flu shots?

Guillain-Barre syndrome....

Is extremely rare, generally transitory, and caused by multiple types of antigenic stimulation, to include (ironically) the flu virus.

I beleive I said in GBS could occure in rare cases. But I may have overlooked that fact.

You pointed out it's rare. I pointed out it's extremely rare (2/100,000 persons in the United States. How many people die of the flu every year? Do you gamble? If so, I want you on my left at the blackjack table.)

Why do you guys always fixate on the most obscure pathologies to try to argue your point?

Guillen Barre is an autoimmune disease that that is caused by antigenic stimulation. It is tied to vaccines, but it is also tied to anything that increases the number of foreign antigens in your body, like, say, a rip-roaring case of the flu.

When you way the statistical chances of harm by skipping vaccination versus the opposite, your point is asinine. It's like saying no one should drive cars because people are killed in car wrecks. Actually, that's not even a good comparison since the statistics for auto-related fatalities far exceeds adverse outcomes in vaccinations.

As it stands, you guys can be cavalier, but you are really just sucking off of the "herd immunity" from the vast majority of the public that is getting vaccinated.

In that aspect, I agree with Amanda Peet, you are parasites.

Hey, it's your body. Do what you want with it.
Republicans - don't trust those flu shots. They say the flu virus "evolves" and we know "evolution" isn't true. It's made up by educated people to fool Republicans.

Republicans, don't let them "stick" you with that flu shot. It's really a "tracking device" because government wants to know where you are. They want to know what you're doing. Even now, they may be listening.
It has very little to do with the mind. It has to do wtih genetics, your immune system, God's grace and what you're routinely exposed to.

And what you react to. I've seen men who don't even notice they're sick until they literally are on their backs and can't move. They will not admit they are sick.

Allie, stress plays a very important role in determining your immune system strength. If you spend so much time worrying about getting sick, your immune system strength is likely to decline, which would open you up for a bigger possibility of getting symptoms if you're infected with a flu virus.

Lots of people will get the virus, and never show symptoms, just carry it in incubation. So what MM was saying is true. If you stress out over it, you may weaken yourself to the point that an incubated virus becomes active and affects you negatively.

That's a stretch. There is no doubt that positive thinking effects wellness, but when it comes to infectious disease, all the wishful thinking in the world isn't going to change a damned thing.

If you can show me some scientific thinking that shows otherwise (in regards to infectious disease), I'd be happy to see it.

As it stands, there doesn't seem to be any difference in HIV infection rates between subsets of optimists and pessimists.
The positive thinking idea is interesting. I'd say there's absolutely no evidence to suggest it will combat a virus. But I'm open to being persuaded I'm wrong.

I'd like to see it too.

I could see it to a degree. When you are stressed, your body makes steroids and steroids suppress your immune system.

But that's a stretch. We are talking about pathogens here.

Furthermore, how do you quantify a "good attitude" vs. a "mediocre attitude" vs. a "poor attitude"?
Yes, no problems with the mind (brain function) affecting the body through the activation of various hormones, only have to look at the cumulative effect of stress-related hormones which remain in the system instead of doing what they're meant to do to see it can happen. And positive thinking is a good thing of itself, but not if it obscures the person to the efficacy of medical interventions.
The flaw is that people don't weigh the risks for and against medications, they ignore side effects, possible injury and permanent damage, etc. and focus only on the "benefits". It's not seeing the big picture, it's only seeing a tiny piece of a puzzle with 1,000 pieces.
The positive thinking idea is interesting. I'd say there's absolutely no evidence to suggest it will combat a virus. But I'm open to being persuaded I'm wrong.

I don't think it's so much that the positive thinking itself combats the virus. Your body's immune system does that, and the positive thinking helps boost your body's ability to do that. Having had clinical depression my entire life, I can tell you that I am both more likely to get sick while in a depressive cycle and sick worse and for a longer time during those cycles.

