flag@whitehouse.gov est mort

That old website never said anything about "TURNING PEOPLE IN" nor even implied such a thing. See how people distort everything? I'm sick to death of it. It asked for the same input that the new version does, and gives the WH a chance to correct misconceptions which you should know continue to be rampant. I simply fail to see why that was a "bad" thing--the equivalent of Hitlerism. PULEEEZE!!!!!!


It asked for people to forward emails to them that were spreading "disinformation" about the plan. Do you realize that when a person forwards an email it includes the email address of the original sender?

Puleeeze!!! They got more than enough names of those awful people who did not capitulate to President Obama's attempt for force the first step to socialized medicine down our throats.


However sloppily it might have been set up, I think they had every right to try to find out which organization is intent on spreading rumors. And it's still going on. Here's the latest:

More ‘Senior Scare’ | FactCheck.org

Okay, so you're afraid that there's a new database being collected to squirrel away your e-mail address and put you (collectively, you) on an "enemies" list? Are you (collectively) the same people who not so long ago were screeching that bypassing FISA laws is okay because "...if you got nuthin' to hide, you got nuthin' to worry about" ????


Is anything in that ad a lie?
anything that obama does seems to be just fine by her, even if it's something that was widely (and justifiably, IMO) decried when done by bush, e.g. signing statements. she's not unintelligent certainly, but reasonable is a stretch.

Is that any different than how many righties behaved for President Bush?

yes, in case you missed it, MOST on the right(conservatives anyway) were PISSED at Bush

I must have missed it, because on the sites I frequented at the time, it seemed I was the only conservative that spoke out against the Patriot Act or the wiretapping scandal and one of the first to speak out against the war. I have to say that I think I lost some of my conservative friends over my stance. Right wing people who always seemed to agree with me and act friendly to me suddenly shunned me or didn't have a whole lot of nice things to say to me. Of course, those were the extreme right wingers.

if bush had set something like this up for his SS "reform", would you have been so sanguine?

encouraging citizens to report each other over political issues isn't an america i either recognize or want. doesn't matter who does it, it's wrong.

I think back then most people would have understood what a similar site's intention was, unlike today when goofydom has ursurped common sense.
my god you are a fucking hypocrite

Since I don't recall a bunch of shrieking people attending any of Bush's town hall meetings during the 3 months he went on the road to push Social Security reform, and especially some carrying sidearms, I can hardly be considered a hypocrite, asshole.

It asked for people to forward emails to them that were spreading "disinformation" about the plan. Do you realize that when a person forwards an email it includes the email address of the original sender?

Puleeeze!!! They got more than enough names of those awful people who did not capitulate to President Obama's attempt for force the first step to socialized medicine down our throats.


However sloppily it might have been set up, I think they had every right to try to find out which organization is intent on spreading rumors. And it's still going on. Here's the latest:

More ‘Senior Scare’ | FactCheck.org

Okay, so you're afraid that there's a new database being collected to squirrel away your e-mail address and put you (collectively, you) on an "enemies" list? Are you (collectively) the same people who not so long ago were screeching that bypassing FISA laws is okay because "...if you got nuthin' to hide, you got nuthin' to worry about" ????


Is anything in that ad a lie?

The whole goddamned thing is a lie.
That old website never said anything about "TURNING PEOPLE IN" nor even implied such a thing. See how people distort everything? I'm sick to death of it. It asked for the same input that the new version does, and gives the WH a chance to correct misconceptions which you should know continue to be rampant. I simply fail to see why that was a "bad" thing--the equivalent of Hitlerism. PULEEEZE!!!!!!


It asked for people to forward emails to them that were spreading "disinformation" about the plan. Do you realize that when a person forwards an email it includes the email address of the original sender?

Puleeeze!!! They got more than enough names of those awful people who did not capitulate to President Obama's attempt for force the first step to socialized medicine down our throats.


