First State moves to abolish Police Officers Bill of Rights.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Maryland was the first state to create what has become a national standard. The Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights. These laws vary from State to State and generally speaking give police officers rights and privileges when investigated for wrongdoing that the average citizen might only dream of.

As one example. If you are suspected of a crime you are going to be questioned immediately. If you want a lawyer, you can ask for one. And the cops will hold you until the lawyer arrives.

Unless you are a cop. Then you get to go home and have five days to arrange an appointment to return with a lawyer to answer questions. I am sure that murderers and rapists would love five days to delay the questions from investigators. If they were a cop that would not be the only privilege they had.

Maryland was first to enact the LEOBR. Now it looks like they will be the first to ditch it.

Welcome to the world the rest of us have lived in Officer.
Maryland was the first state to create what has become a national standard. The Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights. These laws vary from State to State and generally speaking give police officers rights and privileges when investigated for wrongdoing that the average citizen might only dream of.

As one example. If you are suspected of a crime you are going to be questioned immediately. If you want a lawyer, you can ask for one. And the cops will hold you until the lawyer arrives.

Unless you are a cop. Then you get to go home and have five days to arrange an appointment to return with a lawyer to answer questions. I am sure that murderers and rapists would love five days to delay the questions from investigators. If they were a cop that would not be the only privilege they had.

Maryland was first to enact the LEOBR. Now it looks like they will be the first to ditch it.

Welcome to the world the rest of us have lived in Officer.

I hope next time you need an officer, that one actually shows up. I know I wouldn't.
Let's all also remember, our new Supreme Court justice has voted to strip qualified immunity in the past.

She didn't simply accept the lies of the police and allowed a lawsuit against a police officer that lied continue, eventually finding against the police officer.

3 cases that hint at Amy Coney Barrett's views on policing

Sotomayor and Thomas have been very vocal in the past on ending this so this issue will be interesting to watch.
Smann never stops with his I Hate the Cops threads
you DON'T live in the same world--DUH! --you fked up there DON'T deal with irrational, jackass criminals everyday
..your life is NOT threatened or in danger
and don't post that crap about being in the military

...the police are doing a fine job......they make MILLIONS of arrests with no problems
Maryland was the first state to create what has become a national standard. The Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights. These laws vary from State to State and generally speaking give police officers rights and privileges when investigated for wrongdoing that the average citizen might only dream of.

As one example. If you are suspected of a crime you are going to be questioned immediately. If you want a lawyer, you can ask for one. And the cops will hold you until the lawyer arrives.

Unless you are a cop. Then you get to go home and have five days to arrange an appointment to return with a lawyer to answer questions. I am sure that murderers and rapists would love five days to delay the questions from investigators. If they were a cop that would not be the only privilege they had.

Maryland was first to enact the LEOBR. Now it looks like they will be the first to ditch it.

Welcome to the world the rest of us have lived in Officer.

I hope next time you need an officer, that one actually shows up. I know I wouldn't.

Why would I need a cop?
Smann never stops with his I Hate the Cops threads
you DON'T live in the same world--DUH! --you fked up there DON'T deal with irrational, jackass criminals everyday
..your life is NOT threatened or in danger
and don't post that crap about being in the military

...the police are doing a fine job......they make MILLIONS of arrests with no problems

since I worked in inner city hospitals for many years----I have seen lots of arrested people---and
lots of scuffles created by arrested people---and
even scuffles that involved help from the hood.
Sometimes cops get some injuries. Lots of times
the arrestees make utterly idiotic claims of
"HE INJURED ME" that take up hours of WASTED
time in hospital ERs ------sometimes the violence is
visited on the hospital---patients and staff. I am
amazed that the number of arrestees that die in the process is SO LOW. The record of RESTRAINT on the part of to cops is IMPRESSIVE
Smann never stops with his I Hate the Cops threads
you DON'T live in the same world--DUH! --you fked up there DON'T deal with irrational, jackass criminals everyday
..your life is NOT threatened or in danger
and don't post that crap about being in the military

...the police are doing a fine job......they make MILLIONS of arrests with no problems

So why should the cops get special rights and privileges when they are suspected of a crime? That is what the LEOBR is all about isn’t it?
Smann never stops with his I Hate the Cops threads
you DON'T live in the same world--DUH! --you fked up there DON'T deal with irrational, jackass criminals everyday
..your life is NOT threatened or in danger
and don't post that crap about being in the military

