Florist Sued for Refusing Service to Gay Couple Pens Defiant Letter Rejecting Gov’t Settlement Offer

Ugh...yeah right. The homos couldn't find a homo florist? Yeaaahh right
Once again, this was a case of a couple who spent money for years at a business only for the business to suddenly pull the religion card on them.

The business owner is a bigot and she is welcome to be a bigot but that doesn't excuse her from following local business laws. If anyone was attacked, it was the gay couple.
Wrong. The state is ignoring her Constitutional right to follow her religion. You're the bigot.
Where in her religion is it written that she cannot arrange flowers for a wedding?

Right next to where it says homos can get married
Our laws are not written in the bible but nice attempt at deflection.
Freedom of religion is, try to keep up.
... The business owner is a bigot and she is welcome to be a bigot ... .

Nature requires that given the defining elements of the concept 'Bigotry', the best sign that one is dealing with a bigot, is that they will be called such, thus proving > themselves <intolerant toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.
You were amusing as Pubes but now you are just an old, stale, repetitive crank.
Such is the nature of Relativism... and it is dangerous to nothing short of the viability of the culture:

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

It is through this, perversion of reason, wherein relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity that is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and, both of those being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

And here's how it works and why it is SUCH a dangerous expression of the Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principle:

Constitution of the United States said:
Congress shall make no law ... prohibiting the free exercise [of religion]; or abridging the freedom of speech...

How does the Relativism 'interpret' THAT?

Benton County Superior Court Judge Alex Ekstrom rejected arguments from the owner of Arlene's Flowers in Richland that her actions were protected by her religious freedom. He said that while religious beliefs are protected by the First Amendment, actions based on those beliefs aren't necessarily. Courts have long held that lawmakers can prohibit discriminatory conduct, and the judge said florist Barronelle Stutzman broke the law when she refused to sell flowers for a same-sex wedding in 2013.

Joe. My. God. WASHINGTON Anti-Gay Florist Found Guilty In Public Accommodations Case

See how that works?

Has nothing to do with Relativism. It is simply a case of enforcing the law of Washington State.

"He (The Judge) said that while religious beliefs are protected by the First Amendment, actions based on those beliefs aren't necessarily." Your religion might say the only way to heaven is by human sacrifice. You have the right to believe it, however if you acted it out you'll be charged with murder and thrown in jail. Unless the high court rules that accommodation laws are unconstitutional imo this decision will stand.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Once again, this was a case of a couple who spent money for years at a business only for the business to suddenly pull the religion card on them.

The business owner is a bigot and she is welcome to be a bigot but that doesn't excuse her from following local business laws. If anyone was attacked, it was the gay couple.
Wrong. The state is ignoring her Constitutional right to follow her religion. You're the bigot.
Where in her religion is it written that she cannot arrange flowers for a wedding?

Right next to where it says homos can get married
Our laws are not written in the bible but nice attempt at deflection.
Freedom of religion is, try to keep up.
She has freedom of religion.
Has nothing to do with Relativism. It is simply a case of enforcing the law of Washington State.

"He (The Judge) said that while religious beliefs are protected by the First Amendment, actions based on those beliefs aren't necessarily." Your religion might say the only way to heaven is by human sacrifice. You have the right to believe it, however if you acted it out you'll be charged with murder and thrown in jail. Unless the high court rules that accommodation laws are unconstitutional imo this decision will stand.
The moron equated it to murder? Wow. No wonder we have so many problems. We aren't talking about some nut or small nut cult dreams up. Christianity has been very well established here, lots of it on display, probably in the same court house the retard ruled from.
Where in her religion is it written that she cannot arrange flowers for a wedding?
Where does it say she can't do it for a pornographers convention? Use your fucking brain.
Pornographers aren't covered as a group that can't be discriminated against in that state.
You missed the point. Really badly too. You asked where it was in the Bible, RETARD.
Wrong. The state is ignoring her Constitutional right to follow her religion. You're the bigot.
Where in her religion is it written that she cannot arrange flowers for a wedding?

Right next to where it says homos can get married
Our laws are not written in the bible but nice attempt at deflection.
Freedom of religion is, try to keep up.
She has freedom of religion.
Maybe she'll be freed up soon to do her religion full-time? That works.
Yeah, she thinks she lives in a free country with 1st amendment rights - the fool.

Benton County Superior Court Judge Alex Ekstrom rejected arguments from the owner of Arlene's Flowers in Richland that her actions were protected by her religious freedom. He said that while religious beliefs are protected by the First Amendment, actions based on those beliefs aren't necessarily. Courts have long held that lawmakers can prohibit discriminatory conduct, and the judge said florist Barronelle Stutzman broke the law when she refused to sell flowers for a same-sex wedding in 2013.

