Johnson First Intro of Johnson/Weld to the public by CNN..


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
CNN gave one hour to introduce Johnson and Weld to the public in a Town Hall that featured questions from the audience.
This one hour show is available on podcast at the link below.. You might just click it on while pounding your USUAL Rep and Dem opponents on the size of hands, or email troubles or the latest cute names that the candidates come up with for one another. Might actually remind you of the myriad of CRITICAL issues that need to be addressed in this country -- or keep coasting to mediocrity and irrelevance in the world..

Libertarian town hall: 5 takeaways -

Happy to be the spoiler
The Libertarians made clear that they're well aware of the challenges they face in winning the election as a third party in a country where Republicans and Democrats have dominated for more than a century. But if spoiling the election for Clinton or Trump by taking away votes is a concession prize, they'll take it.
"I'd feel just fine" if Libertarians acted as a spoiler in the election, Johnson said. "I believe that the two-party system is a two-party dinosaur and that they're about to come in contact with the comet here. I think that's a real possibility."

Johnson doesn't go 'full libertarian' on drugs
Unlike Ron Paul, who made a case for legalizing all drugs when he ran for the Republican nomination in 2012, Johnson said Wednesday he is against loosening drug laws beyond marijuana.
"We are not espousing the legalization of any drugs outside of marijuana," Johnson said when asked about his drug policies by a mother who said her son was a recovering drug addict.
Johnson advocated for harm reduction programs around the world that provide clean needles and supervised injection sites, but stopped short of advocating for the legalization of drugs.

Johnson isn't looking for new gun controls
A survivor of the terrorist attack at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, asked the candidates about their position on guns. Instead of calling for loosening regulations on gun ownership, Johnson defended current laws barring certain types of weapons.
"I don't think our position would be to make it easier" to obtain guns, Johnson said. "We're not looking to roll back anything."
He went on to defend laws that have long banned automatic weapons, but suggested he would not support banning semi-automatic rifles.
Johnson was critical of efforts among Democrats and even some Republicans to keep firearms away from Americans suspected of crimes on the "terror list" or "no-fly list."
"All of these government lists are subject to error," Johnson said.
Johnson and Weld said they would be open to discussions about how to better keep firearms out of the hands of the "mentally ill" and "potential terrorists," and proposed an FBI task force to investigate ISIS supporters as though it were "organized crime."

Weld as attack dog
Johnson abstained when given the chance to personally knock Trump and Clinton.
"I don't think either of us are going to engage in any sort of name-calling," Johnson said. "We're going to keep this to the issues, and the issues are plenty." (Indeed, Johnson was critical of Trump's immigration plan and other issues.)
When asked about President Barack Obama, Johnson called him "a good guy." He said Clinton was "a wonderful public servant." And Trump? "I'm sure there's something good to say about Donald somewhere."
Not so much for Weld, who called Trump a "huckster" and repeated a comparison he had made previously between Trump's immigration plan and Nazi Germany.

Abolish the IRS? Well...
When party tickets have a policy disagreement, they traditionally find a way to keep it to themselves. But in at least one instance--on a key policy position--Johnson and Weld don't see eye to eye.
Johnson supports a broad-based consumption tax, essentially a levy on goods and services, to replace the federal income tax, which he said would allow him to abolish the Internal Revenue Service as President. But Weld wouldn't quite go that far.
"I don't think we need to go as far as to abolish the IRS," Weld said.
The statement prompted Johnson to defend his position, launching a micro-debate among the running mates.
"If you did away with the IRS, 80% of lobbyists would go away, because they're there to garner special tax favors," Johnson said.

I've summarize the summary for copyright. So at least glance over the full "condensed" report from CNN.
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Here is my question to you and it is how do you get the sheep to think about voting outside the two party system?

I have seen many replies to me that I am always wasting my vote because I will not vote for Trump or Clinton and will vote for Johnson, and it make me realize so many people just not on here but across this nation seem to believe that voting for the third party candidate is a wasted vote.
Johnson is wrong in so many ways on his de facto endorsement of a VAT. but I will pick just one.

The US is the largest importer of used but usable capital equipment because of no VAT and it is the main driver of productivity in this country.
Johnson is wrong in so many ways on his de facto endorsement of a VAT. but I will pick just one.

The US is the largest importer of used but usable capital equipment because of no VAT and it is the main driver of productivity in this country.