...the police are doing a fine job......they make MILLIONS of arrests with no problems

So why should the cops get special rights and privileges when they are suspected of a crime? That is what the LEOBR is all about isn’t it?

they don't. In fact, they get harassed over trivialities.
Smann never stops with his I Hate the Cops threads
you DON'T live in the same world--DUH! --you fked up there DON'T deal with irrational, jackass criminals everyday
..your life is NOT threatened or in danger
and don't post that crap about being in the military

...the police are doing a fine job......they make MILLIONS of arrests with no problems

So why should the cops get special rights and privileges when they are suspected of a crime? That is what the LEOBR is all about isn’t it?

they don't. In fact, they get harassed over trivialities.

Ok. So let’s say Bob is accused of stealing something. Bob the civilian does not get any time. Bob is taken to an interview room and says he wants a lawyer. Bob is put in a holding cell and waits until a lawyer comes in.

Frank the cop is accused of stealing something. They tell Frank he is a suspect. Frank shrugs and heads home. Five days later Frank shows up with a lawyer.

How is that the same?

Bob can agree to answer questions without a lawyer. Frank can not by law in some states. The same cops interviewing Bob will tell him a lawyer makes you look guilty. They can not tell Frank the same thing.
Smann never stops with his I Hate the Cops threads
you DON'T live in the same world--DUH! --you fked up there DON'T deal with irrational, jackass criminals everyday
..your life is NOT threatened or in danger
and don't post that crap about being in the military

...the police are doing a fine job......they make MILLIONS of arrests with no problems

So why should the cops get special rights and privileges when they are suspected of a crime? That is what the LEOBR is all about isn’t it?

they don't. In fact, they get harassed over trivialities.

Ok. So let’s say Bob is accused of stealing something. Bob the civilian does not get any time. Bob is taken to an interview room and says he wants a lawyer. Bob is put in a holding cell and waits until a lawyer comes in.

Frank the cop is accused of stealing something. They tell Frank he is a suspect. Frank shrugs and heads home. Five days later Frank shows up with a lawyer.

How is that the same?

Bob can agree to answer questions without a lawyer. Frank can not by law in some states. The same cops interviewing Bob will tell him a lawyer makes you look guilty. They can not tell Frank the same thing.

stealing something? Holding cell? ------just on
an accusation-----"you took my pot of black eyed peas"? ----nope Bob might be "booked"----given a trial date in local court----and then fined
$ 25. How's this one? Cop is about to be attacked by a wild dog----shoots it----in my town he has to give up his gun and undergo an INVESTIGATION which might bring him to a
psychiatrist or neurologist to determine if he is of
sound mind------before getting his gun back. "giving up gun"---bad mark on record. Cops have told me----"I hope I never have to shoot this thing again......EVER" !!!!!!!
Smann never stops with his I Hate the Cops threads
you DON'T live in the same world--DUH! --you fked up there DON'T deal with irrational, jackass criminals everyday
..your life is NOT threatened or in danger
and don't post that crap about being in the military

...the police are doing a fine job......they make MILLIONS of arrests with no problems

So why should the cops get special rights and privileges when they are suspected of a crime? That is what the LEOBR is all about isn’t it?

they don't. In fact, they get harassed over trivialities.

Ok. So let’s say Bob is accused of stealing something. Bob the civilian does not get any time. Bob is taken to an interview room and says he wants a lawyer. Bob is put in a holding cell and waits until a lawyer comes in.

Frank the cop is accused of stealing something. They tell Frank he is a suspect. Frank shrugs and heads home. Five days later Frank shows up with a lawyer.

How is that the same?

Bob can agree to answer questions without a lawyer. Frank can not by law in some states. The same cops interviewing Bob will tell him a lawyer makes you look guilty. They can not tell Frank the same thing.

stealing something? Holding cell? ------just on
an accusation-----"you took my pot of black eyed peas"? ----nope Bob might be "booked"----given a trial date in local court----and then fined
$ 25. How's this one? Cop is about to be attacked by a wild dog----shoots it----in my town he has to give up his gun and undergo an INVESTIGATION which might bring him to a
psychiatrist or neurologist to determine if he is of
sound mind------before getting his gun back. "giving up gun"---bad mark on record. Cops have told me----"I hope I never have to shoot this thing again......EVER" !!!!!!!

