First Lady Claims Obama Created ‘Huge Recovery’


Aug 31, 2009
Omaha, Nebraska
During an interview last Friday with a Washington-based hip-hop radio station, First Lady Michelle Obama claimed that her husband’s policies are directly responsible for the “huge recovery” the U.S. is currently enjoying.

“Mrs. Obama, you know what, in your words, tell us what you think the state of the union is in right now?” asked radio host Pablo Sato.

“I mean, we are seeing right now that we are in the midst of a huge recovery. Right? Because of what this president has done,” the First Lady responded.

First Lady Michelle Obama Credits President Obama for the ‘Huge Recovery’ The U.S. is Enjoying |

Huge recovery...she must think you hip hop kids are pathetically stupid.
She should talk to Joe Biden. He admitted the middle class has been buried in the last four years.

This is a direct result of Maobama telling her how big he is, so comparatively this anemic recovery is huge.

Who can blame her ?

She's caught in the middle.

She loves her hubby and they seem to have a great family.

I am afraid that she is somewhat blinded.

I'll cut her some slack (or I could go all mean on her...but I won't).
Huge recovery????

obama is responsible for the dramatic drop in Chicago's street crime.
During an interview last Friday with a Washington-based hip-hop radio station, First Lady Michelle Obama claimed that her husband’s policies are directly responsible for the “huge recovery” the U.S. is currently enjoying.

“Mrs. Obama, you know what, in your words, tell us what you think the state of the union is in right now?” asked radio host Pablo Sato.

“I mean, we are seeing right now that we are in the midst of a huge recovery. Right? Because of what this president has done,” the First Lady responded.

First Lady Michelle Obama Credits President Obama for the ‘Huge Recovery’ The U.S. is Enjoying |

Huge recovery...she must think you hip hop kids are pathetically stupid.

She has a new house, and all her friends are doing better. Reminds me of Marie Antoinette.
Stopped a Depression
3.5 million jobs
saved Auto Companies and Banks
Doubled the Stock Market

What have Republicans done for us?
During an interview last Friday with a Washington-based hip-hop radio station, First Lady Michelle Obama claimed that her husband’s policies are directly responsible for the “huge recovery” the U.S. is currently enjoying.

“Mrs. Obama, you know what, in your words, tell us what you think the state of the union is in right now?” asked radio host Pablo Sato.

“I mean, we are seeing right now that we are in the midst of a huge recovery. Right? Because of what this president has done,” the First Lady responded.

First Lady Michelle Obama Credits President Obama for the ‘Huge Recovery’ The U.S. is Enjoying |

Huge recovery...she must think you hip hop kids are pathetically stupid.

“I mean, we are seeing right now that we are in the midst of a huge recovery. Right?

This is just too friggin funny....

When she said huge she had something else on her mind I'm guessing...

We are in the worst recovery after a recession in our country's history I believe....
Stopped a Depression
3.5 million jobs
saved Auto Companies and Banks
Doubled the Stock Market

What have Republicans done for us?


December 18, 2008: President Bush announced that an "orderly" bankruptcy was one option being considered for both General Motors and Cerberus-owned Chrysler LLC. Sources said that setting up this type of "orderly" bankruptcy would be complicated because it would not only involve talks with the automakers, but also the unions and other stakeholders would have to be involved.
December 19, 2008: President Bush approved a bailout plan and gave General Motors and Chrysler $13.4 billion in financing from TARP (Troubled Assets Relief Program) funds, as well as $4 billion to be "withdrawn later."

And this:
President George W. Bush signed the bill into law within hours of its congressional enactment, creating the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to purchase failing bank assets.

All Obama did is take credit for what the Congress and George Bush left him.
Bush stopped the hemorrhaging and Obama was there to put the band aid on during patients follow up visits...
Stopped a Depression
3.5 million jobs
saved Auto Companies and Banks
Doubled the Stock Market

What have Republicans done for us?

Obama recovery.

Stopped a Depression
3.5 million jobs
saved Auto Companies and Banks
Doubled the Stock Market

What have Republicans done for us?


December 18, 2008: President Bush announced that an "orderly" bankruptcy was one option being considered for both General Motors and Cerberus-owned Chrysler LLC. Sources said that setting up this type of "orderly" bankruptcy would be complicated because it would not only involve talks with the automakers, but also the unions and other stakeholders would have to be involved.
December 19, 2008: President Bush approved a bailout plan and gave General Motors and Chrysler $13.4 billion in financing from TARP (Troubled Assets Relief Program) funds, as well as $4 billion to be "withdrawn later."

And this:
President George W. Bush signed the bill into law within hours of its congressional enactment, creating the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to purchase failing bank assets.

All Obama did is take credit for what the Congress and George Bush left him.

Strangely, Bush did send hundreds of billions to the auto companies and banks. What happened?

They were back asking for more a few months later


Because Bush gave away money as gifts...Obama insisted on corporate restructuring and stock
Bush stopped the hemorrhaging and Obama was there to put the band aid on during patients follow up visits...

If Bush "Stopped the hemorrhaging"...

Why did the Stock Market continue to drop 2000 points?
Why did we continue to lose 700,000 jobs a month
Why did the banks and auto companies still border on collapse?
Why did we continue to have negative GDP?
Seen the stock market performance lately? Shows confidence. Unemployment down. Stores planning on hiring more for Xmas. Republicans have nothing to sell but fear. And they're really afraid that things are getting better.

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