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Florida Senators Totally Triggered The Gays By Telling Them The Truth

Children don't know a thing about sexuality on their own until they near the age of puberty. No 3 year old even understands the difference between genders yet alone sexuality. Some are barely able to talk yet.

If you want to screw up your 5 year old with perverted sexual shit, go right ahead, it's your kid. But don't tell people who don't want to do that to their own children they are wrong for wanting to know WTF their children are taught in classrooms that their tax dollars pay for.
Well, all that I will say is that I based my claim on scientific evidence which I documented. You on the other hand, are just pulling your uneducated opinion out of your pie hole
Please explain exactly what I am doing to corrupt children and what constitutes my "despicable behavior"
Not you personally. I don't know you, so I can't say. And, you personally don't want to take any responsibility for despicable behavior anyway, right?

No, parents see the stories, they're all over the news. Once again, the people doing this can not seem to respect a simple and obvious set of boundaries. Don't bring politics into a KINDERGARTEN classroom. Or even an elementary school classroom. For example - there is the teacher who took down the American flag and made the kids pledge allegiance to the rainbow flag instead.

Maybe you don't do that kind of thing, yourself personally. But others definitely do. And they're all political activists, there isn't one of them that isn't.

Look, if you try to tell kids what to like and what not to like, that's political activism. Leave that stuff at the door! Do NOT try to brainwash my children. They'll make their own decisions, and you're not responsible for them. Some of the stuff that passed for education is NOT education, it's simple political activism and you have no right to visit it on my kids!
See what happens when we try to reach across the aisle?

We need some understanding of the normie perspective too.

I might be willing to consider an educational presentation based on social improvement, but not a story hour from a flamboyant cross dresser who's "not even" trans (in other words, an old fashioned drag queen). I'm sorry, say what you will, but that kind of stuff is NOT age appropriate, and yet the activists keep doing it, they keep doing it even after they're told to stand down.

So, my view is, everyone needs to understand where the boundaries are. If you think I'm rigid about the activist part, I'm an extremist when it comes to my daughter's physical safety. If anything with a penis follows my daughter into the bathroom, I'll drag him out of there, myself personally. And if that doesn't work, there are other options. Either way, that fucker is gonna do the kind and thoughtful and considerate thing, and WAIT till my daughter is done. Sorry if it leaks, not my problem. He'll wait, or the fangs will come out and Scruffy will introduce him to cousin Lorena and he'll have to go back for more surgery. :p

Seriously, this is the LEAST we can ask. On behalf of the children. Be respectful, be thoughtful. You're asking the same if the normies, right? So just... it's a simple set of rules. If you want to talk to the kids you ask their parents first, and when you interact with them remember they're kids, they're young, impressionable, not ready to make life choices yet. That's why we don't let them get married till a certain age, and why there's an age of consent for sex.
Well, all that I will say is that I based my claim on scientific evidence which I documented. You on the other hand, are just pulling your uneducated opinion out of your pie hole

Communist propaganda is not scientific evidence. We are not from another planet. We know what we were like at that age and many here have had kids that age. We know how children think and act. They are not thinking sexually until their teen years unless spoon fed this garbage.
Communist propaganda is not scientific evidence. We are not from another planet. We know what we were like at that age and many here have had kids that age. We know how children think and act. They are not thinking sexually until their teen years unless spoon fed this garbage.
That is idiotic! Anything that you disagree with, or that you do not want to believe is Communist Propaganda? You have just squandered the las vestige of the little credibility that you may have had. You do not even seem to understand the difference between sexuality and gender awareness

Gender identity typically develops in stages:
  • Around age two: Children become conscious of the physical differences between boys and girls.
  • Before their third birthday: Most children can easily label themselves as either a boy or a girl.
  • By age four: Most children have a stable sense of their gender identity.

Gender Identity Development in Children - HealthyChildren.org

That is idiotic! Anything that you disagree with, or that you do not want to believe is Communist Propaganda? You have just squandered the las vestige of the little credibility that you may have had. You do not even seem to understand the difference between sexuality and gender awareness

Gender identity typically develops in stages:
  • Around age two: Children become conscious of the physical differences between boys and girls.
  • Before their third birthday: Most children can easily label themselves as either a boy or a girl.
  • By age four: Most children have a stable sense of their gender identity.