While I certainly take medications for illnesses, one of the most effective ways to deal with minor problems like colds or light flu is to get out of bed, shower, put on my favorite outfit, do my hair and makeup, and go out to the bookstore for a latte and a nice browse. Looking and acting as though I feel healthy helps me to actually feel healthier than lying around and acting like a sick person does.
The flaw is that people don't weigh the risks for and against medications, they ignore side effects, possible injury and permanent damage, etc. and focus only on the "benefits". It's not seeing the big picture, it's only seeing a tiny piece of a puzzle with 1,000 pieces.

I'll own up to that, ignoring the side effects I mean. I have to take a few different types of medicines and some have side effects, fortunately not serious for me, but I admit when the doc mentioned them I did minimise, in my own mind, their importance. But my choice is have bad mental and physical health or put up with a bit of an annoying side effect.
The flaw is that people don't weigh the risks for and against medications, they ignore side effects, possible injury and permanent damage, etc. and focus only on the "benefits". It's not seeing the big picture, it's only seeing a tiny piece of a puzzle with 1,000 pieces.

hi. i don't know if you're aware, but here in America we have this thing called the FDA. They are basically responsible for ensuring every drug that makes it to market has a benefit that far outweighs the risk. When it comes to flu shots, risks are very very tiny. most common side effects generally are.... sore arm. for a few hours. maybe.

studies have shown that one person out of one million may be at RISK (not definitely get something, but just be at risk) for more serious side effects. benefits of getting a flu shot FAR outweigh the negligible side effects.
The flaw is that people don't weigh the risks for and against medications, they ignore side effects, possible injury and permanent damage, etc. and focus only on the "benefits". It's not seeing the big picture, it's only seeing a tiny piece of a puzzle with 1,000 pieces.

hi. i don't know if you're aware, but here in America we have this thing called the FDA. They are basically responsible for ensuring every drug that makes it to market has a benefit that far outweighs the risk. When it comes to flu shots, risks are very very tiny. most common side effects generally are.... sore arm. for a few hours. maybe.

studies have shown that one person out of one million may be at RISK (not definitely get something, but just be at risk) for more serious side effects. benefits of getting a flu shot FAR outweigh the negligible side effects.

Wow ... you do know that a lot of medications approved by the FDA are killing people in the US because of them not learning about their own meds, right? At least we know you like being babysat.
The flaw is that people don't weigh the risks for and against medications, they ignore side effects, possible injury and permanent damage, etc. and focus only on the "benefits". It's not seeing the big picture, it's only seeing a tiny piece of a puzzle with 1,000 pieces.

hi. i don't know if you're aware, but here in America we have this thing called the FDA. They are basically responsible for ensuring every drug that makes it to market has a benefit that far outweighs the risk. When it comes to flu shots, risks are very very tiny. most common side effects generally are.... sore arm. for a few hours. maybe.

studies have shown that one person out of one million may be at RISK (not definitely get something, but just be at risk) for more serious side effects. benefits of getting a flu shot FAR outweigh the negligible side effects.

Wow ... you do know that a lot of medications approved by the FDA are killing people in the US because of them not learning about their own meds, right? At least we know you like being babysat.

I suppose it someone doesn't read TFM they're going to screw up. But doesn't the pharmacist discuss stuff with the consumer?
The flaw is that people don't weigh the risks for and against medications, they ignore side effects, possible injury and permanent damage, etc. and focus only on the "benefits". It's not seeing the big picture, it's only seeing a tiny piece of a puzzle with 1,000 pieces.

I'll own up to that, ignoring the side effects I mean. I have to take a few different types of medicines and some have side effects, fortunately not serious for me, but I admit when the doc mentioned them I did minimise, in my own mind, their importance. But my choice is have bad mental and physical health or put up with a bit of an annoying side effect.

