Florida teen girl body-slammed by school resource officer 'traumatized,' suffering from memory loss, headaches, blurry vision & sleep deprivation

And I will happily say there are times that resisting or not complying is the right thing to do.

If it is done passively, then I would agree. However, physically assaulting a police officer is just a really bad idea.

We live in a country that, for the most part, enjoys the rule of law. If you feel you are being arrested or searched extra-judiciously then getting physical with the arresting officers is a really bad idea.

Many people have beliefs that cause them to think (mostly incorrectly) they are above the rule of law. Sovereign Citizens are one example of these. They often physically resists police and it invariably doesn't end will for them, on the street or in court.

Comply with the arrest and have your day in court.

Weren't the girls just yelling at each other?

I wasn't there, were you?

Just referring to the videos and witnesses. It will get sorted out.

That is very much my point. It will get sorted out in court. That is what the courts are for.
I missed that. She said she had a gun?
No... Or... Actually I don't know. I have no idea what the girls were saying to one another. I simply am addressing that even if it was "just verbal" there are still scenarios where taking her down was the right move.
don't bodyslam me, bro!

Kids in school need slapped down from time to time, its part of the whole educational process.

When I was in school we didn't have "resource officers" but we did have nuns, priests, and/or brothers.

And they were all very well versed in correctionary methods. I remember getting clocked on the side of the head by a priest, and walloped on the back of the thighs by a nun. I saw other kids getting their heads cracked into the blackboard.

Whatever this student did, they aren't as likely to do it again.
Man opens his gym during a mandatory shutdown... Gets fined. Wouldn't have happened if he would have done what they told him to.

You have to ask the questions...

... was the order to close the gym a lawful and Constitutional order?

... was the police officer's arrest lawful and Constitutional or was the girl lawfully resisting arrest?
I agree. And I will happily say there are times that resisting or not complying is the right thing to do.

And you will happily get your ass slammed to the ground to.

There is a reason "resisting arrest" is a crime. It doesn't say "resisting arrest unless arrestee believes it's wrong". If you think you are being unlawfully detained you fight it in court, not on the streets of Bakersfield. There, I can promise, the fight will not end the way you want it to.
And you will happily get your ass slammed to the ground to.
I doubt it. At least, not in THAT situation with those people. I'm not a teenage girl nor am I likely to do something that would warrant my arrest.

There is a reason "resisting arrest" is a crime. It doesn't say "resisting arrest unless arrestee believes it's wrong". If you think you are being unlawfully detained you fight it in court, not on the streets of Bakersfield. There, I can promise, the fight will not end the way you want it to.
I haven't seen any video where she resisted arrest yet. I'm not saying she didn't, but I haven't seen anything that suggests she did.

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