First hand danger of illegal aliens


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
So yesterday went to pick up my 6 year old from school and I am literally SITTING in the pickup line and went to smoke a cigarette and out of no where BAM! Illegal female in a newer Nissan Altima SLAMS in to my truck. I start cussing and tried getting out of the truck before realizing my back was hurt and my neck and shoulder. Cops come take report etc,I take daughter home and then go to hospital and they say it strained my back and neck pretty badly and gave me some pain pills etc...Thank god I didn't have my wife and 3 year old with me or the 6 year old because I would have lost it. I seriously can't comprehend how you hit someone who is STOPPED in a school pickup line and from the card in her window she picks her kid up every day so she knows how this works! AT MOST we get up to 3-5 mph while inching forward she hit me doing 25-30,enough to destroy the front of her new car and the disturbing thing was when I got a picture of it was she had a tag from a local body shop on the front so she has ALREADY had a wreck in the car! We can all thank democrats and RINO'S for the wrecked vehicles,broken and mangled bodies and dead left in the wake of the illegal invasion of America. Fortunately for me she actually had insurance and I am assuming full coverage since it was a newer car and since it bent my bumper and dented it pretty badly I will be getting it totaled since its an 2002 and not worth her insurance company paying to fix it. So I will be getting a newer vehicle! Certainly not worth the invasion of illegals though....
So yesterday went to pick up my 6 year old from school and I am literally SITTING in the pickup line and went to smoke a cigarette and out of no where BAM! Illegal female in a newer Nissan Altima SLAMS in to my truck. I start cussing and tried getting out of the truck before realizing my back was hurt and my neck and shoulder. Cops come take report etc,I take daughter home and then go to hospital and they say it strained my back and neck pretty badly and gave me some pain pills etc...Thank god I didn't have my wife and 3 year old with me or the 6 year old because I would have lost it. I seriously can't comprehend how you hit someone who is STOPPED in a school pickup line and from the card in her window she picks her kid up every day so she knows how this works! AT MOST we get up to 3-5 mph while inching forward she hit me doing 25-30,enough to destroy the front of her new car and the disturbing thing was when I got a picture of it was she had a tag from a local body shop on the front so she has ALREADY had a wreck in the car! We can all thank democrats and RINO'S for the wrecked vehicles,broken and mangled bodies and dead left in the wake of the illegal invasion of America. Fortunately for me she actually had insurance and I am assuming full coverage since it was a newer car and since it bent my bumper and dented it pretty badly I will be getting it totaled since its an 2002 and not worth her insurance company paying to fix it. So I will be getting a newer vehicle! Certainly not worth the invasion of illegals though....
How on earth do you know her immigration status? That she has a license and insurance speaks against that, and there would be no reason to check.
So yesterday went to pick up my 6 year old from school and I am literally SITTING in the pickup line and went to smoke a cigarette and out of no where BAM! Illegal female in a newer Nissan Altima SLAMS in to my truck. I start cussing and tried getting out of the truck before realizing my back was hurt and my neck and shoulder. Cops come take report etc,I take daughter home and then go to hospital and they say it strained my back and neck pretty badly and gave me some pain pills etc...Thank god I didn't have my wife and 3 year old with me or the 6 year old because I would have lost it. I seriously can't comprehend how you hit someone who is STOPPED in a school pickup line and from the card in her window she picks her kid up every day so she knows how this works! AT MOST we get up to 3-5 mph while inching forward she hit me doing 25-30,enough to destroy the front of her new car and the disturbing thing was when I got a picture of it was she had a tag from a local body shop on the front so she has ALREADY had a wreck in the car! We can all thank democrats and RINO'S for the wrecked vehicles,broken and mangled bodies and dead left in the wake of the illegal invasion of America. Fortunately for me she actually had insurance and I am assuming full coverage since it was a newer car and since it bent my bumper and dented it pretty badly I will be getting it totaled since its an 2002 and not worth her insurance company paying to fix it. So I will be getting a newer vehicle! Certainly not worth the invasion of illegals though....
How on earth do you know her immigration status? That she has a license and insurance speaks against that, and there would be no reason to check.
Illegal or child of an illegal she spoke good English simple fact is SHE DOESN'T BELONG HERE nor do her anchor babies. Oh there would be EVERY reason to check. DEPORT HER ASS! The ONLY nonwhites here are illegals sponsored by the damn Catholic church...disgusting scum.
Was she drunk?
I didn't smell any on her breath.
So yesterday went to pick up my 6 year old from school and I am literally SITTING in the pickup line and went to smoke a cigarette and out of no where BAM! Illegal female in a newer Nissan Altima SLAMS in to my truck. I start cussing and tried getting out of the truck before realizing my back was hurt and my neck and shoulder. Cops come take report etc,I take daughter home and then go to hospital and they say it strained my back and neck pretty badly and gave me some pain pills etc...Thank god I didn't have my wife and 3 year old with me or the 6 year old because I would have lost it. I seriously can't comprehend how you hit someone who is STOPPED in a school pickup line and from the card in her window she picks her kid up every day so she knows how this works! AT MOST we get up to 3-5 mph while inching forward she hit me doing 25-30,enough to destroy the front of her new car and the disturbing thing was when I got a picture of it was she had a tag from a local body shop on the front so she has ALREADY had a wreck in the car! We can all thank democrats and RINO'S for the wrecked vehicles,broken and mangled bodies and dead left in the wake of the illegal invasion of America. Fortunately for me she actually had insurance and I am assuming full coverage since it was a newer car and since it bent my bumper and dented it pretty badly I will be getting it totaled since its an 2002 and not worth her insurance company paying to fix it. So I will be getting a newer vehicle! Certainly not worth the invasion of illegals though....