However sloppily it might have been set up, I think they had every right to try to find out which organization is intent on spreading rumors. And it's still going on. Here's the latest:

More ‘Senior Scare’ | FactCheck.org

Okay, so you're afraid that there's a new database being collected to squirrel away your e-mail address and put you (collectively, you) on an "enemies" list? Are you (collectively) the same people who not so long ago were screeching that bypassing FISA laws is okay because "...if you got nuthin' to hide, you got nuthin' to worry about" ????


no, nice strawman, though, hack. :thup:
You mean if your e-mail address got auto-generated, you wouldn't know how to disengage yourself? And as I've said before, if you think, you would realize that the WH couldn't give a sweet shit about pissed off individuals. They're quite aware of the pure, unadulterated hatred out there. I'm just sorry to see you've stooped to that level. I look at it this way: The White House opened up a complaint department, and you STILL get all riled. Damned if they do; damned if they don't. Would you prefer another secret executive office with brick walls all around it or have an avenue to voice your valid complaints?

You remind me very much of a "friend" of mine from other sites who has disappeared although you are a little more tame than she is/was. Perhaps you know of her? Saoirse was her handle.

Anyway, I can just imagine the shit fit you and she would have had should President Bush had requested the same information regarding the War on Iraq or Social Security Reform.

Actually, I was pissed at Bush for the way the war was handled, for the Patriot Act and for the wiretapping. I have always spoken out against the Patriot Act and wiretapping. I would have been pissed as well if he had tried a stunt like this. The request was extremely inappropriate when you look at how big Big Brother has become.


Big Brother DHS has been monitoring private e-mails for years, including message boards (:eek:), and I seriously doubt they have recently taken time to construct a new and separate database for a collection of political hacks who hate Obama and his health care initiative. What DHS looks for are buzz words that constitute serious threats, not a bunch of yammering protesters spreading disinformation over the draft health care bills.
That old website never said anything about "TURNING PEOPLE IN" nor even implied such a thing. See how people distort everything? I'm sick to death of it. It asked for the same input that the new version does, and gives the WH a chance to correct misconceptions which you should know continue to be rampant. I simply fail to see why that was a "bad" thing--the equivalent of Hitlerism. PULEEEZE!!!!!!


It asked for people to forward emails to them that were spreading "disinformation" about the plan. Do you realize that when a person forwards an email it includes the email address of the original sender?

Puleeeze!!! They got more than enough names of those awful people who did not capitulate to President Obama's attempt for force the first step to socialized medicine down our throats.



Okay, so you're afraid that there's a new database being collected to squirrel away your e-mail address and put you (collectively, you) on an "enemies" list? Are you (collectively) the same people who not so long ago were screeching that bypassing FISA laws is okay because "...if you got nuthin' to hide, you got nuthin' to worry about" ????


Hmmm, well, in post #54 (although knowing how you read and reply to individual posts and then move on, it is probable that you had not read that one yet) I specifically mentioned that I was opposed to the NSA Wiretapping Scandal which was, if I am not mistaken the bypassing of the FISA laws, so in reply to your question... no, I, me personally, was not one of those who said, "...if you got nuthin' to hide, you got nuthin' to worry about".

In fact, I said exactly the opposite. When Big Brother starts working to bypass our civil rights is exactly when we should be worried. There wasn't much that I approved of the Bush Administration. I was actually for the War in Iraq up until the point where they captured Saddam. At that point, I said it was time to come home and revamp the war on terrorism. It was at that point that I felt it was time to adjust our tactics, because the way we are fighting the war now is not the way to beat terrorists.


It asked for people to forward emails to them that were spreading "disinformation" about the plan. Do you realize that when a person forwards an email it includes the email address of the original sender?

Puleeeze!!! They got more than enough names of those awful people who did not capitulate to President Obama's attempt for force the first step to socialized medicine down our throats.


