Food Stamps OK For Porn, Tatoos, Jewelry

The problem isn't that part of it. The problem is having someone determine what foods are okay and what aren't. That would take a massive overhaul of our food system, and packaging, and the creation of a whole new bureaucracy to determine what foods are okay and what aren't...

And then you'd have the producers freaking out and fighting it...

Nothing is simple when it comes to entitlement programs. And the COST it would take to make it more complicated would far outweigh the savings.
I've said it before. If you WANT to stand on the corner all day and do nothing, then I think as Americans, you should have that right. BUT, that means that you don't get SQUAT. Where your next meal comes from is NOT MY PROBLEM. If that means you have to live under a bridge, then I hope that you have a good sleeping bag because if you DO NOTHING, then you GET NOTHING.

It really doesn't surprise me that there are some liberals out there that think that guns, tatoos, porn, lap dances, etc., should and could be paid for with an EBT card. As I grow older, I'm not really surprised by the lengths that liberals will go to keep people relying on government assistance. After all, we know that those who don't NEED the government, will not vote to make it bigger and stronger.

And a weak central government is a nightmare for those who have wet dreams in the vein of 1984...

Another GREAT post by Political Chic...

Keep in mind though alot of people on food stamps are employed, its income based. If you work at a job that doesn't pay shit you qualify for food stamps, shit when I was in the service I qualified for food stamps even though I never used it.

A sad fact is that many of our service families qualify for food stamps, as well as other public assistance programs, based on the level of their pay. Single soldiers living in the barracks are often allocated less living space than a murderer on death row. Now that's disgusting.
I've said it before. If you WANT to stand on the corner all day and do nothing, then I think as Americans, you should have that right. BUT, that means that you don't get SQUAT. Where your next meal comes from is NOT MY PROBLEM. If that means you have to live under a bridge, then I hope that you have a good sleeping bag because if you DO NOTHING, then you GET NOTHING.

It really doesn't surprise me that there are some liberals out there that think that guns, tatoos, porn, lap dances, etc., should and could be paid for with an EBT card. As I grow older, I'm not really surprised by the lengths that liberals will go to keep people relying on government assistance. After all, we know that those who don't NEED the government, will not vote to make it bigger and stronger.

And a weak central government is a nightmare for those who have wet dreams in the vein of 1984...

Another GREAT post by Political Chic...

Keep in mind though alot of people on food stamps are employed, its income based. If you work at a job that doesn't pay shit you qualify for food stamps, shit when I was in the service I qualified for food stamps even though I never used it.

A sad fact is that many of our service families qualify for food stamps, as well as other public assistance programs, based on the level of their pay. Single soldiers living in the barracks are often allocated less living space than a murderer on death row. Now that's disgusting.

So apparently if you believe the conservative consensus around here, some military families have it too good.
I've said it before. If you WANT to stand on the corner all day and do nothing, then I think as Americans, you should have that right. BUT, that means that you don't get SQUAT. Where your next meal comes from is NOT MY PROBLEM. If that means you have to live under a bridge, then I hope that you have a good sleeping bag because if you DO NOTHING, then you GET NOTHING.

It really doesn't surprise me that there are some liberals out there that think that guns, tatoos, porn, lap dances, etc., should and could be paid for with an EBT card. As I grow older, I'm not really surprised by the lengths that liberals will go to keep people relying on government assistance. After all, we know that those who don't NEED the government, will not vote to make it bigger and stronger.

And a weak central government is a nightmare for those who have wet dreams in the vein of 1984...

Another GREAT post by Political Chic...

Keep in mind though alot of people on food stamps are employed, its income based. If you work at a job that doesn't pay shit you qualify for food stamps, shit when I was in the service I qualified for food stamps even though I never used it.

A sad fact is that many of our service families qualify for food stamps, as well as other public assistance programs, based on the level of their pay. Single soldiers living in the barracks are often allocated less living space than a murderer on death row. Now that's disgusting.

Your damn right, I was married when I was in the service and we were always broke.
Really? And what is the socialist program in India that feeds the poor?

I believe that the great idol of the left, Josef Stalin, coined the term "useless eaters."

Socialism rarely helps anyone but the 1% ruling caste. It's kind of the point of socialism.

Please don't resort to gibberish.

You're now saying that the American system of government assistance to the poor isn't actually socialism, since we know it actually helps the poor.

After all, PoliticalChic says we don't have any poor people in the US. Is she full of shit, or is she admitting that the War on Poverty has been a remarkable triumph, contrary to the fictitious propaganda of the mainstream right?
Is this an example of you "defeating PC in debate?"


One need not refute absurdity.

Does India have a food stamp or comparable program?

I don't think so, not many countries have food stamps and welfare programs outside the west. Most of the time its if you dont have any cash, you don't eat.