In Charlotte, I can't count the times illegal and even legal aliens get on the beltway or interstate going the wrong way and kill innocent people. And it seems that they never get killed.
So yesterday went to pick up my 6 year old from school and I am literally SITTING in the pickup line and went to smoke a cigarette and out of no where BAM! Illegal female in a newer Nissan Altima SLAMS in to my truck. I start cussing and tried getting out of the truck before realizing my back was hurt and my neck and shoulder. Cops come take report etc,I take daughter home and then go to hospital and they say it strained my back and neck pretty badly and gave me some pain pills etc...Thank god I didn't have my wife and 3 year old with me or the 6 year old because I would have lost it. I seriously can't comprehend how you hit someone who is STOPPED in a school pickup line and from the card in her window she picks her kid up every day so she knows how this works! AT MOST we get up to 3-5 mph while inching forward she hit me doing 25-30,enough to destroy the front of her new car and the disturbing thing was when I got a picture of it was she had a tag from a local body shop on the front so she has ALREADY had a wreck in the car! We can all thank democrats and RINO'S for the wrecked vehicles,broken and mangled bodies and dead left in the wake of the illegal invasion of America. Fortunately for me she actually had insurance and I am assuming full coverage since it was a newer car and since it bent my bumper and dented it pretty badly I will be getting it totaled since its an 2002 and not worth her insurance company paying to fix it. So I will be getting a newer vehicle! Certainly not worth the invasion of illegals though....
Word of advise, you might be hurt more then you think. These type of injurys come back in old age to really mess up the retirement years. Just something to think about. I just returned from the Docs office over almost the same type of incident.
So yesterday went to pick up my 6 year old from school and I am literally SITTING in the pickup line and went to smoke a cigarette and out of no where BAM! Illegal female in a newer Nissan Altima SLAMS in to my truck. I start cussing and tried getting out of the truck before realizing my back was hurt and my neck and shoulder. Cops come take report etc,I take daughter home and then go to hospital and they say it strained my back and neck pretty badly and gave me some pain pills etc...Thank god I didn't have my wife and 3 year old with me or the 6 year old because I would have lost it. I seriously can't comprehend how you hit someone who is STOPPED in a school pickup line and from the card in her window she picks her kid up every day so she knows how this works! AT MOST we get up to 3-5 mph while inching forward she hit me doing 25-30,enough to destroy the front of her new car and the disturbing thing was when I got a picture of it was she had a tag from a local body shop on the front so she has ALREADY had a wreck in the car! We can all thank democrats and RINO'S for the wrecked vehicles,broken and mangled bodies and dead left in the wake of the illegal invasion of America. Fortunately for me she actually had insurance and I am assuming full coverage since it was a newer car and since it bent my bumper and dented it pretty badly I will be getting it totaled since its an 2002 and not worth her insurance company paying to fix it. So I will be getting a newer vehicle! Certainly not worth the invasion of illegals though....
How on earth do you know her immigration status? That she has a license and insurance speaks against that, and there would be no reason to check.
Illegal or child of an illegal she spoke good English simple fact is SHE DOESN'T BELONG HERE nor do her anchor babies. Oh there would be EVERY reason to check. DEPORT HER ASS! The ONLY nonwhites here are illegals sponsored by the damn Catholic church...disgusting scum.
Was she drunk?
I didn't smell any on her breath.
Ok, claiming that the Catholic Church was solely responsible for the slave trade, and has sponsored all non-white Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs etc is wow. You just made Flat Earth theory sound reasonable.
So yesterday went to pick up my 6 year old from school and I am literally SITTING in the pickup line and went to smoke a cigarette and out of no where BAM! Illegal female in a newer Nissan Altima SLAMS in to my truck. I start cussing and tried getting out of the truck before realizing my back was hurt and my neck and shoulder. Cops come take report etc,I take daughter home and then go to hospital and they say it strained my back and neck pretty badly and gave me some pain pills etc...Thank god I didn't have my wife and 3 year old with me or the 6 year old because I would have lost it. I seriously can't comprehend how you hit someone who is STOPPED in a school pickup line and from the card in her window she picks her kid up every day so she knows how this works! AT MOST we get up to 3-5 mph while inching forward she hit me doing 25-30,enough to destroy the front of her new car and the disturbing thing was when I got a picture of it was she had a tag from a local body shop on the front so she has ALREADY had a wreck in the car! We can all thank democrats and RINO'S for the wrecked vehicles,broken and mangled bodies and dead left in the wake of the illegal invasion of America. Fortunately for me she actually had insurance and I am assuming full coverage since it was a newer car and since it bent my bumper and dented it pretty badly I will be getting it totaled since its an 2002 and not worth her insurance company paying to fix it. So I will be getting a newer vehicle! Certainly not worth the invasion of illegals though....
Word of advise, you might be hurt more then you think. These type of injurys come back in old age to really mess up the retirement years. Just something to think about. I just returned from the Docs office over almost the same type of incident.

I hope I am fine...back is sore still but went to hospital but doctor didn't even want to do xray or anything...if I get worse I will sue for sure.

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