Venezuela's Welfare Has Run Out. Now They Want Ours

Spot on!

This is Cloward-Piven being run by Biden and the Democrats.

And yeah, Democrats really don't care about you or America.

This is very one sided. Town hall doesn't know anything about the history of Venezuela.

Millions of Venezuela’s poor thought that sounded just peachy, and the rest did nothing. They act as if this 100% predictable catastrophe was a natural disaster for which they bear no responsibility.

In the kewpie doll’s press conference proclaiming that these innocent little lambs “deserve better” (than being sent to a fabulous beach resort), she cheerfully listed the great heaping portions of welfare being ladled out to Hispanics:

“[O]ur administration has delivered billions of dollars in loans to Hispanic small businesses, expanded the child tax credit to provide help to millions of families and reduce Hispanic child poverty by more than 40%, expanded access to quality healthcare to thousands of Latino families … And thanks to President Biden’s student loan debt relief program, almost half of Latino students with federal loans will see their debts forgiven.”

The Democratic Party is cribbing Chavez’s lines. And it will work, because the same people who fell for it last time will be voting for it here.

To be sure, the Venezuelan “asylum-seekers” aren’t any worse than other members of that illustrious group. If (when) they are granted asylum, these poor decision-makers will join:

— Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon bombers (sometimes, they’re persecuted for a reason);

— Ibragim Todashev, who, along with Tamerlan, slit the throats of three Jewish men in Boston;

— Beatrice Munyenyezi, a genocidal Rwandan, who won asylum by lying about being a victim of the genocide, rather than a perpetrator.

Those are just a few of our standout asylum grantees. To be fair, the illegal Venezuelans haven’t killed anybody yet, as far as we know. They’re more like a homeless guy who shows up on your doorstep after a lifetime of bad choices and demands that you give him your house.

Perhaps, just this once, we should defer to the wisdom of our moral betters on Martha’s Vineyard and tell the Venezuelans: We love you! Now get the hell out.

SO the truth bothers you excalibur.

There it is. The forces trying to disarm Americans? Are largely coming from outside of this nation. You will notice, most of the members on this forum that make "gun control," arguments, are either members or Bloomberg's interest group, or they are commonwealth citizens.

The gravest danger to a person, or an organization, is the unacknowledged danger. Every Senator now running, should be asked the question, would they approve the WHO pandemic treaty? I bet they all would, regardless of which party is running them.

So, yeah, no Republican would do that, for the same reason the GOP never solves immigration problems when ever it has had control of all three branches. . .

The US is the cause of all of Venezuela's problems.

They would prosper greatly from their oil resources if it wasn't for US meddling in their affairs.
Actually they were promised they would live great, if they voted for socialism. Now they regret it. Kinda like what the democrats are doing to us now.
Who can throw us a life line of hope and explain to us exactly how America can and will recover from this?
Is it even America anymore? If Democrats (actually Marxists) are able to steal these elections again I think America is finished. We become a Marxist state..

The only thing that seems obvious is that the Great Experiment in Freedom has failed miserably.
You simply cannot hand out freedom carte blanc. Too many people do not deserve freedom or cannot handle it.
Freedom requires maturity and personal responsibility to maintain. Once that dissolves you get present day America.
The END.

The instruments of slavery and oppression were given the same rights and freedoms (if not more) to influence and change a once great system.
I see that as the fatal flaw to the Constitution and Founding Fathers. In their time humans were not as stupid as they apparently are today.
They understood that freedom was not "free" and that great sacrifices had to be made to get and keep it.

People today consider the act of voting as the greatest sacrifice (of their valuable time) they could make and most won't even.

Again, can anyone tell us a blueprint for recovery? <<<< crickets >>>>
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Who can throw us a life line of hope and explain to us exactly how America can and will recover from this?
Is it even America anymore? If Democrats (actually Marxists) are able to steal these elections again I think America is finished. We become a Marxist state..

The only thing that seems obvious is that the Great Experiment in Freedom has failed miserably.
You simply cannot hand out freedom carte blanc. Too many people do not deserve freedom or cannot handle it.
Freedom requires maturity and personal responsibility to maintain. Once that dissolves you get present day America.
The END.

The instruments of slavery and oppression were given the same rights and freedoms (if not more) to influence and change a once great system.
I see that as the fatal flaw to the Constitution and Founding Fathers. In their time humans were not as stupid as they apparently are today.
They understood that freedom was not "free" and that great sacrifices had to be made to get and keep it.

People today consider the act of voting as the greatest sacrifice (of their valuable time) they could make and most won't even.

Again, can anyone tell us a blueprint for recovery? <<<< crickets >>>>
Steal an election AGAIN? :ahole-1:

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