However sloppily it might have been set up, I think they had every right to try to find out which organization is intent on spreading rumors. And it's still going on. Here's the latest:

More ‘Senior Scare’ | FactCheck.org

Okay, so you're afraid that there's a new database being collected to squirrel away your e-mail address and put you (collectively, you) on an "enemies" list? Are you (collectively) the same people who not so long ago were screeching that bypassing FISA laws is okay because "...if you got nuthin' to hide, you got nuthin' to worry about" ????


no, nice strawman, though, hack. :thup:

I don't believe you even understand what the term "strawman" implies. What is the title of this thread, Del? What are we discussing here? DISINFORMATION being put out by opposition groups to the health care plan and a White House website set up to capture that DISINFORMATION. The complaint, at least in this thread, appears to be that the Obama administration wants to capture your private e-mail information and put opposing individuals on some sort of hit list. Mine was hardly a "strawman" comment, duh... which implies a what-if scenario which goes off topic.

And I'm also no more of a "hack" than YOU are, my friend. You earn another DUH for that one.
However sloppily it might have been set up, I think they had every right to try to find out which organization is intent on spreading rumors. And it's still going on. Here's the latest:

More ‘Senior Scare’ | FactCheck.org

Okay, so you're afraid that there's a new database being collected to squirrel away your e-mail address and put you (collectively, you) on an "enemies" list? Are you (collectively) the same people who not so long ago were screeching that bypassing FISA laws is okay because "...if you got nuthin' to hide, you got nuthin' to worry about" ????


no, nice strawman, though, hack. :thup:

I don't believe you even understand what the term "strawman" implies. What is the title of this thread, Del? What are we discussing here? DISINFORMATION being put out by opposition groups to the health care plan and a White House website set up to capture that DISINFORMATION. The complaint, at least in this thread, appears to be that the Obama administration wants to capture your private e-mail information and put opposing individuals on some sort of hit list. Mine was hardly a "strawman" comment, duh... which implies a what-if scenario which goes off topic.

And I'm also no more of a "hack" than YOU are, my friend. You earn another DUH for that one.
but to YOU and Obama, "disinformation" = THE TRUTH
However sloppily it might have been set up, I think they had every right to try to find out which organization is intent on spreading rumors. And it's still going on. Here's the latest:

More ‘Senior Scare’ | FactCheck.org

Okay, so you're afraid that there's a new database being collected to squirrel away your e-mail address and put you (collectively, you) on an "enemies" list? Are you (collectively) the same people who not so long ago were screeching that bypassing FISA laws is okay because "...if you got nuthin' to hide, you got nuthin' to worry about" ????


no, nice strawman, though, hack. :thup:

I don't believe you even understand what the term "strawman" implies. What is the title of this thread, Del? What are we discussing here? DISINFORMATION being put out by opposition groups to the health care plan and a White House website set up to capture that DISINFORMATION. The complaint, at least in this thread, appears to be that the Obama administration wants to capture your private e-mail information and put opposing individuals on some sort of hit list. Mine was hardly a "strawman" comment, duh... which implies a what-if scenario which goes off topic.

And I'm also no more of a "hack" than YOU are, my friend. You earn another DUH for that one.

and i'll treasure them always, honey.

borrow a dictionary and look up strawman and then have someone tell you what it means.

the topic of the thread is the OBAMA administration's attempt to gather info on dissidents, so bringing up the BUSH administration's attempts to do the same is indeed a strawman.

i'm not surprised you can't admit it; you not only drink the koolaid, i do believe you use it for other, more clinical, purposes.

no, nice strawman, though, hack. :thup:

I don't believe you even understand what the term "strawman" implies. What is the title of this thread, Del? What are we discussing here? DISINFORMATION being put out by opposition groups to the health care plan and a White House website set up to capture that DISINFORMATION. The complaint, at least in this thread, appears to be that the Obama administration wants to capture your private e-mail information and put opposing individuals on some sort of hit list. Mine was hardly a "strawman" comment, duh... which implies a what-if scenario which goes off topic.

And I'm also no more of a "hack" than YOU are, my friend. You earn another DUH for that one.

and i'll treasure them always, honey.

borrow a dictionary and look up strawman and then have someone tell you what it means.

the topic of the thread is the OBAMA administration's attempt to gather info on dissidents, so bringing up the BUSH administration's attempts to do the same is indeed a strawman.

i'm not surprised you can't admit it; you not only drink the koolaid, i do believe you use it for other, more clinical, purposes.

and i dont recall the Bush Admin ever doing any such thing
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