

Extra long Bad Ass Cut.
Sep 17, 2011
Drivers seat.
If I should ever want to muddy an election, I can trust Florida to have my back.

If I ever want to kill my toddler by suffocating them with trash bags and duck tape so I can save money and go out and party, Florida has my back.

If I ever want to shoot a guy, I need only pick a fight and again, Florida gots my back.

Florida. Yet another great state going the way of other great states like California and Texas.
Florida tried very hard to get a conviction. The prosecutors lied, they concealed exculpatory evidence, there was even a hand picked democrat judge. They just couldn't overcome the facts.
Florida tried very hard to get a conviction. The prosecutors lied, they concealed exculpatory evidence, there was even a hand picked democrat judge. They just couldn't overcome the facts.

They did not try, they held the political line in an attempt to preserve there jobs. They showed up. Nothing more.
If I should ever want to muddy an election, I can trust Florida to have my back.

If I ever want to kill my toddler by suffocating them with trash bags and duck tape so I can save money and go out and party, Florida has my back.

If I ever want to shoot a guy, I need only pick a fight and again, Florida gots my back.

Florida. Yet another great state going the way of other great states like California and Texas.

California and Texas are light night and day. WTF are you talking about ?
What's your problem with Texas, Gertrude?

My problem with Texas, Maud ? Well, since 1979 up until I moved in 2012, Texas has been over run from members of the political class. Texas tends to not prosecute child molester and drunk drivers, and I stead, they mess with there cops for being cops. Texas is no longer what it was. And California, do I even need to explain ?
If I should ever want to muddy an election, I can trust Florida to have my back.

If I ever want to kill my toddler by suffocating them with trash bags and duck tape so I can save money and go out and party, Florida has my back.

If I ever want to shoot a guy, I need only pick a fight and again, Florida gots my back.

Florida. Yet another great state going the way of other great states like California and Texas.

California and Texas are light night and day. WTF are you talking about ?

You need to get out more. You are to secluded up there in Austin.
If I should ever want to muddy an election, I can trust Florida to have my back.

If I ever want to kill my toddler by suffocating them with trash bags and duck tape so I can save money and go out and party, Florida has my back.

If I ever want to shoot a guy, I need only pick a fight and again, Florida gots my back.

Florida. Yet another great state going the way of other great states like California and Texas.

Zimmerman should not have been tried in the first place. The police officer that got fired knew that , the first prosecutor knew that but Sharpton, Jackson and Obama stuck their noses where it did not belong . If you watched the trail you would have seen the evidence supported Zimmerman even the people who testified against him showed he was in the right!
If I should ever want to muddy an election, I can trust Florida to have my back.

If I ever want to kill my toddler by suffocating them with trash bags and duck tape so I can save money and go out and party, Florida has my back.

If I ever want to shoot a guy, I need only pick a fight and again, Florida gots my back.

Florida. Yet another great state going the way of other great states like California and Texas.

Don't like it? Stay out. We don't need ignorant people here thanks.
If I should ever want to muddy an election, I can trust Florida to have my back.

If I ever want to kill my toddler by suffocating them with trash bags and duck tape so I can save money and go out and party, Florida has my back.

If I ever want to shoot a guy, I need only pick a fight and again, Florida gots my back.

Florida. Yet another great state going the way of other great states like California and Texas.

Don't like it? Stay out. We don't need ignorant people here thanks.

Yeah! We've got enough ignorant people here.
If I should ever want to muddy an election, I can trust Florida to have my back.

If I ever want to kill my toddler by suffocating them with trash bags and duck tape so I can save money and go out and party, Florida has my back.

If I ever want to shoot a guy, I need only pick a fight and again, Florida gots my back.

Florida. Yet another great state going the way of other great states like California and Texas.

Here's a thought....

Stay the hell out of Florida

How will we ever survive :eek:
If I should ever want to muddy an election, I can trust Florida to have my back.

If I ever want to kill my toddler by suffocating them with trash bags and duck tape so I can save money and go out and party, Florida has my back.

If I ever want to shoot a guy, I need only pick a fight and again, Florida gots my back.

Florida. Yet another great state going the way of other great states like California and Texas.

Zimmerman should not have been tried in the first place. The police officer that got fired knew that , the first prosecutor knew that but Sharpton, Jackson and Obama stuck their noses where it did not belong . If you watched the trail you would have seen the evidence supported Zimmerman even the people who testified against him showed he was in the right!

The lefties will never agree with any of this. It's the typical MO of the left that they don't give a damn about right, or wrong, or the law, they only care about winning. They lost and they are pissed, so they resort to the only things left to them: the race card and name-calling.
If I should ever want to muddy an election, I can trust Florida to have my back.

If I ever want to kill my toddler by suffocating them with trash bags and duck tape so I can save money and go out and party, Florida has my back.

If I ever want to shoot a guy, I need only pick a fight and again, Florida gots my back.

Florida. Yet another great state going the way of other great states like California and Texas.

Don't like it? Stay out. We don't need ignorant people here thanks.

Yeah! We've got enough ignorant people here.

We have our share and we don't need him coming down here and adding to it.
If I should ever want to muddy an election, I can trust Florida to have my back.

If I ever want to kill my toddler by suffocating them with trash bags and duck tape so I can save money and go out and party, Florida has my back.

If I ever want to shoot a guy, I need only pick a fight and again, Florida gots my back.

Florida. Yet another great state going the way of other great states like California and Texas.

Zimmerman should not have been tried in the first place. The police officer that got fired knew that , the first prosecutor knew that but Sharpton, Jackson and Obama stuck their noses where it did not belong . If you watched the trail you would have seen the evidence supported Zimmerman even the people who testified against him showed he was in the right!

Spitzer was just on tv talking about our great judicial system, BUT how this time they got it completely wrong! The left are not going to shut up about this until they get the riots they wanted from the beginning. Hopefully there's smarter people out there that have realized rioting will not solve the problem. The threat of riots didn't stop the jurors from doing the right thing....
Florida has always been fucked up.

not true ! when i lived there in the 1940's black folk stepped off the side walk when a white person was approaching, most just walked in the street to avoid the whites, we also had some really great black neighbors, they gave us some home grown food and a really great Alligator stew, Mom tried to give them some money, but most refused.

Florida was a great place to live back then, in a small village named Wellborn, it is in Suwannee County.
If I should ever want to muddy an election, I can trust Florida to have my back.

If I ever want to kill my toddler by suffocating them with trash bags and duck tape so I can save money and go out and party, Florida has my back.

If I ever want to shoot a guy, I need only pick a fight and again, Florida gots my back.

Florida. Yet another great state going the way of other great states like California and Texas.

It's all them liberals that moved down here, fucked everything up...
I was born her. Got the "Florida Native" sticker on my bumper and everything. This place is full of nuts, but it's interesting. There was a story out of Tampa years ago. A truck driver was arrested. He was moonlighting as a hitman. And was a cross-dresser to boot. Now, put a cross-dressing, truck-driving, hitman in your book or movie and people will complain that such a character is unbelievable. But this is just a normal story out of Florida. Although, I suspect everyplace has such loony tune types, but it has become stereotypical to think that just Florida has these stories. Eh, it gives us something to talk about.

That said, if I could pass one law, it would be to tax snowbirds to the point that they go somewhere else. They can't drive, they drive up real estate prices, and they bring their goofy laws with them.

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