FL Police State Horror: Police Chief Defends Shocking Behavior During Traffic Stops


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
This is absolutely wrong. She was stopped because one of her car's tail lights was out. It would seem to me that he should have given her a warning/ticket for the broken light and let it go at that. The poor thing had a 2 week old baby at home and not feeling her best after giving birth. You'll observe how she gets teary eyed towards the end. She was probably scared out of her wits she was going to be thrown in jail. It was mean spirited to torment her like that. The main problem is he searched her without her consent, under duress using his authority. Time for her to get a lawyer.


Police state horror in Florida. Lakeland Police Chief defends shocking behavior during traffic stops
been my experience that asshole pigs are gonna be asshole pigs...

unfortunately for the rest of us, such asshole pigs are often hired by local law enforcement agencies without much screening for asshole-pigness...
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top law-enforcement pig in Tennessee is shown to be full of shit...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzUjF7HNFo4]Questionable Traffic Stops Caught On Camera - YouTube[/ame]
There is not enough information given to know why this transpired.

Broken head light and for some reason he forces the female driver to shake out her bra, ya what ever could have caused that?

Exactly, we don't have enough information here. It doesn't say why he asked her to do that. It doesn't say what else transpired that may have caused that action. It doesn't say what prompted him to have her exit the car in the first place. Maybe he really is just an abusive prick, but what we don't have any details. The FBI investigated and found no wrong doing.

I'm very critical of the police, but I'm also not one to jump to conclusions without all the information at my disposal.
This is absolutely wrong. She was stopped because one of her car's tail lights was out. It would seem to me that he should have given her a warning/ticket for the broken light and let it go at that. The poor thing had a 2 week old baby at home and not feeling her best after giving birth. You'll observe how she gets teary eyed towards the end. She was probably scared out of her wits she was going to be thrown in jail. It was mean spirited to torment her like that. The main problem is he searched her without her consent, under duress using his authority. Time for her to get a lawyer.


Police state horror in Florida. Lakeland Police Chief defends shocking behavior during traffic stops

How you can arrive at your conclusions with what little evidence you've shown is beyond me.

I'm guessing you're a liberal. Most liberals react with emotion rather than logic as you have demonstrated.
You can't trust the media to be honest, not edit video, not exclude part of the story, not omit important facts...and that's the Mainstream Media.

This is from some unvetted opinion site.

The media thrives on conflict, and they are not above manufacturing that conflict.

Anyone who gets worked up or even forms an opinion based on anything they read on the internet without further investigation these days is a fool.
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