Fire every federal bureaucrat/employee caught undermining the administration.

Lets do that

Federal Employees can vote for anyone they wish, they can make political contributions, even post on USMB.

What they can’t do is bring their political views into the workplace, advocate political views or candidates, hire and fire based on political affiliation……That is partisan

That is what Trump wants to end. Only hire and promote those who support his political views…….fascism
He wants people who will work with him and his team to promote the MAGA policies and agenda. Why in the world would he want people who will do everything they think they can get away with to sabotage that?

When I go to work for somebody, there are certain expectations for my my job. One of the biggest expectations is that I do not violate the management's policies and that I help meet the owners/management goals and objectives. If I fail to do that, I expect to be asked to resign to be fired.

When I was the boss/manager/executive I had the same expectations of my employees. Those who couldn't or wouldn't accommodate those expectations were asked to resign or were fired. That applied to the janitor and part time cook as much as it did to my executive staff. And I made sure everybody knew what the goals and objectives and policies were and that their job was important to it..

The Executive/CEO of the country should expect no less. The owners of the country, i.e. the American people, should expect no less.

They weren't required to appreciate or like the policies, goals, objectives. But they were required to help meet them and certainly not get in the way of them.

That is in no way fascism. That is the basic foundation of good management.
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He wants people who will work with him and his team to promote the MAGA policies and agenda. Why in the world would he want people who will do everything they think they can get away with to sabotage that?

When I go to work for somebody, there are certain expectations for my my job. One of the biggest expectations is that I do not violate the management's policies and that I help meet the owners/management goals and objectives. If I fail to do that, I expect to be asked to resign to be fired.

When I was the boss/manager/executive I had the same expectations of my employees. Those who couldn't or wouldn't accommodate those expectations were asked to resign or were fired. That applied to the janitor and part time cook as much as it did to my executive staff. And I made sure everybody knew what the goals and objectives and policies were and that their job was important to it..

The Executive/CEO of the country should expect no less. The owners of the country, i.e. the American people, should expect no less.

They weren't required to appreciate or like the policies, goals, objectives. But they were required to help meet them and certainly not get in the way of them.

That is in no way fascism. That is the basic foundation of good management.

Demanding that everyone in your government is politically loyal to you is fascist.
That is what fascist leaders do
No American President has ever attempted that
And by the way, those trusted employees who leaked sensitive and selective information to the press deserved to be fired on the spot.
Whistleblowers deserve protection.
Someone reporting what Trump has said in private is in the best interests of our country
Loyalty to the country, not to Trump
Whistleblowers deserve protection.
Someone reporting what Trump has said in private is in the best interests of our country
Loyalty to the country, not to Trump
The country elected Trump. That means they expect him to make the rules. Whistleblowers who leak to the press or partisan politicians just looking for something to use to derail a President will not have the best interests of the country at heart 99.9% of the time. They will be furthering partisan political interests to the detriment of the policies, goals, objectives that the people voted for.

An honest whistleblower quietly gets necessary information to somebody in authority who can best deal with it in the best interests of the country. That person or persons can decide if it is in the best interest of the country for the matter to be made known to the public.

The intellectually honest know the difference between a deliberate dishonest smear and proper honest actions taken to correct something that is wrong.
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Too easy.

I told you Trump was incompetent.

Useless opinion is useless.

This is the same shit you used against GWB. He's an incompetent idiotic evil genius running the country like a dictator yet at the same time a puppet for the Cheneys.
Useless opinion is useless.

This is the same shit you used against GWB. He's an incompetent idiotic evil genius running the country like a dictator yet at the same time a puppet for the Cheneys.
Just watching a lot of these people the left is screaming UNQUALIFIED!!!! in their confirmation hearings, I have to re-appreciate Trump's instincts. With a few exceptions his team will not be professional politicians, but all are people with particular interests, intellect and vision for how things should be. And I can't imagine anybody capable of critical thinking or intellectual honesty who cannot appreciate those visions.

Will any of them disappoint us? Just based on the law of averages, one or some no doubt will. But I can't imagine us being as disappointed with as many as we had in his first term with the so-called 'experts' telling him who to appoint. I think he's going to be much wiser and sharper now and less likely to be blindsided now that he has some experience.

