First Tim Russert Dies,Then Mark Haines,Yet Cable News Bigots Live On. Is This Fair?

Feb 13, 2011
As Billy Joel Sang, Only The Good Die Young. It seems most of our heroes have died young while the worst humans on earth live well into thier 70's. Especially with the passing of Mark Haines, in the meantime we have Ed Schultz calling a respectable radio anchor a slut. It seems so unfair that the likes of Bill Maher,Chris Matthews,Ed Schultz & Kieth Blobberman get away with their vulgar insults of the leading conservative candidates/conservative commentators, and they live on as if they have done nothing wrong, yet we lose the most admired&respectable anchors/hosts of whom have died long before their time. It's a miracle Ed Schultz weighs 326 pounds (give or take a Large Italian Sub w/fries) and still alive. I don't think he will make it to the 2012 election with his weight problem and high blood pressure. And should Ed Schultz die before 60, how do you think Americans will take it?
Well, no one really watches MSNBC anyways....

Rachel Maddow is another fool that likes to talk blowhard bullshit.

The biggest problem with the progressive radio/tv base is that they do nothing but personally insult their counterparts on the right.

Its one thing to disagree on issues but its another to degrade and bully those you disagree with.
Well, no one really watches MSNBC anyways....

Rachel Maddow is another fool that likes to talk blowhard bullshit.

The biggest problem with the progressive radio/tv base is that they do nothing but personally insult their counterparts on the right.

Its one thing to disagree on issues but its another to degrade and bully those you disagree with.

Rachael Maddcow is at the bottom of the barrell, aside from Lawrence O'HorseManure. How can anyone stand watching these fools? I used to enjoy Chris Matthews way back in the mid-90's when he really tried to get answers out of politicians, but ever since Obama took office,,,he has been degrading whites. calling them "White Tribal Folks" during that Palin Book Signing. :eek:
As Billy Joel Sang, Only The Good Die Young. It seems most of our heroes have died young while the worst humans on earth live well into thier 70's. Especially with the passing of Mark Haines, in the meantime we have Ed Schultz calling a respectable radio anchor a slut. It seems so unfair that the likes of Bill Maher,Chris Matthews,Ed Schultz & Kieth Blobberman get away with their vulgar insults of the leading conservative candidates/conservative commentators, and they live on as if they have done nothing wrong, yet we lose the most admired&respectable anchors/hosts of whom have died long before their time. It's a miracle Ed Schultz weighs 326 pounds (give or take a Large Italian Sub w/fries) and still alive. I don't think he will make it to the 2012 election with his weight problem and high blood pressure. And should Ed Schultz die before 60, how do you think Americans will take it?
Well, no one really watches MSNBC anyways....

Rachel Maddow is another fool that likes to talk blowhard bullshit.

The biggest problem with the progressive radio/tv base is that they do nothing but personally insult their counterparts on the right.

Its one thing to disagree on issues but its another to degrade and bully those you disagree with.

Rachael Maddcow is at the bottom of the barrell, aside from Lawrence O'HorseManure. How can anyone stand watching these fools? I used to enjoy Chris Matthews way back in the mid-90's when he really tried to get answers out of politicians, but ever since Obama took office,,,he has been degrading whites. calling them "White Tribal Folks" during that Palin Book Signing. :eek:

Thats one of the things that really pisses me off about these progressives - they're fucking masochists - they hate themselves. They hate white people.....

Those sick twisted fucks believe the white Christan male is the sum of the earth..

Their logic is so fucked and flawed its mind bending..

Those asshats kneejerkingly base everything on race, sex, sexuality and religion.... They throw reason out the fucking window....
From the hypocrisy of the OP, I am guessing the author to be well above 90.

I really wouldn't call it hypocrisy - I'd call it giving someone a dose of their own medicine.

Special Ed is a racist asshole, there is nothing wrong calling him out on that.

I suppose calling him a fat ass is a little bit juvenile - certainly not my brand, but I'm not the OP...

I agree with the OP tho..

But hey, even assholes like Special Ed have First Amendment rights.
Ed Scultz is the most profound racist on PMSNBC. and does anyone actually believe he likes blacks? doesn't Sargeant Schultz come off as someone who secretly hates blacks and only pretends to like them to keep himself employed on MSNBC? I wonder how many times Ed had cursed blacks for cutting him off in traffic? Hmmm,,,do you guys really believe Ed Schultz has never said "God Damn N******ger Driver"?:eek:

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