So contrary to PC's nonsensical claim, it's not socialism that's the cause of India's massive poverty problem,

it's the lack of socialism, i.e., in the form of government assistance to the poor.

Hey, from the conservative perspective then, India looks more like what they would like America to look like...

...a place where the poor are genuinely destitute, and not disguised by a benevolent government as people who are able to at least subsist.
One need not refute absurdity.

Does India have a food stamp or comparable program?

I don't think so, not many countries have food stamps and welfare programs outside the west. Most of the time its if you dont have any cash, you don't eat.

So contrary to PC's nonsensical claim, it's not socialism that's the cause of India's massive poverty problem,

it's the lack of socialism, i.e., in the form of government assistance to the poor.

Hey, from the conservative perspective then, India looks more like what they would like America to look like...

...a place where the poor are genuinely destitute, and not disguised by a benevolent government as people who are able to at least subsist.

I could be wrong but I don't believe India has a government run program like we do that can provide services to everybody, India has a huge population and large swaths of the country are rundown slums, and I don't think they could run a program like that even if they tried. I know there are charities in India that try but thats all I know.
So apparently if you believe the conservative consensus around here, some military families have it too good.

I believe you smoke too much crack, and have too little integrity.

So I'm not hearing conservatives here on a daily basis saying we ought to cut things like food stamps?

You know, if you cut food stamps by rolling back the income threshold for eligibility, those military families who might now be eligilble would be the first to lose them,

as well as other working poor American families.
I don't think so, not many countries have food stamps and welfare programs outside the west. Most of the time its if you dont have any cash, you don't eat.

So contrary to PC's nonsensical claim, it's not socialism that's the cause of India's massive poverty problem,

it's the lack of socialism, i.e., in the form of government assistance to the poor.

Hey, from the conservative perspective then, India looks more like what they would like America to look like...

...a place where the poor are genuinely destitute, and not disguised by a benevolent government as people who are able to at least subsist.

I could be wrong but I don't believe India has a government run program like we do that can provide services to everybody, India has a huge population and large swaths of the country are rundown slums, and I don't think they could run a program like that even if they tried. I know there are charities in India that try but thats all I know.

But if you believe many conservatives (I'd say most...) NOT having those programs is the solution to the problem.

Strangely enough.
Please don't resort to gibberish.

Son, your abject lack of reading comprehension doesn't make the words "gibberish."

You're now saying that the American system of government assistance to the poor isn't actually socialism, since we know it actually helps the poor.

America helps our poor in hundreds of ways. We have government assistance, which are routinely the least effective means. We have churches and private charities, which are highly effective.

You look at what America does to help our needy and compare that to ANY socialist country and it becomes real clear who actually cares. And it ain't you guys. You care about using the poor as pawns to gain power.

After all, PoliticalChic says we don't have any poor people in the US.

Poor is a relative term. It has no meaning outside of context. We have no poverty in the U.S. Poverty has meaning, the real risk of death from starvation and/or exposure. And what she says is true, there is no poverty in the USA.

Is she full of shit, or is she admitting that the War on Poverty has been a remarkable triumph, contrary to the fictitious propaganda of the mainstream right?

The "war on poverty" is and was a scam, a means of the left to gain power. It has done very little to help needy people. Safety net programs existed long before Johnson started buying off poverty pimps and expanding government.

Tell me this, out of each dollar spent on social welfare in this country, how much goes into the hand of the person intended to be helped?


If you knew that it was less than ten cents from every dollar, would you call that "success?"

Fact is, the REAL welfare recipients are the public employees sucking more than ninety cents out of every dollar, not the food stamp or AFDC recipient.
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Again, the thread title and thus the thread topic is a LIE.

You can't legally use your food stamp EBT to buy non-food items.

The Daily Caller is getting worse than WorldNet Daily.
They are on EBT precisely because they have chosen to buy the frivolous things instead of what matter.

Actually, you have NO IDEA why they are on government assistance, and that's first part of the problem here. Too many people talk about this stuff as if they knew all the details of other people's lives, when in fact you don't.

People also act as if ending up on government assistance is something that happens from the "bottom up" and that people never fall into unfortunate times from "above." You see someone drive to the store in a nice car, wearing nice clothes, and then pulling out the food stamp card and you assume that they're some kind of irresponsible welfare junkie. In fact that's a person who had a well paying job but lost it in the recession, and hasn't been able to find meaningful work other than a minimum wage job they've accepted in the meantime. All those "nice things" they have were bought and paid for before they ever ended up on government assistance, but they need the assistance now because minimum wage just ain't enough to feed three kids and try avoiding becoming another foreclosure statistic.