There are actually 3 proposals in the US that would replace the income tax as the primary source of Federal revenue. There is the "fair tax" which IS a consumption tax but doesn't have the Cumulative effect of a true VAT, the flat tax with is a couple FIXED brackets with no deductions, and there is the "X tax" which is kinda a hybrid of the two. .

I don't think Johnson's endorsement of a "consumption tax" is set in stone. It STILL requires extensive collection and accounting and excuses corporations from contributions. I PREFER a flat tax which would still be on the table and enable simple Adjustments between corporate and private contributions and almost BRAINLESS filing at the end of every year.
Here is my question to you and it is how do you get the sheep to think about voting outside the two party system?

I have seen many replies to me that I am always wasting my vote because I will not vote for Trump or Clinton and will vote for Johnson, and it make me realize so many people just not on here but across this nation seem to believe that voting for the third party candidate is a wasted vote.

How do supermarkets get consumers to choose their house brand rather then the Name Brand? Largest motivator is CHOICE. We are pro-choice on damn near everything. If you can get great governance at a lower cost, and avoid all the commercials and slick marketing -- why not?

Seriously -- It's a matter of national survival. These parties are disenfranchising voters in MANY ways.

1) The parties virtually RUN the Congress. Nothing happens without the 4 party bosses deciding on POLITICAL strategy over performance. Even a MINOR presence of 3rd party un-muzzled candidates will serve to inform the voters about all the "inside baseball" bullshit like gerrymandering, leaving party members stranded by deciding NOT to run party candidates in losing districts,, etc. What is MORE wasted than have to YOUR PARTY decide not to provide a candidate in a losing district? OR mess with super-delegates that have 10,000 more votes than you do?

2) The politicians THEMSELVES are really now disposable. If they DON'T toe the party line, they will find themselves working out of a Capitol Hill broom closet. Or LOSING committee seats. OR being "primaried out" in their next election cycle. This chilling effect on their effectiveness to represent their constituents is a clear danger to our Republic.

3) Voting for the lesser of the evils is how we GOT to this rotten choice in the 1st place. It's REWARDING the parties for manipulating voters into voting for POWER and not PRINCIPLE. It's WHY both the DNC and RNC are experiencing SERIOUS internal divisions this cycle. Because even INTRA-party debate is being controlled and muzzled.

If voters continue to REWARD these 2 ever increasingly powerful special interest corporations -- the slide into the mud and the circus like elections will continue. This year is different. Listen to 2 moderate governors who have BATTLED the Federal govt on many fronts in these podcasts. There are ideas, proposals and fresh debate in everything they touch on.. This is a good thing. And it make contact with the voters this time around.. .
flacaltenn Do you support him??

I have not really seen anything so far about him that has my interest. Plus I am conservative on many social issues, and Libertarians are not - - at least to my knowledge.

Plus it bothers me that he is an admitted pothead.
This treat good.

I am votes on Johnson or Trump as well.

A male president I want.
Johnson is about the most sane person running that has any limelight. However, his stances on immigration are worry-some.
He wants trucks to pass each other on the border at 50MPH?
Johnson is about the most sane person running that has any limelight. However, his stances on immigration are worry-some.
He wants trucks to pass each other on the border at 50MPH?

As a nation, we are either xenophobic or not.. There is a Constitutional duty to have borders and immigration controls. Largely for crime, disease, orderly naturalization. Sure -- we'd like to see much more generous immigration that is NOT tied to the "story of the day".

But the other side of the coin is --- we would work to eliminate all the "free stuff" that attracts the wrong segment of immigrants. Never catch Johnson promising Central Amer parents that if their kids can survive the "death train" thru Mexico --- we will shower them with success and feed and house them.. THOSE kinds of "free stuff"..

The 50mph deal is a Libertarian "utopian" concept. Not a working policy. It can be done in a EU, but not in the N. Amer. equivalent at the moment..
I doubt corporations will like loosing their tax deductions...

No, they won't. That's one of the reasons Libertarians have been marginalized by the press and vested interests in DC. We're the only party that actually opposes corporate welfare.
flacaltenn Do you support him??

I have not really seen anything so far about him that has my interest. Plus I am conservative on many social issues, and Libertarians are not - - at least to my knowledge.

Plus it bothers me that he is an admitted pothead.

My political life has been in 3rd party ballot access for the past 25 yrs. And I am a member of the Lib Party. I've refused to vote for some of our whackier Prez choices, but worked and voted for him in 2012..

