Florida Republican AG asks Gov Rick Scott (R) to postpone execution...

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
...so that she can host a fundraiser :eusa_doh:

Rick Scott, however, sensing the media sh*t storm that was about to rain down made sure to be very clear he had no idea why Bondi wanted the execution moved.

“Her office contacted my office and asked for a postponement, and that’s what we did. No, I did not know (the reason). We set the date,the attorney general’s office asked for a postponement, so we went along with that … When another Cabinet officer asks for something, we try to work with them.”

On Monday Bondi issued a press release in an attempt to smooth the feathers she ruffled with her selfish move:

“The planned execution of Marshall Lee Gore had already been stayed twice by the courts, and we should not have requested that the date of the execution be moved.”

Read more: Republican Priorities: Execution Delayed In Florida So Attorney General Can Attend Campaign Fundraiser -

:up: Republicans :lol:
The guy gets to live longer.

I'm very sure he is delighted.

So, in your own words, why are you outraged this time?
Kim Bondi...

She is a real peice of work.

She is very tight with people like the lead prosecutor in the Zimmerman Case and the lawyers who were race pimping for the families of Trayvon Martin and Martin Anderson.

But she is solid on the 2nd Amendment. That's about the only good thing I can say for her.

the highest regard for Pam ... a Republican fundraiser - let the victims eat cake.
The guy gets to live longer.

I'm very sure he is delighted.

So, in your own words, why are you outraged this time?

I need to follow up on this more. I'm not sure I'm outraged.

The question was more aimed at Dot Com.

Sorry, should have quoted instead...

I'm just not seeing a problem.

Had they moved it up...ok, that would have been a problem.

Postponing someones execution for any reason is a positive in my book.

Give lawyers more time, brings the condemned to the attention of the Governor before the fateful night.

Now Rick Scott has the execution on his mind, and has to wrestle with it actively.

I'm anti death penalty, so the more opportunity the condemned has, the better in my book.

Any extra time is a gift.

So I am wondering what Dot Com is outraged about.
Good news or bad news? Nothing in a republican state is ever good news to the radical left (tax exempt) propaganda media so I guess the postponement of an execution is bad news to radical lefties.
All politicians are terrible people. If you want to make a living off of politics, being willing to become a terrible person is a prerequisite.

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