Why Michelle Would Be A Worse POTUS Than Hillary

Some people are just not that bright.
If Michele Obama was elected, she would not run the country. Barack would.

People (LOTS OF THEM) would die for the chance to have Obama in charge again.
Yes, they are THAT stupid.
Hillary is a liar, a phony and a crook. Michelle is a liar, a phony, a crook and a racist. That makes Hillary a little better, but damn, I'd hate to have to choose between those two phonies. MAGA

Michelle Obama isn't running for office.
You should have Twilight Zone music playing in the background of your dumb remarks. Your conspiracy theories need something new.
Not much room to talk, the Democrats and Republicans have both decided to run two 80 plus year olds with cognitive issues, how stupid is that! The parties care only about power, not the American people. It is embarrassing how we let these two rich white good ole boys into power.
Amusing how you seem to think either of those women would actually consider entering the fray. Where do you come up with all that goofy shit?
I answered the threads title, or don't you read too well?
MAGA hates the Obamas, even though they have nothing to do with the coming election. Dragging them into the discussion is nothing more than giving the cult crazies something more to be riled up about. The election will come and go without any effect by the Obamas. That doesn't matter. The crazies need excitement now.
correct !
The crazies in this case are the people who are dumb enough not to know that Obama is running the White House.
They have their old white degenerate Dementia patient in there taking all of the blame for the crap they're pulling.

Biden is simply unable to run the White House. And so Obama and Hillary have volunteered to run the place behind the scenes in a totally illegal and unconstitutional manner. Biden cannot make rational decisions for himself. Watch this video at the 3 minute mark.

I tend to believe that....
Legacy politics, why do spouses of politicians, including Hillary enjoy a career in politics? This is not how meritocracies should work,no? Hillary is definiely far more qualified than Michelle, but spouses of politicians becoming politicians seems problematic for me. It can be an extension of the prior administration, ducking term limits.

Michelle Obama isn't running for office. This is all bullshit.. Mudwhistle just wants to bash Michelle Obama. He's a creepy weakling.
Michelle Obama isn't running for office. This is all bullshit.. Mudwhistle just wants to bash Michelle Obama. He's a creepy weakling.
I don’t get the obsession with First Ladies, the left and right just fixate on someone who is only there because they married an ambitious politician. Just dumb leave the wives out of it
I don’t get the obsession with First Ladies, the left and right just fixate on someone who is only there because they married an ambitious politician. Just dumb leave the wives out of it
Started with absurd hatred for Hillary. Right wing crazies have just gotten more unreasonable since.
Started with absurd hatred for Hillary. Right wing crazies have just gotten more unreasonable since.
I heard derogatory comments about Barbara Bush, Nancy Reagan, Roselyn Carter, Betty Ford and Pat Nixon, so I’m not sure where your hatred came in. It was present long before Hillary but Hillary wanted her politics out there, none of the other First Ladies were politically active.
I heard derogatory comments about Barbara Bush, Nancy Reagan, Roselyn Carter, Betty Ford and Pat Nixon, so I’m not sure where your hatred came in. It was present long before Hillary but Hillary wanted her politics out there, none of the other First Ladies were politically active.
The viciousness of the attacks doubled or trippled with Hillary.
Democrats are trying to quietly offer Michelle Obama as an alternative to Joe Biden. It's not very loud right now, but I think this is what they've been trying to weasel their way into the public eye all along. The only problem is the death(murder) of their personal chef. If not for that event they maybe could have gotten away with it.

Barack Obama is in control of the White House. He wants to be a king or a dictator, and if he can get Michelle elected, the titles may be different but the leadership will remain the same. Then he can go about ending the practice of free elections in America. What would be more deadly for America than putting the most racist Jew hating/White hating couple in American history back in the Oval Office. One only has to watch a movie that Barack and Michelle produced on Netflix (Leave The World Behind) to know this is a huge threat to the freedoms of Americans. According to the Obamas everything would be fine if not for those darned white people.

Who can forget the nasty scowl on Michelle's face during the inauguration in 2017. Michelle was so angry that an Obama associate wasn't going to occupy the WH for the next 4 years that she couldn't fake being friendly. I've met folks like that before. I remember going to church services....and some of the most racist blacks in America go to church every week. When I went to shake the hand of a black woman after the service it was like shaking hands with a Mackerel. The message was clear. This black woman hated my white skin and she couldn't hide this fact to save her life. This is the kind of person I see in Michelle Obama. A person that cannot hide her hatred.

Kamala is godawful stupd but got miles further than Hillary.
Might be that Kamala is stupid but people know when Hillary is telling a whopping lie, EG

What can be learned from Hillary Clinton's slurs against Reconstruction​

I heard derogatory comments about Barbara Bush, Nancy Reagan, Roselyn Carter, Betty Ford and Pat Nixon, so I’m not sure where your hatred came in. It was present long before Hillary but Hillary wanted her politics out there, none of the other First Ladies were politically active.

Michelle Obama isn't running for office.
Democrats are trying to quietly offer Michelle Obama as an alternative to Joe Biden. It's not very loud right now, but I think this is what they've been trying to weasel their way into the public eye all along. The only problem is the death(murder) of their personal chef. If not for that event they maybe could have gotten away with it.

Barack Obama is in control of the White House. He wants to be a king or a dictator, and if he can get Michelle elected, the titles may be different but the leadership will remain the same. Then he can go about ending the practice of free elections in America. What would be more deadly for America than putting the most racist Jew hating/White hating couple in American history back in the Oval Office. One only has to watch a movie that Barack and Michelle produced on Netflix (Leave The World Behind) to know this is a huge threat to the freedoms of Americans. According to the Obamas everything would be fine if not for those darned white people.

Who can forget the nasty scowl on Michelle's face during the inauguration in 2017. Michelle was so angry that an Obama associate wasn't going to occupy the WH for the next 4 years that she couldn't fake being friendly. I've met folks like that before. I remember going to church services....and some of the most racist blacks in America go to church every week. When I went to shake the hand of a black woman after the service it was like shaking hands with a Mackerel. The message was clear. This black woman hated my white skin and she couldn't hide this fact to save her life. This is the kind of person I see in Michelle Obama. A person that cannot hide her hatred.

Obama should be careful what he wishes for

Michelle obama is seething with anger, and not all of it is directed at white people

Once she becomes president she takes orders from no one
MAGA hates the Obamas, even though they have nothing to do with the coming election. Dragging them into the discussion is nothing more than giving the cult crazies something more to be riled up about. The election will come and go without any effect by the Obamas. That doesn't matter. The crazies need excitement now.
No, uninformed idiot, no.

Here is Christopher Hitchens at a super-liberal DC bookstore. He hated the Clintons and the audience seems to understand implicitly the huge character flaw of Hillary. Watch , occurs within the first 5 minutes.


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