Dems: When you look at Dem policy/ideology through a tighter lens can you still support it?

Millions of Illegal Aliens swamping our country... the context for the post that I was responding to...
And somehow you prefer said happening over the mean orange guy who likes to talk shit to piss off the purple hair pukes?
And somehow you prefer said happening over the mean orange guy who likes to talk shit to piss off the purple hair pukes?
To my way of thinking, America can survive another four years of the plague of locusts Illegal Alien invasion...

But I do not believe that our Republic can survive four more years of an Orange Baboon salivating to emulate Vladimir Putin...

I actually want much of what he is "selling"... it's just that HE is
far too high a price for me to get what I want...

Like I said... you find me someone who can advance the Trump Agenda without the Trump Baggage and I'll vote GOP again...

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