Joe. My. God. WASHINGTON Anti-Gay Florist Found Guilty In Public Accommodations Case
Beliefs without actions are meaningless. The problem is that Christians have not formed activist groups and put pressure on the religion bigots.

LOL.....are you kidding or are you ignorant? There is a 'proud' history of Christians forming activist groups to put pressure on individuals and business's that they do not approve of.

Referring to "Million Mom's" an offshoot of the anti-gay American Family christian organization:

"Alerting all parents! In a first for the Disney Channel, an episode in the next season of "Good Luck Charlie" will feature a family with two moms. The episode will air in early 2014 as part of "Good Luck Charlie’s" final season. Because ’Good Luck Charlie’ is coming to a close, the characters are only expected to appear in one episode. However, one episode is bad enough, and the network repeatedly airs previews in commercials leading up to new episodes and also replays episodes in reruns."

The Moms continued with sharp criticism against the media giant.

"Disney should stick to entertaining instead of pushing an agenda. Disney decided to be politically correct versus providing family-friendly programming. Disney has a choice whether to produce a program with certain fictional characters; the storyline could be re-written or changed. Conservative families need to urge Disney to exclude confusing topics that children are far too young to comprehend."

The boycott over the "Good Luck Charlie" episode marks the second time in one month that the anti-gay Christian media watchdog group has taken on Mickey Mouse. On May 9, EDGE reported that OMM had launched a boycott against Disney’s theme park division for not barring participants of the unofficial Gay Days weekend from entering the company’s flagship destination in Orlando, Fla. That action is referenced in OMM’s latest call to arms.

"Disney claims it is not responsible for Gay Days held at the Magic Kingdom because it is out of its hands, but Disney cannot hide behind that excuse any longer and pretend it is not pushing an agenda. One Million Moms will hold Disney accountable for the content produced and marketed directly to young viewers over the Disney Channel Network, which they have complete control over."
Where in her religion is it written that she cannot arrange flowers for a wedding?
Where does it say she can't do it for a pornographers convention? Use your fucking brain.
Pornographers aren't covered as a group that can't be discriminated against in that state.
You missed the point. Really badly too. You asked where it was in the Bible, RETARD.
No, you missed the point. You said she couldn't be forced to do something against her religion. There is nothing in the bible that prohibits her from arranging flowers for a gay wedding. Not to mention that she volunteered to follow local laws when she decided to be a florist.

Though thanks for this little back and forth. It is against her religion to lie, and that is exactly what she's done by agreeing to abide by local laws and then playing the religion card.

She never refused to sell them flowers. That would be discrimination. What she refused to sell was her artistry. An artist should always have the right to refuse their artistry to anyone for any reason or no reason.
Being discriminatory against gay people is about as relativist as it gets.

I'm discriminatory against pan handlers - should I be punished?
The comparison doesnt make much sense, and also my original post in this thread was AGAINST any punishment for the florist.

I just think shes a douche bag like all the other anti gay busy body douche bags out there.
LOL I love how anything anti homo gets the girl's panties in a twist. Does every leftist have underlying homosexual desires?

No, homosexuals are a preferred group by the party. Rati the racist rodent lives only to serve the party.

What the leftists do is apply privilege to preferred groups, whilst denying civil rights to the public at large. If the party favors you, you are showered with any and all privilege. If not, then you have no rights are all.
She never refused to sell them flowers. That would be discrimination. What she refused to sell was her artistry. An artist should always have the right to refuse their artistry to anyone for any reason or no reason.
If its for sale then it applies. Sorry.
Stand your ground,
lol. she might as well just close up shop, she hasn't a leg to stand on.

It's a sad situation and scary when the GAYstapo gets you in their line of fire

When a person gets a business license they fill out forms with the state. One of those forms says that the business owner will comply with all of the laws of the state.

When that business owner violated the laws of the state she exposed herself to what's happening now.

If a person wants to break the law and doesn't want to do business with law abiding citizens of our nation, then that person shouldn't be in business.

You conservatives aren't any different from anyone else. You can't discriminate against people.

If that woman makes flower arrangements for straight couples, by law she must provide the same service to same sex couples.

Benton county is filled with racists and homophobes. It's out in the southern central part of the state in the desert. It's a rural area and I feel sorry for any homosexuals who live there. I'm sure they have to be very careful so that they aren't killed by some homophobe.
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