Florida student beaten in London muslim no go zone

You're really trying to defend this, sunni? You are not doing yourself any favors or representing your faith very well at all right now. Don't trade your reason and integrity for what you think is a display of your fervor.
No, I am not defending the actions of the guys who beat up the drunk......clearly they were in the wrong regardless of motive.

I guess it just bugs me how even the smallest incident anywhere in the world involving muslims is grist for anti-muslim mill.

You mean like when they kill 100 people in a mall? Just a typical day in the peaceful world of islam.
The difference is the guy was just punched and kicked until he fled.

In the American hood he would be robbed and then murdered.

Basically, U.S cities are a thousand times more violent than a London no go zone. .. :cool:

The difference is that in America no small group of fanatics or racists are allowed to form no-go zones.

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