
Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
62 fires in Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and California. One already covering nearly 700 square miles. And the high pressure just seems stuck. More heat for another 5 days, at least, and some dry lightning storms predicted for the South Cascades.
62 fires in Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and California. One already covering nearly 700 square miles. And the high pressure just seems stuck. More heat for another 5 days, at least, and some dry lightning storms predicted for the South Cascades.

Just as predicted by climate scientists over two decades ago.

Here's a somewhat more recent but very accurate prediction of what is happening now from nine years ago.

Early Warning Signs of Global Warming: Droughts and Fires
Union of Concerned Scientists
Nov 10, 2003

Warmer global temperatures are expected to cause an intensification of the hydrologic cycle, with increased evaporation over both land and water. The higher evaporation rates will lead to greater drying of soils and vegetation, especially during the warm season. Climate models also project changes in the distribution and timing of rainfall. The combination of a decrease in summer rainfall and increased evaporation will lead to more severe and longer-lasting droughts in some areas. Increasing drought frequency has the potential to affect land-based natural and managed ecosystems, coastal systems, and both freshwater quality and quantity. Increasing drought frequency also has the potential to increase the likelihood of wildfires.

And here's something especially for the denier cult retards who like to smear an eminent and much honored climate scientist, Dr.James Hansen, and claim that climate science predictions from the 1980's were false. LOL. The only 'false-ness' in those predictions is that they were largely underestimating how fast climate change would happen and how bad things would get by now.

Droughts show global warming is 'scientific fact'
NASA researcher's study 'reframes the question,' UVic professor says

The Associated Press
Posted: Aug 4, 2012

In a landmark 1988 study, Hansen predicted that if greenhouse gas emissions continue, which they have, Washington, D.C., would have about nine days each year of 35 C or warmer in the decade of the 2010s. So far this year, with about four more weeks of summer, the city has had 23 days with the temperature reaching at least 35 C.
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Holy crap -- you folks are off the deep end.. And this is BECAUSE???

Name me the physical parameter(s) and their anomalies that have ALREADY screwed the pooch this early in the game.


I'm kinda imaging the underrumblings on the Nina Pinta and Santa Maria when Columbus wanted to push on.. "Georgio spotted a giant blue spotted squid" -- this is the Edge of the Earth for sure Luigi" "Last night in hammock as I was starting to dream of Corsica, I heard the great rumblings of a waterfall".
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Holy crap -- you folks are off the deep end.. And this is BECAUSE???

Name me the physical parameter(s) and their anomalies that have ALREADY screwed the pooch this early in the game.


I'm kinda imaging the underrumblings on the Nina Pinta and Santa Maria when Columbus wanted to push on.. "Georgio spotted a giant blue spotted squid" -- this is the Edge of the Earth for sure Luigi" "Last night in hammock as I was starting to dream of Corsica, I heard the great rumblings of a waterfall".

Oh, don't waste your time on crap like this. This is just more fantasizing by the know nothing crowd who can't even tie their shoes without help.

Just let them blather on. No one is paying them any attention any more.
Here in Florida, after months of drought, two JUNE TSs, and rain almost everyday in NE Florida, still flooding in Suwaneee, Columbia, Dixie, etc.

"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy." -- IPCC

The fires are a chance to redistribute wealth
Forest fires.........a new phenomenon on the American landscape!!!:eusa_dance:
And human intervention is far more damaging than "Old School".
Back in the day, these annual events took care of the underbrush and over-abundance of "bad" insects.
Now ? THEY need a movie ! Un managed forest fires have been a natural phenomenon for all of history.Not usually a problem./per se.
NOW ? No money in that. :cuckoo:Call in da troops !!!
NEVER waste a good crisis!
Just so we're clear on this -- most ALL those fires have known causes.. A construction crew, An ATV, and lots of Bolts of Lightning from the gods..

Wildfires blaze across West, threaten Idaho communities | Reuters

The Trinity Ridge fire that threatens Featherville and Pine erupted after a utility terrain vehicle caught fire on August 3. Strong winds sent flames racing across parched grasslands and sagebrush and into tinder-dry pine forests, federal fire information officer Brandon Hampton

In San Diego County, five lightning-sparked fires blackened more than 9,000 acres in and around Anza-Borrego Desert State Park said.