But the rank and file government employee is going to have to work for the goals and agenda of the Administration and Congress the people elected. If he/she refuses or tries to sabotage legitimate initiatives or programs or the President/others themselves, he/she should be out.
have to re-appreciate Trump's instincts. With a few exceptions his team will not be professional politicians, but all are people with particular interests, intellect and vision for how things should be.
Trumps “instincts” tend to be superficial
Qualifications and experience have no bearing.
Being on Fox News, a TV host, a WWE executive, sports star is what matters
Name recognition trumps experience

An absolute requirement is support of Trump over country
Trumps “instincts” tend to be superficial
Qualifications and experience have no bearing.
Being on Fox News, a TV host, a WWE executive, sports star is what matters
Name recognition trumps experience

An absolute requirement is support of Trump over country
Have a wonderful day Rightwinger. Maybe it will improve your perspective on what is true and what isn't regarding President Trump and what should be expected of Federal employees sworn to uphold the Constitution and hired to serve the people. And that means they work for whoever the people elect to be their boss.
Have a wonderful day Rightwinger. Maybe it will improve your perspective on what is true and what isn't regarding President Trump and what should be expected of Federal employees sworn to uphold the Constitution and hired to serve the people. And that means they work for whoever the people elect to be their boss.
We will have four years to assess the performance of Trumps selections
Federal Employees will have no problem working for Trump. As long as he follows the law

Don’t you expect federal employees to report when the law is being broken?
We will have four years to assess the performance of Trumps selections
Federal Employees will have no problem working for Trump. As long as he follows the law

Don’t you expect federal employees to report when the law is being broken?
What I am talking about, have been talking about, has nothing to do whatsoever with Trump breaking the law. And you know that, or you must not know what legitimate means.
The President is the head of the Executive Branch...

Federal employees are obliged by law to follow the policies and directives of their superiors...

Ditto for the military...

There is plenty of room within the law for disagreement and freedom of speech...

But there isn't much (if any) room within the law for conspiracy and mission sabotage...

In actuality, The Law ALREADY provides enough of a legal basis for such terminations...

No new law is needed... especially one that would require a Führer Oath of some kind or other slavish manifestations.

If memory serves correctly, the first Trump term saw the passage of law making it easier to fire Federal employees.

That should be enough.
Here is what Trump is having to deal with even before taking office. We saw it played out by FBI personnel et al in his first administration and no doubt it will continue, i.e. federal bureaucrats/employees intentionally undermining and/or sabotaging the President and his agenda.

I want Congress to pass a law mandating that any bureaucrat/employee/appointee who is caught and confirmed in deliberately sabotaging or otherwise interfering with the elected leadership can be immediately fired and will be entitled to no benefits. If sufficiently severe, the person can be indicted and tried for criminal acts.

No President can do his job as effectively with this kind of deep state subversion going on.

Federal employees must be instructed and must agree to work faithfully for the people's choice as their leaders or they must be out.

That of course would not apply to honest whistle blowers who go through proper channels to report any obvious malfeasance going on within the government.

I have seen posted on social media that Mannina was fired over the incident in the link but I have not confirmed that.

Anyone who undermiines that subhuman's plan to destroy our Democracy should be awarded a medal.

Not everone is in your cult & in love with that felon piece of trash.
The President is the head of the Executive Branch...

Federal employees are obliged by law to follow the policies and directives of their superiors...

Ditto for the military...

There is plenty of room within the law for disagreement and freedom of speech...

But there isn't much (if any) room within the law for conspiracy and mission sabotage...

In actuality, The Law ALREADY provides enough of a legal basis for such terminations...

No new law is needed... especially one that would require a Führer Oath of some kind or other slavish manifestations.

If memory serves correctly, the first Trump term saw the passage of law making it easier to fire Federal employees.

That should be enough.
I don't remember any law being passed though that could be in the works for the upcoming Congress. He did issue an executive order in 2020 making it easier to fire a select group of high level federal personnel. I don't know for certain but it's probable that Biden reversed that when he took over.

They need to hit a happy medium in there somewhere to prevent malicious supervisors or department heads or the President himself from firing people purely for political reasons.

But certainly no federal employees who refuse to do their legitimate jobs and/or deliberately undermine or sabotage the President's/Department Head's legitimate agenda should keep their jobs.
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What I am talking about, have been talking about, has nothing to do whatsoever with Trump breaking the law. And you know that, or you must not know what legitimate means.

I doubt any employee will have a problem in following the law.
What pisses Trump off is employees reporting what he says and does behind closed doors.
Presidential tantrums are not protected
I'm hoping that process extends to teachers telling kids that we an inherently racist country or conditions children's sexuality behind the parent's backs.
I doubt any employee will have a problem in following the law.
What pisses Trump off is employees reporting what he says and does behind closed doors.
Presidential tantrums are not protected
So you're the boss and your employee overhears what is intended to be a private conversation, records it, and gives it to the press to advertise to the world. You keep that employee?
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