Fixing the GOP Part 3- The rich are going to be fine, really!


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
The third in my series about how the GOP gets back in tune with the American people.

At some point, and I’m not sure where, the GOP became the political party that watches “It’s a Wonderful Life” and cheers for Mr. Potter. It wasn’t always this way, contrary to what Democrats claim. Teddy Roosevelt fought for the working man. So did Warren Harding. Ike kind of got it. So did Nixon and Ford. I would even say Reagan did. Even the Bush’s weren’t that bad. But the Wealthy spent nearly a billion dollars trying to get Romney elected, failed miserably, and now they are saying they have to lay people off because they don't have enough money, even though taxes are the lowest on the wealthy they've been since before the Great Depression.

The real conundrum of the modern GOP is that instead of determining what is good for working class Americans, they take the side of corporations and management, every time, and figure they can fool working class types into voting against their own economic issues by using the “shiny things”. God, guns and Gays. The problem is, those things don’t really work as well. The Democrats gave up trying to regulate guns a long time ago, and people are getting to the point where they are accepting gays a lot more. That just leaves issues like abortion, where again, they paint themselves into corners. We always have "The War on Christmas" when some company says "Holiday" instead of "Christmas".

Romney will hopefully be the last outright Plutocrat the GOP will nominate in a while. But it has been the habit of the establishment to shoot down (with help from the mainstream media) any guy who puts working class issues ahead of plutocratic ones. Buchanan, Huckabee, Santorum being the latest examples.
so in other words he's saying We are ALL suppose to be like liberals and Democrats..?

what a waste of space
Thank you for your insight.

How many free minutes did you get with your Obamaphone?

I don't have an Obama-Phone, dumbass.

And frankly, you can't complain about the welfare class when the wealthy encourage it.

If everyone had a job, do you think the rich would get away with what they get away with?

They need a certain number of "Hey, I can hire that guy selling Streetwise and replace you, so get in line" kind of thing.

I remember the good old days when Clinton got unemployment down to 3%, and the employers were MISERABLE. they didn't dare fire anyone. Didn't matter they were making record profits, the fact that they had to share with the help made them angry.

Didn't take them long to screw that up.
so in other words he's saying We are ALL suppose to be like liberals and Democrats..?

what a waste of space

Did I need to use smaller words for you? Because you do seem to have this reading comprehension problem, Staph.

Just once, I'd like to see you comprehend an argument. Just once. It would be amusing.
Thank you for your insight.

How many free minutes did you get with your Obamaphone?

I don't have an Obama-Phone, dumbass.

And frankly, you can't complain about the welfare class when the wealthy encourage it.

If everyone had a job, do you think the rich would get away with what they get away with?

They need a certain number of "Hey, I can hire that guy selling Streetwise and replace you, so get in line" kind of thing.

I remember the good old days when Clinton got unemployment down to 3%, and the employers were MISERABLE. they didn't dare fire anyone. Didn't matter they were making record profits, the fact that they had to share with the help made them angry.

Didn't take them long to screw that up.


This is the level of fundamental economic ignorance required to be an Obama supporter.
Thank you for your insight.

How many free minutes did you get with your Obamaphone?

I don't have an Obama-Phone, dumbass.

And frankly, you can't complain about the welfare class when the wealthy encourage it.

If everyone had a job, do you think the rich would get away with what they get away with?

They need a certain number of "Hey, I can hire that guy selling Streetwise and replace you, so get in line" kind of thing.

I remember the good old days when Clinton got unemployment down to 3%, and the employers were MISERABLE. they didn't dare fire anyone. Didn't matter they were making record profits, the fact that they had to share with the help made them angry.

Didn't take them long to screw that up.


This is the level of fundamental economic ignorance required to be an Obama supporter.

I hope you and the rest of right wingers stay this stupid, it will give the democrats nothing but landslide wins election after election :up:
so in other words he's saying We are ALL suppose to be like liberals and Democrats..?

what a waste of space

Did I need to use smaller words for you? Because you do seem to have this reading comprehension problem, Staph.

Just once, I'd like to see you comprehend an argument. Just once. It would be amusing.

lol, I do comprehend your bull and I just shake my head...
speaking of amusing
Thank you for your insight.

How many free minutes did you get with your Obamaphone?

I don't have an Obama-Phone, dumbass.

And frankly, you can't complain about the welfare class when the wealthy encourage it.

If everyone had a job, do you think the rich would get away with what they get away with?

They need a certain number of "Hey, I can hire that guy selling Streetwise and replace you, so get in line" kind of thing.

I remember the good old days when Clinton got unemployment down to 3%, and the employers were MISERABLE. they didn't dare fire anyone. Didn't matter they were making record profits, the fact that they had to share with the help made them angry.

Didn't take them long to screw that up.

I see your lip prints on obama ass,
This is the level of fundamental economic ignorance required to be an Obama supporter.

