First they came for the poor, then the oppressed ...

Dear Wry Catcher
I think you are either overestimating Trump's influence
or underestimating the power and principle of the Constitution to check him.

He's basically a blowhard, who is opposed by both left and right,
and doesn't have a full united front to do any much oppression in any one direction.

The worst he can do is right to life stuff. And that can be worked out on state levels
like the LGBT stuff that needs to be also. that's our responsibility the people, not his.
he can only speak for himself on issues of beliefs, and us too. we need to speak up as equals
and we can all check each other. and not be afraid any one person has more influence than another.

All our groups can bully each other. so we all pose threats to that degree.
how can we work together insetad of against each other.
that's not up to Trump it's up to each of us and the groups we do have circles of influence among.
So we have just as much power as anyone else to chnage how we do things here!

Take care WC I look forward to working with my fellow
progressives to change this whole paradigm
from bullying to peacemaking. Big road ahead and we all have a role to play!
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  • #6
IF voter fraud was a critical issue, The Congress would have taken action.

There is no evidence that voter fraud has impacted/changed an election outcome.

There is no evidence that vote fraud has been investigated and those who voted illegally have been identified, prosecuted and convicted in numbers which would justify the hysteria from the Right Wing (aka, the neo fascists).

The meme that voter fraud is rampant is a LIE, and an effort by the neo fascists to suppress the vote of those likely to vote for Democrats, or on initiatives which would expand The Civil Rights of blacks, browns, jews, catholics, gays, lesbians or any other minority race or creed!

Those who writes and argues differently are liars, fools and/or neo fascists!
  • Thread starter
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  • #8
Dear Wry Catcher
I think you are either overestimating Trump's influence
or underestimating the power and principle of the Constitution to check him.

He's basically a blowhard, who is opposed by both left and right,
and doesn't have a full united front to do any much oppression in any one direction.

The worst he can do is right to life stuff. And that can be worked out on state levels
like the LGBT stuff that needs to be also. that's our responsibility the people, not his.
he can only speak for himself on issues of beliefs, and us too. we need to speak up as equals
and we can all check each other. and not be afraid any one person has more influence than another.

All our groups can bully each other. so we all pose threats to that degree.
how can we work together insetad of against each other.
that's not up to Trump it's up to each of us and the groups we do have circles of influence among.
So we have just as much power as anyone else to chnage how we do things here!

Take care WC I look forward to working with my fellow
progressives to change this whole paradigm
from bullying to peacemaking. Big road ahead and we all have a role to play!

Trump, and his fellow travelers, inner circle and members of his administration are EVIL. I do not use that word loosely.
suppress the vote of those likely to vote for Democrats, or on initiatives which would expand The Civil Rights of blacks, browns, jews, catholics, gays, lesbians or any other minority race or creed!

Those who writes and argues differently are liars, fools and/or neo fascists!

The believe exactly as I believe or else argument. Nice going.
Dear Wry Catcher
I think you are either overestimating Trump's influence
or underestimating the power and principle of the Constitution to check him.

He's basically a blowhard, who is opposed by both left and right,
and doesn't have a full united front to do any much oppression in any one direction.

The worst he can do is right to life stuff. And that can be worked out on state levels
like the LGBT stuff that needs to be also. that's our responsibility the people, not his.
he can only speak for himself on issues of beliefs, and us too. we need to speak up as equals
and we can all check each other. and not be afraid any one person has more influence than another.

All our groups can bully each other. so we all pose threats to that degree.
how can we work together insetad of against each other.
that's not up to Trump it's up to each of us and the groups we do have circles of influence among.
So we have just as much power as anyone else to chnage how we do things here!

Take care WC I look forward to working with my fellow
progressives to change this whole paradigm
from bullying to peacemaking. Big road ahead and we all have a role to play!
I don't see you as a progressive.
Dear Wry Catcher
I think you are either overestimating Trump's influence
or underestimating the power and principle of the Constitution to check him.

He's basically a blowhard, who is opposed by both left and right,
and doesn't have a full united front to do any much oppression in any one direction.

The worst he can do is right to life stuff. And that can be worked out on state levels
like the LGBT stuff that needs to be also. that's our responsibility the people, not his.
he can only speak for himself on issues of beliefs, and us too. we need to speak up as equals
and we can all check each other. and not be afraid any one person has more influence than another.

All our groups can bully each other. so we all pose threats to that degree.
how can we work together insetad of against each other.
that's not up to Trump it's up to each of us and the groups we do have circles of influence among.
So we have just as much power as anyone else to chnage how we do things here!

Take care WC I look forward to working with my fellow
progressives to change this whole paradigm
from bullying to peacemaking. Big road ahead and we all have a role to play!
I don't see you as a progressive.

She's not. It's like a super secret out in the open thing. Just roll with it. Something about picking and choosing battles.
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There is only one reason to oppose voter ID and that is because you want someone who is not a citizen to be able to vote. You do not value your country or your constitution.
1. Feds rescind opposition to key part of Texas voter ID law

Those in denial, those who lie and those fooled by the Narcissist/Liar-in-Chief better wake up and smell the coffee. The current POTUS is a fascist, and a despot in word and deed.

...then you. When the street roil in revolt, guess what goes next - your 2nd Amendment.

2 .IF voter fraud was a critical issue, The Congress would have taken action.

There is no evidence that voter fraud has impacted/changed an election outcome.

There is no evidence that vote fraud has been investigated and those who voted illegally have been identified, prosecuted and convicted in numbers which would justify the hysteria from the Right Wing (aka, the neo fascists).

The meme that voter fraud is rampant is a LIE, and an effort by the neo fascists to suppress the vote of those likely to vote for Democrats, or on initiatives which would expand The Civil Rights of blacks, browns, jews, catholics, gays, lesbians or any other minority race or creed!

Those who writes and argues differently are liars, fools and/or neo fascists!

3. Trump, and his fellow travelers, inner circle and members of his administration are EVIL. I do not use that word loosely.

Three posts that tell your story, All wrong, all BS and all full of lies just like every other liberal posting the same talking points Bullshit and the same liberal media pumping out lies by the truckload. YOU are the problem, Trump is the solution to the problems you and those like you have caused with your overbearing intimidating sometimes violent behavior that you try to force everyone to accept. WELL IT IS NOT acceptable, it is NOTHING BUT OFFENSIVE, VILE, DISGUSTING , and completely dishonorable. The thing is that WE have decided we are not going to be intimidated pushed, extorted, and harassed by liberal shit anymore, we are giving back what you pos have subjected us to for years, and we have taken up some of your methods and you can't stand it. BOOO HOOO HOOO, I just love seeing you pos whail about everything, and the fact there is not a damn thing you can do about even with the best of your NAZI cadre on the job you still get slapped down like the trash you are HAHAHAHAHAHAH I love it. Lie some more. We will laugh even harder.
Feds rescind opposition to key part of Texas voter ID law

Those in denial, those who lie and those fooled by the Narcissist/Liar-in-Chief better wake up and smell the coffee. The current POTUS is a fascist, and a despot in word and deed.

...then you. When the street roil in revolt, guess what goes next - your 2nd Amendment.
Hahahahaha you're such a paranoid dumbass

First They picked our pockets and then most were poor.

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