Soldiers do the same thing when they return from Combat. Is it wrong to help people deal with the understandable stress from life and death decisions? Or should we just tell the troops deal with it snowflake?
Smann never stops with his I Hate the Cops threads
you DON'T live in the same world--DUH! --you fked up there DON'T deal with irrational, jackass criminals everyday
..your life is NOT threatened or in danger
and don't post that crap about being in the military

...the police are doing a fine job......they make MILLIONS of arrests with no problems

So why should the cops get special rights and privileges when they are suspected of a crime? That is what the LEOBR is all about isn’t it?

they don't. In fact, they get harassed over trivialities.

Ok. So let’s say Bob is accused of stealing something. Bob the civilian does not get any time. Bob is taken to an interview room and says he wants a lawyer. Bob is put in a holding cell and waits until a lawyer comes in.

Frank the cop is accused of stealing something. They tell Frank he is a suspect. Frank shrugs and heads home. Five days later Frank shows up with a lawyer.

How is that the same?

Bob can agree to answer questions without a lawyer. Frank can not by law in some states. The same cops interviewing Bob will tell him a lawyer makes you look guilty. They can not tell Frank the same thing.

stealing something? Holding cell? ------just on
an accusation-----"you took my pot of black eyed peas"? ----nope Bob might be "booked"----given a trial date in local court----and then fined
$ 25. How's this one? Cop is about to be attacked by a wild dog----shoots it----in my town he has to give up his gun and undergo an INVESTIGATION which might bring him to a
psychiatrist or neurologist to determine if he is of
sound mind------before getting his gun back. "giving up gun"---bad mark on record. Cops have told me----"I hope I never have to shoot this thing again......EVER" !!!!!!!

Soldiers do the same thing when they return from Combat. Is it wrong to help people deal with the understandable stress from life and death decisions? Or should we just tell the troops deal with it snowflake?

soldiers do what "same thing"? are you addressing me (I am rosie) ?
Smann never stops with his I Hate the Cops threads
you DON'T live in the same world--DUH! --you fked up there DON'T deal with irrational, jackass criminals everyday
..your life is NOT threatened or in danger
and don't post that crap about being in the military

...the police are doing a fine job......they make MILLIONS of arrests with no problems

So why should the cops get special rights and privileges when they are suspected of a crime? That is what the LEOBR is all about isn’t it?

they don't. In fact, they get harassed over trivialities.

Ok. So let’s say Bob is accused of stealing something. Bob the civilian does not get any time. Bob is taken to an interview room and says he wants a lawyer. Bob is put in a holding cell and waits until a lawyer comes in.

Frank the cop is accused of stealing something. They tell Frank he is a suspect. Frank shrugs and heads home. Five days later Frank shows up with a lawyer.

How is that the same?

Bob can agree to answer questions without a lawyer. Frank can not by law in some states. The same cops interviewing Bob will tell him a lawyer makes you look guilty. They can not tell Frank the same thing.
ridiculous and unrealistic examples
1. most of the time, the cops are DEFENDING themselves
2. they ARE held accountable
--the cop who shot Scott was convicted
--the BART cop who shot Grant was convicted
--the cop who shot Damond was convicted
Smann never stops with his I Hate the Cops threads
you DON'T live in the same world--DUH! --you fked up there DON'T deal with irrational, jackass criminals everyday
..your life is NOT threatened or in danger
and don't post that crap about being in the military

...the police are doing a fine job......they make MILLIONS of arrests with no problems

So why should the cops get special rights and privileges when they are suspected of a crime? That is what the LEOBR is all about isn’t it?

they don't. In fact, they get harassed over trivialities.

Ok. So let’s say Bob is accused of stealing something. Bob the civilian does not get any time. Bob is taken to an interview room and says he wants a lawyer. Bob is put in a holding cell and waits until a lawyer comes in.

Frank the cop is accused of stealing something. They tell Frank he is a suspect. Frank shrugs and heads home. Five days later Frank shows up with a lawyer.

How is that the same?

Bob can agree to answer questions without a lawyer. Frank can not by law in some states. The same cops interviewing Bob will tell him a lawyer makes you look guilty. They can not tell Frank the same thing.

stealing something? Holding cell? ------just on
an accusation-----"you took my pot of black eyed peas"? ----nope Bob might be "booked"----given a trial date in local court----and then fined
$ 25. How's this one? Cop is about to be attacked by a wild dog----shoots it----in my town he has to give up his gun and undergo an INVESTIGATION which might bring him to a
psychiatrist or neurologist to determine if he is of
sound mind------before getting his gun back. "giving up gun"---bad mark on record. Cops have told me----"I hope I never have to shoot this thing again......EVER" !!!!!!!

