f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

I have no trouble with my integrity. I do have trouble with poseurs like the Tea Partiers. We have done the same to KKK, and if we had communists, we would do the same to them. Politics is a contact sport, as the Tea Party has shown the last few months, and as they will find out in the next year.

Please explain to me how a small, insignificant, unorganized group of unintelligent racists (as the left as well as the democratic party portray them), are able to control domestic economic policy...to a piont where you condone the idea of eliminating them from the marketplace.....

Republicans as well as Democrats describe the Tea Party as having racists. Where the Tea Party has violated the law and where the market place can legally be used to eliminate Tea Party or Republican or Democratic influence, guess what, all do it. Quit whining.

and by the way......you were so busy spewing your hate for a group of people you disagree with, you seemed to completely divert away from my question...

So I will ask again.....

Please explain to me how a small, insignificant, unorganized group of unintelligent racists (as the left as well as the democratic party portray them), are able to control domestic economic policy...to a piont where you condone the idea of eliminating them from the marketplace
I got the sarcasm. Meister might not have.

Believing sarcasm as literal isn't sarcasm, it's cluelessness.

Meister is not clueless, just very narrow blindered on the issue.

Apparently, you have no clue on sarcasm, Jake.
Anyone that knows me, knows that I'm not a racist...of coarse you don't know me.
I do know that the left never misses an opportunity to bring up the race card, so I just threw it out there for you to have another excuse.

Now that's sarcasm.
Believing sarcasm as literal isn't sarcasm, it's cluelessness.

Meister is not clueless, just very narrow blindered on the issue.

Apparently, you have no clue on sarcasm, Jake.
Anyone that knows me, knows that I'm not a racist...of coarse you don't know me.
I do know that the left never misses an opportunity to bring up the race card, so I just threw it out there for you to have another excuse.

Now that's sarcasm.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04ijhPxrLps&feature=player_detailpage]‪Shut up, white boy!‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Jake Just shows ya the republican party is now the liberal party, the Teaparty's are the true "conservatives" and the democrats are just malcontents .

So I will ask again.....

Please explain to me how a small, insignificant, unorganized group of unintelligent racists (as the left as well as the democratic party portray them), are able to control domestic economic policy...to a point where you condone the idea of eliminating them from the marketplace

I don't know about eliminating them from the marketplace, but I can offer my opinion on the main part of your question.

I think the TeaParty is made up of middle to lower-class (primarily) people who have bought into the meme that the Republicans have branded themselves with...only to a more extreme extent.

The idea of less government, instead of being seen as one part of a balanced platform, has become the panacea for all ills, despite the fact that the position has been taken to the extreme.

It's such a powerful meme because it has the air of respectability, while cloaking racism for those members who see minorities as welfare freeloaders and the cause of all the ills in our government. Let's look at it from the other side. If it weren't about racism to a certain degree, then the corporate welfare and farm subsidies that are primarily viewed as white (regardless of reality of course - there are whites on welfare and minorities in farming) would be some of the outcries you'd hear. But you don't.

Any group, even small, can have a huge impact on politics in general, at least in controlled bursts. I don't think they're insignificant or unorganized though. Nor do I think that the majority of Tea Partiers are racist. Heck, any group is going to have their share, but I'm of the opinion that the anti-entitlement platform attracts more than usual.
Believing sarcasm as literal isn't sarcasm, it's cluelessness.

Meister is not clueless, just very narrow blindered on the issue.

Apparently, you have no clue on sarcasm, Jake.
Anyone that knows me, knows that I'm not a racist...of coarse you don't know me.
I do know that the left never misses an opportunity to bring up the race card, so I just threw it out there for you to have another excuse. Now that's sarcasm.

You sound as stupid as a socialist or leftist or a Full-Auto. You brought up race in the previous page, not me. If you are not racist, then what a silly statement by you. Your special identity politics of the far, far right is out of step with American history and our future.
Choices have consequences. Think of Bill Clinton.

I see.

If you dont agree with the thinking of someone, do all you can to make their lives miserable.

Why debate when It is more fun to control.

lmao...your post speaks volumes of your integrity.

I have no trouble with my integrity. I do have trouble with poseurs like the Tea Partiers. We have done the same to KKK, and if we had communists, we would do the same to them. Politics is a contact sport, as the Tea Party has shown the last few months, and as they will find out in the next year.

JokeyFakey has no trouble with his integrity because he has no integrity.

How could his integrity trouble him under such circumstances?
Says Mr. No Integrity Liability.

JokeyFakey is in full parrot mode.

But in the meanwhile, there's not one person who believes one word of your claimed membership in the RINO -- err -- the Republican Party.

If the day ever arrives when you care to be honest, I will entertain your spew about "integrity." Until then, you have no credibility as well as no integrity, so your petty words are futile, JokeyFakey.
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The far right retarded silverbacks who call themselves conservatives are the biggest poseurs in this forum. If is isn't far right and as bat crazy as Bachmann and Beck its liberal or RINO. These guys are retarded people. Liabilitards posts towards me are all emotionally, butthurt homoerotic rants and insults, thats the most incoherent poster here.

"I'm as real a woman, as Jake is a Republican"
The far right retarded silverbacks who call themselves conservatives are the biggest poseurs in this forum. If is isn't far right and as bat crazy as Bachmann and Beck its liberal or RINO. These guys are retarded people. Liabilitards posts towards me are all emotionally, butthurt homoerotic rants and insults, thats the most incoherent poster here.

^^ Incoherent Post of the Day
The far right retarded silverbacks who call themselves conservatives are the biggest poseurs in this forum. If is isn't far right and as bat crazy as Bachmann and Beck its liberal or RINO. These guys are retarded people. Liabilitards posts towards me are all emotionally, butthurt homoerotic rants and insults, thats the most incoherent poster here.

^^ Incoherent Post of the Day

I don't think you've made one coherent post in this thread, you and Liabilitard are the retard version of Jake and Elwood.
The far right retarded silverbacks who call themselves conservatives are the biggest poseurs in this forum. If is isn't far right and as bat crazy as Bachmann and Beck its liberal or RINO. These guys are retarded people. Liabilitards posts towards me are all emotionally, butthurt homoerotic rants and insults, thats the most incoherent poster here.

^^ Incoherent Post of the Day

I don't think you've made one coherent post in this thread, you and Liabilitard are the retard version of Jake and Elwood.

That's it? Are you done?
The far right retarded silverbacks who call themselves conservatives are the biggest poseurs in this forum. If is isn't far right and as bat crazy as Bachmann and Beck its liberal or RINO. These guys are retarded people. Liabilitards posts towards me are all emotionally, butthurt homoerotic rants and insults, thats the most incoherent poster here.


The Basshole has gone back to his simian theme.

Poor partially-black wannabe is upset that he can't gull folks into using that cheap-ass rhetoric against him so that he can cry "racism!"

The Basshole remains an Epic fail.

Let us approximate the epic proportions of the Basshole FAIL:

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Being a homophobic racist:


Being a RANTING homophobic racist with fear of his own inner white-man and his own inner homosexual leanings:


The Basshole angrily contending that he is not latent (and note the simian theme):


Holy shit! Liability finally posted a picture of himself.

Well don't that just beat all.

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