Gender Identity Development in Children - HealthyChildren.org


You post this bullshit as evidence? No child four years old or even anywhere near that age have any idea WTF gender identity is. You are either a boy or a girl, that's it. That's what children know. These kids can't even recite their ABC's yet alone question their sexuality. And as been stated by me and others here, if that's what you believe, fine with us. Teach that shit to your own kids but don't teach it to ours. You have no right to.
You post this bullshit as evidence? No child four years old or even anywhere near that age have any idea WTF gender identity is. You are either a boy or a girl, that's it. That's what children know. These kids can't even recite their ABC's yet alone question their sexuality. And as been stated by me and others here, if that's what you believe, fine with us. Teach that shit to your own kids but don't teach it to ours. You have no right to.
Interesting how you're so quick to call my post- where I quote pediatricians- bullshit when you never ever provide any source for your claims. You seem to think that what you say is true just because you said it, and that everyone else should just accept it. You are trying to win an argument employing a logical fallacy-in this case an appeal to ignorance-which is the last, desperate attempt to win, by someone who has nothing

Now, let's look again at what the pediatricians said:

  • Around age two: Children become conscious of the physical differences between boys and girls.
  • Before their third birthday: Most children can easily label themselves as either a boy or a girl.
  • By age four: Most children have a stable sense of their gender identity.
So yes, MOST children know that they are a boy or a girl, with the operative word being MOST. So, that means "Not all" Hence gender dysphoria. No one is teaching these kids to be unsure of what they are. It just happens.

What they need to be taught is that they are still loved and that there are responsible adults who are there for them and will help them to sort it out and to discover who they are in time.

If you cannot understand that much, you are beyond help. My guess is that you just don't want to understand-or that you will pretend not to understand because you are to invested in your narrow and rigid views. They DO NOT need to be rejected and made to feel like freaks and that not one takes their pain seriously. That's when the kill themselves

And you are STILL confusing "sexuality" by which I assume that you mean sexual orientation with gender identity. They are two separate issues that have different developmental timelines.
Interesting how you're so quick to call my post- where I quote pediatricians- bullshit when you never ever provide any source for your claims. You seem to think that what you say is true just because you said it, and that everyone else should just accept it. You are trying to win an argument employing a logical fallacy-in this case an appeal to ignorance-which is the last, desperate attempt to win, by someone who has nothing

Now, let's look again at what the pediatricians said:

  • Around age two: Children become conscious of the physical differences between boys and girls.
  • Before their third birthday: Most children can easily label themselves as either a boy or a girl.
  • By age four: Most children have a stable sense of their gender identity.
So yes, MOST children know that they are a boy or a girl, with the operative word being MOST. So, that means "Not all" Hence gender dysphoria. No one is teaching these kids to be unsure of what they are. It just happens.

What they need to be taught is that they are still loved and that there are responsible adults who are there for them and will help them to sort it out and to discover who they are in time.

If you cannot understand that much, you are beyond help. My guess is that you just don't want to understand-or that you will pretend not to understand because you are to invested in your narrow and rigid views. They DO NOT need to be rejected and made to feel like freaks and that not one takes their pain seriously. That's when the kill themselves

And you are STILL confusing "sexuality" by which I assume that you mean sexual orientation with gender identity. They are two separate issues that have different developmental timelines.

Like I said, you want to indoctrinate your kids with that leftist bullshit, go right ahead, but a majority of parents want you to keep it to yourself and not spread your bullshit to their kids. I see nothing wrong with that. They are the parents, they are paying for those schools, they expect teachers to teach and not be a gender social director to 5 year old kids some of who are not fluent in our language yet.
Like I said, you want to indoctrinate your kids with that leftist bullshit, go right ahead, but a majority of parents want you to keep it to yourself and not spread your bullshit to their kids. I see nothing wrong with that. They are the parents, they are paying for those schools, they expect teachers to teach and not be a gender social director to 5 year old kids some of who are not fluent in our language yet.
Holy fucking shit! You are unbelievably pathetic! You are not even trying to address the points that I made. You have no rebuttal. You totally fail to explain or document how anyone is trying to indoctrinate the kids. You continue to employ your appeal to ignorance/appeal to authority logical fallacies- "I said it so it's true" bullshit. Not working

You just keep regurgitating the same lame, debunked talking points that have been drilled into your skull by who the hell knows who. You are not capable of having a conversation or a debate. You are engaging in a pre programed monologue with plugs in your ears that block anything that you do not want to hear Your brain has apparently been rendered inoperable. You cannot see beyond your own bigoted rhetoric. YOU represent the people who need to be kept away from vulnerable children least you have blood on your hands
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Not you personally. I don't know you, so I can't say. And, you personally don't want to take any responsibility for despicable behavior anyway, right?