Then why do we always have recessions with Republican Presidents?

Last four recessions started on a Republican's watch. You really can't claim you are economic geniuses.

Back in the 1970's, my parents used to say, "Democrats bring us wars, Republicans bring us Depressions." (Mom and Dad didn't get the memo that we call the "recessions" now.)

Today, Republicans bring us both.

I used to try to excuse it, but I stopped doing that when you all slapped me in the face and nominated the Mormon. How'd that work out for you again?

lol, I do comprehend your bull and I just shake my head...
speaking of amusing

but you never make a coherent counter-argument. Now why is that?

Oh, yeah, because you can't....

listen up dear, I know you believe your words and thoughts are the genius we should all appreciate, but they are only yours..
I just like to let you know I'm once again going :eusa_doh: from your thoughts you believe we all need to hear about...
See Steph? One person tries to start a reasonable conversation....and we get "obamaphone, libruls, lip prints on Obama's ass, waste of space, and economic ignorance".

You guys can't have a decent just put your blinders on and name call/insult....and then you have the gall to claim that Lakhota is "ugly" for handing you a zinger thread.

lol, I do comprehend your bull and I just shake my head...
speaking of amusing

but you never make a coherent counter-argument. Now why is that?

Oh, yeah, because you can't....

listen up dear, I know you believe your words and thoughts are the genius we should all appreciate, but they are only yours..
I just like to let you know I'm once again going :eusa_doh: from your thoughts you believe we all need to hear about...

You would actualy need a BRAIN to appreciate what I am saying.

But you'll just go on and on about Jesus and Socialism and whatever they told you on Hate Radio.

Hint. Hate Radio actually thrives on your failure. They work for the rich, not for you.
See Steph? One person tries to start a reasonable conversation....and we get "obamaphone, libruls, lip prints on Obama's ass, waste of space, and economic ignorance".

You guys can't have a decent just put your blinders on and name call/insult....and then you have the gall to claim that Lakhota is "ugly" for handing you a zinger thread.

you get exactly what you deserve. You've been potty mouth white republicans since you hit the board so cry us a fucking river if you don't get you no R E S P E C T
you get exactly what you deserve. You've been potty mouth white republicans since you hit the board so cry us a fucking river if you don't get you no R E S P E C T

Where did you learn to structure a sentence?
See Steph? One person tries to start a reasonable conversation....and we get "obamaphone, libruls, lip prints on Obama's ass, waste of space, and economic ignorance".

You guys can't have a decent just put your blinders on and name call/insult....and then you have the gall to claim that Lakhota is "ugly" for handing you a zinger thread.

steel, we all know joes thoughts on things, he's been posting them long enough.

no one can come back with anything reasonable because he will just shoot them down..he knows all

sometimes the best thing to do is just humor him

u would actualy need a BRAIN to appreciate what I am saying.

But you'll just go on and on about Jesus and Socialism and whatever they told you on Hate Radio.

Hint. Hate Radio actually thrives on your failure. They work for the rich, not for you.
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you get exactly what you deserve. You've been potty mouth white republicans since you hit the board so cry us a fucking river if you don't get you no R E S P E C T

Where did you learn to structure a sentence?

Did the teachers union fail me? I'm not fucking surprised.

Blaming someone else for your problems?

The problem with that second sentence is that it's incomprehensible. Are you saying that Steelplate has been bad mouthing "white republicans" since he got here?

Here's how the sentence would have made sense, then,

"You've been bad-mouthing White Republicans since you joined the board, so cry us a river if you don't get any respect."

That would have made sense.

Of course, I've never seen Steel ever bad mouth White Republicans. Even when I was supporting Newt earlier in the year, his arguments with me were usually pretty civil.
See Steph? One person tries to start a reasonable conversation....and we get "obamaphone, libruls, lip prints on Obama's ass, waste of space, and economic ignorance".

You guys can't have a decent just put your blinders on and name call/insult....and then you have the gall to claim that Lakhota is "ugly" for handing you a zinger thread.

steel, we all know joes thoughts on things, he's been posting them long enough.

no one can come back with anything reasonable because he will just shoot them down..he knows all

sometimes the best thing to do is just humor him


I shoot them down because usually, your arguments are kind of lame.

The wealthy have spent millions of dollars brainwashing you against your own interests. And until about 2008, I was just as bad as the rest of you. Listened to Rush every day.

ThenI got fired after six years of hard work because an insurance company decided I was running up too many medical bills. My boss's comment- "Well, that's why I'm glad this isn't a union shop!"

Now I see through it, I'm sorry you still can't. Somehow, I suspect you aren't rich, and probably never will be. But you buy their propaganda. You bend over and say, "Thank you sir, may I have another". and when Rush tells you that your woes are Obama's fault, and he wasn't even born here, you just eat that shit up.

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