted MORE, but, the took what they could get, I guess, I mean wtf? where is this is this in the msm? He was actually going to ask to conduct air strikes? Thats not a no fly zone.And what are "attacks on the ground" By who?

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, however, insisted that the attack would have to include “Arab participation” because the administration is concerned that a unilateral US attack would have “unintended consequences.”


The move comes amid recent suggestions that Russian and Chinese opposition to the no-fly zone may be fading. It remains to be seen if they will support an outright war against the Libyan regime, however

US Pressing UN for ‘Military Authorization’ Against Gadhafi -- News from Antiwar.com

and there ya go,....so Turtle bay and us, took the no fly zone way out......why? becasue they could not get sppt. for anything else.

so, lets be clear a no fly zone means Qaddafi cannot fly aircraft without risking them, BUT he can use artillery and attack on the ground.
So, who thinks the no fly zone will be effective? At the least its stasis. Apparently Qadaffi reads what we do and he sees that a no fly is enacted but, that doesn't mean he cannot move up to Benghazi. And attack is the conditions are favorable. He'll rope a dope us, the UN et al.


Yemeni forces fire on protesters, killing at least 46
Obama urges officials to protect demonstrators; 3 children reportedly among the dead

updated 2 hours 25 minutes ago 2011-03-18T20:42:49

SANAA, Yemen — A massive demonstration against Yemen's government turned into a killing field Friday as snipers on rooftops fired down on protesters and police made a wall of fire with tires and gasoline, blocking a key escape route.

At least 46 people died, including some children, in an attack that marked a new level of brutality in President Ali Abdullah Saleh's crackdown on dissent. Medical officials and witnesses said hundreds were wounded.

Saleh, struggling to maintain his 32-year grip on power in the impoverished Arabian Peninsula state, said the deaths had occurred in clashes between demonstrators and other citizens at a protest encampment at Sanaa University.

"I express my extreme sorrow for what happened today after Friday prayers in the university district," Saleh told a news conference in Sanaa, blaming gunmen among the protesters for the violence.

"The police were not present and did not open fire," he said. "It is clear there are armed elements inside these tents and they are the ones who opened fire."

The dramatic escalation in violence suggested Saleh was growing more fearful that the unprecedented street protests over the past month could unravel his grip on power. The United States, which has long relied on Saleh for help fighting terrorism, condemned the violence.

more at-


As Bahrain arrests the opposition leaders, no one is left for dialogue


There were demonstrations in Iran Thursday, and protests in Shiite communities elsewhere over the crackdown on Bahrain's pro-democracy movement. Streets in the capital Manama were quiet but riot police were using tear gas in some suburbs. (March 17)

Video: There were demonstrations in Iran Thursday, and protests in Shiite communities elsewhere over the crackdown on Bahrain's pro-democracy movement. Streets in the capital Manama were quiet but riot police were using tear gas in some suburbs. (March 17)

The leaders — some of whom had for weeks dominated a stage set up in Pearl Square, which protesters had occupied until security forces cleared it Wednesday — are now behind bars. The stage was leveled Thursday along with much else, even the palm trees. And the vastly outgunned opposition appeared to have few viable options as evening curfews continued to quiet the capital.

“The future is dark,” said Matar Ebrahim Ali Matar, a member of the main opposition political society al-Wefaq who said he did not know what would become of the protest movements. He said he was not aware of any communication between opposition groups and the government since thousands of troops from Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf states arrived Monday.

The government said those who were arrested were members of a “sedition ring” who had “intelligence contacts with foreign countries,” according to a statement from Bahrain’s military that was carried by the Bahrain state news agency. They “incited . . . the killing of citizens,” the statement said.

Al-Wefaq leader Sheikh Ali Salman, who was not arrested in the raids, called Thursday for Saudi troops to leave Bahrain and asked for an independent international investigation into this week’s events.

more at-

Time to head for Rio....family in tow.....
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Quakdaffy is calling for UN observers, but by the time they get there, everyone but his loyalist may be dead. This guy is going to play the UN resolution like a fiddle.
Quakdaffy is calling for UN observers, but by the time they get there, everyone but his loyalist may be dead. This guy is going to play the UN resolution like a fiddle.
Rolling Obama isn't hard, the mans a naive narcisistic idiot.

Ironically, Gadaffi is a narcissistic idiot.

Just goes to show age and experience>>>>youth and enthusiasm
Maybe it's because he is not s struggling, recovering alcoholic....YOU STARTED IT!

and that has what to do with anything?

I think he's trying to say that at least he hasn't acosted an intern with a cigar.

No, I was trying to say he isn't trying to seek revenge on a country because they tried to kill his daddy, by started a needless war that costs thousands of live and a Trillion Dollars. That is what I meant...Who really give a flip about a cigar?

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