No, parents see the stories, they're all over the news. Once again, the people doing this can not seem to respect a simple and obvious set of boundaries. Don't bring politics into a KINDERGARTEN classroom. Or even an elementary school classroom. For example - there is the teacher who took down the American flag and made the kids pledge allegiance to the rainbow flag instead.

Maybe you don't do that kind of thing, yourself personally. But others definitely do. And they're all political activists, there isn't one of them that isn't.

Look, if you try to tell kids what to like and what not to like, that's political activism. Leave that stuff at the door! Do NOT try to brainwash my children. They'll make their own decisions, and you're not responsible for them. Some of the stuff that passed for education is NOT education, it's simple political activism and you have no right to visit it on my kids!
No one is trying to brainwash children or to tell them what to like. If you think so, you are brainwashed. An anecdotal story presented out of contact and without documentation is not evidence of anything.
That is idiotic! Anything that you disagree with, or that you do not want to believe is Communist Propaganda? You have just squandered the las vestige of the little credibility that you may have had. You do not even seem to understand the difference between sexuality and gender awareness

Gender identity typically develops in stages:
  • Around age two: Children become conscious of the physical differences between boys and girls.
  • Before their third birthday: Most children can easily label themselves as either a boy or a girl.
  • By age four: Most children have a stable sense of their gender identity.

Gender Identity Development in Children - HealthyChildren.org

This is what the leftie activists are using as an excuse? "Little kids recognize the difference between a boy and a girl"?

Pardon my directness, but this is fuckwitry. Flim flam, hocus pocus.

Any competent psychologist will tell you that a girl can slip in and out of a tomboy phase at just about any age. That does NOT make her a transgender candidate. In the vast majority of cases the condition is temporary, it might last anywhere from a few weeks to a few years. It does mean though, that she'll probably get picked on by her peers while it happens.

In my daughter's case it happened early, because of a hobby she picked up for a while. So like, if someone happens to bend her ear "during that time", when she's trying to figure out who she is, I'm going to be furious.

I will reiterate: leave her alone. She needs to figure it out for herself, in her own way. If she wants help, she'll ask.

It would REALLY help the leftist activists to understand some child psychology. If you make a series of civil rights presentations, and everyone doing the presenting is eccentric in some way, then kids learn that only eccentric people need civil rights. Y'know, then we get these dangerously stupid fools who think the way to deal with that is to make "everyone" eccentric.

I will repeat, these are my boundaries:

1. Ask the parents first. The parents are in charge. Not the teachers, not the activists, not the administrators, not even the school nurse.

2. Respect the kids. Boys begin to mature sexually around age 8 or 9, before that there is no reason to talk to a boy about sex "at all". Unless there is sexual activity taking place. Or unless the behavior is so eccentric that it warrants psychiatric consultation. In either event it's not a situation for an activist. A boy usually won't know (or even suspect) he's gay until 12 or early teens. Why try to talk to four year olds? It makes no sense at all. If you have a boy who won't stop wearing dresses and playing with dolls, that's a case for a psychiatrist, not an activist.
Since you act like “being homeschooled” is the worst thing someone could have, take a look at this from researchandeducation.com
View attachment 617463

Quoted from ies.ed.gov

This research also reveals that homeschooled students report that they achieve higher academic success in college and view their entire college experience more positively than traditionally educated students.

Not to mention that we’re not indoctrinated into wokeism which is a big plus.
Show me the scientists, leaders of government, or C level.management that were homeschooled. Hah!
MOst abusers are parents.
That doesnt mean that we should be allowing teachers to continue to abuse.

Oh fyi---one of the ways that pedophiles including parent ones are caught---is that their kid goes to school and starts talking about sex stuff. Having the schools not bring up sex--makes it easier to catch pedos abusing young kids.
That doesnt mean that we should be allowing teachers to continue to abuse.

Oh fyi---one of the ways that pedophiles including parent ones are caught---is that their kid goes to school and starts talking about sex stuff. Having the schools not bring up sex--makes it easier to catch pedos abusing young kids.

There is no half-way point with these people. All they are saying is look, we won't teach your kid to be a Jesus freak and you don't teach ours to be weirdos. It's too much to ask. That's why there is so many road blocks in Congress.

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