Soldiers do the same thing when they return from Combat. Is it wrong to help people deal with the understandable stress from life and death decisions? Or should we just tell the troops deal with it snowflake?

soldiers do what "same thing"? are you addressing me (I am rosie) ?

Soldiers attend mandatory psychological treatment when they return from combat tours. We have learned that people often have difficulty dealing with psychological trauma.
Smann never stops with his I Hate the Cops threads
you DON'T live in the same world--DUH! --you fked up there DON'T deal with irrational, jackass criminals everyday
..your life is NOT threatened or in danger
and don't post that crap about being in the military

...the police are doing a fine job......they make MILLIONS of arrests with no problems

So why should the cops get special rights and privileges when they are suspected of a crime? That is what the LEOBR is all about isn’t it?

they don't. In fact, they get harassed over trivialities.

Ok. So let’s say Bob is accused of stealing something. Bob the civilian does not get any time. Bob is taken to an interview room and says he wants a lawyer. Bob is put in a holding cell and waits until a lawyer comes in.

Frank the cop is accused of stealing something. They tell Frank he is a suspect. Frank shrugs and heads home. Five days later Frank shows up with a lawyer.

How is that the same?

Bob can agree to answer questions without a lawyer. Frank can not by law in some states. The same cops interviewing Bob will tell him a lawyer makes you look guilty. They can not tell Frank the same thing.
ridiculous and unrealistic examples
1. most of the time, the cops are DEFENDING themselves
2. they ARE held accountable
--the cop who shot Scott was convicted
--the BART cop who shot Grant was convicted
--the cop who shot Damond was convicted

You do not even have a one track mind. You barely qualify for a half track mind. I did not comment about shootings. I was talking about other investigations. Theft. Rape. You know. The other crimes that are committed. And before you knee jerk about cops not doing it. Try a Google Search.

The least criminal segment of our society is Concealed Weapons Permit Holders. Compared to them Cops are about like the Bloods street gang. And the most common crime committed by that segment is carrying without their permit on their person. They leave it at home by accident. Seriously.

By contrast in more than thirty states it is perfectly legal for a cop to have sex, even coercion sex, with a prisoner. As long as the cop claims it is consensual then it is perfectly fine and dandy. Thank God for the cops right? Don’t let you daughter near one is my advice.
Smann never stops with his I Hate the Cops threads
you DON'T live in the same world--DUH! --you fked up there DON'T deal with irrational, jackass criminals everyday
..your life is NOT threatened or in danger
and don't post that crap about being in the military

...the police are doing a fine job......they make MILLIONS of arrests with no problems

So why should the cops get special rights and privileges when they are suspected of a crime? That is what the LEOBR is all about isn’t it?

they don't. In fact, they get harassed over trivialities.

Ok. So let’s say Bob is accused of stealing something. Bob the civilian does not get any time. Bob is taken to an interview room and says he wants a lawyer. Bob is put in a holding cell and waits until a lawyer comes in.

Frank the cop is accused of stealing something. They tell Frank he is a suspect. Frank shrugs and heads home. Five days later Frank shows up with a lawyer.

How is that the same?

Bob can agree to answer questions without a lawyer. Frank can not by law in some states. The same cops interviewing Bob will tell him a lawyer makes you look guilty. They can not tell Frank the same thing.
ridiculous and unrealistic examples
1. most of the time, the cops are DEFENDING themselves
2. they ARE held accountable
--the cop who shot Scott was convicted
--the BART cop who shot Grant was convicted
--the cop who shot Damond was convicted

You do not even have a one track mind. You barely qualify for a half track mind. I did not comment about shootings. I was talking about other investigations. Theft. Rape. You know. The other crimes that are committed. And before you knee jerk about cops not doing it. Try a Google Search.

The least criminal segment of our society is Concealed Weapons Permit Holders. Compared to them Cops are about like the Bloods street gang. And the most common crime committed by that segment is carrying without their permit on their person. They leave it at home by accident. Seriously.

By contrast in more than thirty states it is perfectly legal for a cop to have sex, even coercion sex, with a prisoner. As long as the cop claims it is consensual then it is perfectly fine and dandy. Thank God for the cops right? Don’t let you daughter near one is my advice.
you have a one track mind - HATE cops
..there is no problem with the cops--you, also, have been DUPED by the MSM DUH

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