Most side effects of the drugs approved in the US are more than just minor annoyances, see, we don't have as many choices. Almost all drugs in the US have a risk of death, even vaccines, but few people know about that risk. Most people don't even look at the ingredients to check if there is anything they are allergic to in there. Most don't even realize they are experiencing side effects afterward because they don't look into that. One time vaccines have shorter side effects, and luckily fewer people have died from those, but people do die from vaccines. The flu shots, for example, there are people allergic to the ingredients quite often, many of us can't take them because of medication conflicts (even if I wanted them I couldn't touch them or I'd have a heart attack), I can't touch any steroids, anything with egg, and a few other such medication types because of meds I am taking and allergies. Also, I am sensitive to toxic chemicals, ie, anything artificial I cannot have injected, my liver must process it.
Wow ... you do know that a lot of medications approved by the FDA are killing people in the US because of them not learning about their own meds, right? At least we know you like being babysat.

yes, if you don't use medications correctly, they can really mess you up. Do you also recommend people not take aspirin despite its proven beneficial effects with cardiovascular disease? You can OD on anything.

Now tell me: how many patients misuse their FLU SHOT? I'ma guess 0, seeing as it's a one time administration by a medical professional. Go ahead, dare ya to try and go for the one in a billion case where someone messed it up.
hi. i don't know if you're aware, but here in America we have this thing called the FDA. They are basically responsible for ensuring every drug that makes it to market has a benefit that far outweighs the risk. When it comes to flu shots, risks are very very tiny. most common side effects generally are.... sore arm. for a few hours. maybe.

studies have shown that one person out of one million may be at RISK (not definitely get something, but just be at risk) for more serious side effects. benefits of getting a flu shot FAR outweigh the negligible side effects.

Wow ... you do know that a lot of medications approved by the FDA are killing people in the US because of them not learning about their own meds, right? At least we know you like being babysat.

I suppose it someone doesn't read TFM they're going to screw up. But doesn't the pharmacist discuss stuff with the consumer?

Again, you are talking about doing your own research, and I stated that most people in the US do not.
Wow ... you do know that a lot of medications approved by the FDA are killing people in the US because of them not learning about their own meds, right? At least we know you like being babysat.

yes, if you don't use medications correctly, they can really mess you up. Do you also recommend people not take aspirin despite its proven beneficial effects with cardiovascular disease? You can OD on anything.

Now tell me: how many patients misuse their FLU SHOT? I'ma guess 0, seeing as it's a one time administration by a medical professional. Go ahead, dare ya to try and go for the one in a billion case where someone messed it up.

Willfully naive ... you are still saying you want to be babysat. Explain the millions of lawsuits for bad medications when safer versions are denied in the US by the FDA. Explain how people know so little about their medicine that most can't even name one side effect of any medication. If you don't want to do your homework, fine, you will be one of those that are killed by bad medications. ;)
and this applies to a FLU SHOT how? how often do people get sued for a flu shot?

again, taking examples of rare heart disease drugs with compounded side effects for complex diseases is just a desperate attempt to diminish a completely safe and legitimate medication.

Hey! Apples are red, and fire hydrants are red, so therefore apples have horrible side effects that produce massive lawsuits! No, minimal things in common do not create equivalents.

But by all means, support your claim: show the homework on the side effects for the FLU SHOT that are so horrible.
and this applies to a FLU SHOT how? how often do people get sued for a flu shot?

again, taking examples of rare heart disease drugs with compounded side effects for complex diseases is just a desperate attempt to diminish a completely safe and legitimate medication.

Hey! Apples are red, and fire hydrants are red, so therefore apples have horrible side effects that produce massive lawsuits! No, minimal things in common do not create equivalents.

But by all means, support your claim: show the homework on the side effects for the FLU SHOT that are so horrible.

Any medication can kill you, anything you inject straight into the blood stream has a higher risk of killing you. Vaccines can kill you as well.

Just because the FDA approves doesn't mean it's safe, it means they can pay the fees the FDA collects.

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