Trump Tells Rally Crowd ‘You Have Smart Ones’ And Black Congressman Byron Donalds Is One of Them

lol, I see you are fluent in making up stuff. When you don’t have proof of anything, you’ll just create it out thin air.

I’m not making excuses, I’m trying to figure out how it is, with every story, you, and IM2, and curriedgoats, and marcatl always jump right to racism..when literally no context is given.

You don’t have to answer that, it was rhetorical. I already know. You only see things through the lens of race
Tell me when race hasn't played a role in this country? Please enlighten me.
And they became Republicans after the Civil Right Act was passed. :)
Back to history class for you! :auiqs.jpg:
You failed history. The parties never switched. The racists all stayed with the Dems. Who filibustered that Civil Rights Act and didn't want to even vote on it. Better study before your GED test this time.

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