Since Sunday, California's biggest fire, ignited by lightning, had burned nearly 100,000 acres (40,468 acres) on Bureau of Land Management property in Northern California's Lassen County and threatened a major natural gas line and transfer station and power transmission lines that supply the Reno area, said Deb Schweizer, a fire information officer.

Another lightning-sparked fire has burned 24,000 acres of park and forest land in Lassen Volcanic National Park since late July, forcing the closing of a highway and campgrounds and threatening 148 homes and 50 commercial properties, said Jay Nichols, spokesman for the California Interagency Incident Command Team.

In Washington state, firefighters battling the destructive 28,000-acre (11,331-hectare) Taylor Bridge Fire between the northwest towns of Cle Elum and Ellensburg were aided by a shift in winds and able to contain 25 percent of the blaze by Wednesday morning.

Incident commander Rex Reed said Wednesday marked "a good day" for firefighters working against a blaze that has already gutted 60 homes and a number of other structures since it erupted on Monday afternoon at a construction site near Cle Elum, about 70 miles southeast of Seattle.

So there it is --- it's nature destroying itself... Some blue-green globe needs PROZAC!!!
Just so we're clear on this -- most ALL those fires have known causes.. A construction crew, An ATV, and lots of Bolts of Lightning from the gods..

Wildfires blaze across West, threaten Idaho communities | Reuters

The Trinity Ridge fire that threatens Featherville and Pine erupted after a utility terrain vehicle caught fire on August 3. Strong winds sent flames racing across parched grasslands and sagebrush and into tinder-dry pine forests, federal fire information officer Brandon Hampton

In San Diego County, five lightning-sparked fires blackened more than 9,000 acres in and around Anza-Borrego Desert State Park said.

Since Sunday, California's biggest fire, ignited by lightning, had burned nearly 100,000 acres (40,468 acres) on Bureau of Land Management property in Northern California's Lassen County and threatened a major natural gas line and transfer station and power transmission lines that supply the Reno area, said Deb Schweizer, a fire information officer.

Another lightning-sparked fire has burned 24,000 acres of park and forest land in Lassen Volcanic National Park since late July, forcing the closing of a highway and campgrounds and threatening 148 homes and 50 commercial properties, said Jay Nichols, spokesman for the California Interagency Incident Command Team.

In Washington state, firefighters battling the destructive 28,000-acre (11,331-hectare) Taylor Bridge Fire between the northwest towns of Cle Elum and Ellensburg were aided by a shift in winds and able to contain 25 percent of the blaze by Wednesday morning.

Incident commander Rex Reed said Wednesday marked "a good day" for firefighters working against a blaze that has already gutted 60 homes and a number of other structures since it erupted on Monday afternoon at a construction site near Cle Elum, about 70 miles southeast of Seattle.

So there it is --- it's nature destroying itself... Some blue-green globe needs PROZAC!!!

Just so we're clear on this -- most ALL those fires have known causes.. A construction crew, An ATV, and lots of Bolts of Lightning from the gods, Manns tree rings and manmade global warming.

There, AGW reviewed
Holy crap -- you folks are off the deep end.. And this is BECAUSE???

Name me the physical parameter(s) and their anomalies that have ALREADY screwed the pooch this early in the game.


I'm kinda imaging the underrumblings on the Nina Pinta and Santa Maria when Columbus wanted to push on.. "Georgio spotted a giant blue spotted squid" -- this is the Edge of the Earth for sure Luigi" "Last night in hammock as I was starting to dream of Corsica, I heard the great rumblings of a waterfall".

Dumb fuck, you have already been shown.

[ame=]Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube[/ame]
Here in Florida, after months of drought, two JUNE TSs, and rain almost everyday in NE Florida, still flooding in Suwaneee, Columbia, Dixie, etc.

One of the primary predictions of global warming is that the weather swings will be wider and wilder, with an overall warming. And this scientist explains the why of that very well;

[ame=]Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube[/ame]

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