This "pothead" is a mountain climbing, tri-athelete. He does not abuse his body and is an example for RESPONSIBLE marijuana use. The party's interest has always been in dismantling the harm from a Drug "War" and prison reform and asset forfeiture issues that go with the "war". Would prefer a system that doesn't stuff our prisons with non-violent offenders but builds a medical, public health network to handle drug use that actually works. In the CNN Town Hall I posted -- Johnson makes clear -- he does not advocate making any other banned substances legal.

As for the social issues -- the LParty chose an openly gay man as it's FIRST Prez candidate back in the 70s. That's the kinda of "advocacy" we prefer. Did not choose the guy BECAUSE he was gay. Never asked for credit.. So we've been called "faggot lovers" and potheads for DECADES because we HAVE been ahead on social issues.

The government should never insert itself into FORCING these issues. For instance -- the bathroom dustup is an issue for the med/psych professionals to determine. Not for grandstanding politicians to determine which bathroom anyone uses. And "self-declaration" as a member of a protected class is a stupid thing to do if you're gonna create a protection by law. That simply does not work..
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Here is my question to you and it is how do you get the sheep to think about voting outside the two party system?

I have seen many replies to me that I am always wasting my vote because I will not vote for Trump or Clinton and will vote for Johnson, and it make me realize so many people just not on here but across this nation seem to believe that voting for the third party candidate is a wasted vote.

any thinking american understands voting IS a complete waste of time the facts voting machines are rigged and whoever the establishment wants in,they make sure is their next willing puppet willing to do their bidding.

It would not matter if every american went out and voted for Johnson in the last election,the establishment would have fixed the election as they did so that Obama got relected same as they always fix elections.

the sheep in american are ignorant to this because they have been brainwashed by our corrupt schools into thinking their vote counts.

If our government and schools were not corrupt,they would these two books as required reading in their history classes . VOTESCAM and RIGGED.
flacaltenn Do you support him??

I have not really seen anything so far about him that has my interest. Plus I am conservative on many social issues, and Libertarians are not - - at least to my knowledge.

Plus it bothers me that he is an admitted pothead.
smoking weed and being someone like a drug pusher are two different things entirely.I have friends that smoke pot but they are are good people so that part means nothing to me.Doesnt make them a bad person cause they did that at one time.

Johnson believes in the constitution and has similiar views same as ron paul.In a PERFECT world,the two finalists for POTUS in the last election would have been paul vs johnson.

I can only dream though of that. I would take Johnson over trump because i KNOW he believes in the constitution and honering it,something no president since reagan has.

Trump we dont really know if he believes in it or not.
Here is my question to you and it is how do you get the sheep to think about voting outside the two party system?

I have seen many replies to me that I am always wasting my vote because I will not vote for Trump or Clinton and will vote for Johnson, and it make me realize so many people just not on here but across this nation seem to believe that voting for the third party candidate is a wasted vote.

I came to the conclusion a long time ago most people are stupid
Here is my question to you and it is how do you get the sheep to think about voting outside the two party system?

I have seen many replies to me that I am always wasting my vote because I will not vote for Trump or Clinton and will vote for Johnson, and it make me realize so many people just not on here but across this nation seem to believe that voting for the third party candidate is a wasted vote.

I came to the conclusion a long time ago most people are stupid
Here is my question to you and it is how do you get the sheep to think about voting outside the two party system?

I have seen many replies to me that I am always wasting my vote because I will not vote for Trump or Clinton and will vote for Johnson, and it make me realize so many people just not on here but across this nation seem to believe that voting for the third party candidate is a wasted vote.

I came to the conclusion a long time ago most people are stupid

More like educational malpractice by our socialized schools:

The drought/dustbowl 1930-9 accounts for more than 100% of the non-financial economic effects of the great depression. Just veg out watching any of the many series on the subject and use a calculator to guesstimate the damage plus knock on effects. But that ain't what is taught even in doctorate courses on economics.

Increasing returns have been around at least since Savary started marketing primitive steam engines in the 1690s but that is still a forbidden function in economics.

This is true of all areas of knowledge of known falsehoods being taught becayse it is easier to grind out diplomas that way..
a long time ago most people are stupid

Christ and God are stupidfy with me from distance them eating through but they can't changes place me because they wouldn't will but they are crazy when I eat food they will eat the same food and them two are history soon.

Lord will punish booth two Gods.

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