Follow the Oil From Iraq 2003 to Venezuela Today


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Obama has eased sanctions on Cuba while fomenting yet one more coup attempt in Venezuela, maybe Cuba's lucky it doesn't have Venezuela's oil reserves?
"As the U.S. prepares to reopen its embassy in communist Cuba, relations with another Latin American nation — oil-rich Venezuela — are crumbling.

"President Nicolas Maduro accuses the U.S. of plotting a coup against him, and is expelling most U.S. diplomats from Venezuela. He is also demanding that Americans secure visas to enter the country.

"The visa requirement is still so new that upon my arrival in Caracas this week without one, the immigration official doesn't even notice. She stamps my U.S. passport and says, 'Welcome.'"

"I'm here in time for the second anniversary of the death of Hugo Chavez, who led Venezuela's socialist revolution until he succumbed to cancer. The events include military parades and a modern dance performance about Chavez, whom many Venezuelans still adore."

Venezuela s Maduro Sees Only Plots As His Economy Crumbles Parallels NPR

In 2009 Obama made no attempt to overturn an illegal coup in Honduras, and his meddling in Ukraine last year has cost thousands of innocent lives with no end in sight.

Venezuela is the latest front in America's War of Terror.
Obama declares Venezuela a threat to US national security?
"The Obama Administration, which in 2009 provided the crucial assistance that enabled the progressive democratic President of Honduras to be overthrown and a junta of oligarchs to replace him; and which in 2014 perpetrated a bloody coup that replaced the corrupt but democratically elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, replaced by a rabidly anti-Russian equally corrupt Government, and thus sparked Ukraine’s civil war against the area of Ukraine that had voted 90% for Yanukovych; is now again trying to overthrow Venezuela’s democratically elected President, Nicolas Maduro."

Reuters on Monday March 9th headlined 'U.S. Declares Venezuela a National Security Threat, Sanctions Top Officials,' and their report gives its closing word to an opposition politician, whom Obama supports and who says: 'It’s not a problem with Venezuela or with Venezuelans; it’s a problem for the corrupt ones' (i.e., Maduro and his Government)."

It's the same old problem.
The rich are threatened by the poor.

President Obama Declares Venezuela A Threat to National Security Seeks Regime-Change Global Research

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