EBT should be run just like WIC. No money you are going to get healthy foods. Vegetables, dairy meat ect. Nothing premade, all food., just a simple list of foods that you can get. No substitutions. If you want government assistance then

Your poor-derangement is pathetic. Now you want the government to control what people are going to eat? Absolutely mind boggling. It's up to individuals to decide what is best for them to eat. Generally, food stamps can't be used for pre-made food anyway, so I don't know why you're even babbling. But this "list of foods that you can get" is a pretty frightening concept that you're trying to introduce. There should be no "list" other than the current, normal requirements that food stamps be used only on grocery items. I don't really care if someone buys frozen pizza with their food stamps because it's their decision what the best use of their allotment is. Personally, I think it's always a smart idea to have some kind of quick preparation food in one's home at any given time, which is why frozen pizzas and pop tarts are pretty much considered a necessity in my house. Because sometimes things get busy and it's better to have something I can throw in the oven while I'm in the shower, than to have to skip a meal because I didn't have the time to sit down and make my citrus broccoli and ginger chicken sushi salad. Same would be true for any family.
Those things are ALREADY not legally purchasable with SNAP.

So he is right...that legislation WAS nothing more than political grandstanding.

yep, he was right and this is nothing but faux outrage, partisan hot expected at this point, from PC and her ops as of late. :(

One of the defining characteristics of the Left is the pretended- or actual- inability to connect the dots based on real world experience, if it infracts their political philosophy.

I'm surprised and disappointed in you, Care, if you have fallen into that mode.

What an utterly meaningless post. Effective for "atta-girls" from your fellow right wing cronies. But entirely meaningless otherwise. :clap2:
Private charities and individuals providing charity have grown soft since the government has taken over. We need to revive them. There is alot of work to do. But it can and will be done.

The best system I've ever seen is the Mormon system.

This was many years ago, but my first wife's sister was Mormon. She split with her husband and had no income, with a passel of kids (she was MORMON!) So what the Mormons did for her was to give her groceries. I mean, she got a form that listed all sorts of food, from ground beef to cheese to canned goods. Then once a week (or month, I don't really recall) the food would be delivered. Obviously, this wasn't junk food, it was simple and nutritious. But it was also plenty. The Bishop paid her rent and utilities, directly to the landlord and utility companies. She was required to go work at the food distribution center once a week, where they trained her to have a job, and eventually they helped her get a regular job.

It worked and wasted zero resources. From that time on, I said "that is the way welfare should work."

I've seen that with other Mormons, too. When a friend of mine keeled over quite suddenly, his widow and four children were cared for by the church. If she needed help with the farm, a couple of those "elders" were sent over to help with the heavy work. Of course, it didn't hurt that two of her children were very attractive young ladies, but that's beside the point. I've known that lady to work her butt off, selling vacuum cleaners, cleaning houses, doing many things others would consider beneath them...just to make sure she wasn't a greater burden on her brethren than necessary. She's doing well, now. She's remarried, got training and is an in-home caretaker for the elderly and disabled. Mormons do seem to take care of their own, and have a great sense of community. At least the ones I've known.
1. I have often felt that food stamps should be reserved for purchases labeled as nutritious, but 'no-frills.'
No reason for those accepting 'Food Stamps' to eat better than those paying for the benefit.

2.Further, there should be government-sponsored church and other food kitchens available to any with a food stamp 'doggie bags.'

They are called 'Food Stamps" for a reason.

Wadda you think?

They really don;t eat beeter. Quicker maybe, lots of processed foods etc.

Staples. Make beneficiaries fo the plan take a basic cooking.Nutrition class and stop paying for any heavily processed foods.

Staples, Rice, Beans, lean meats and fish, veggies and fruit, Milk, flour sugar butter cheese. Forget that Freshetta pizza and those chips and that Soda etc.

Though it is my understanding that only a small amount of the overall EBT or Food Stamp monies can be used for anything other than food . . .unless there is a scam involved which sadly seems rife in the system.

My 2 cents.

Your '2 cents' is worth more than 2 cents!

"Ironically, the one demonstrable nutritional difference between the poor and others is that low-income women tend to be overweight more often than others. That may not seem like much to make a political issue, but politicians and the media have created hysteria over less.

The political left has turned obesity among low-income individuals into an argument that low-income people cannot afford nutritious food, and so have to resort to burgers and fries, pizzas and the like, which are more fattening and less healthful. But this attempt to salvage something from the “hunger in America” hoax collapses like a house of cards when you stop and think about it.

Burgers, pizzas and the like cost more than food that you can buy at a store and cook yourself. If you can afford junk food, you can certainly afford healthier food. An article in the New York Times of Sept. 25 by Mark Bittman showed that you can cook a meal for four at half the cost of a meal from a burger restaurant. So far, so good. But then Bittman says that the problem is “to get people to see cooking as a joy.” For this, he says, “we need action both cultural and political.” In other words, the nanny state to the rescue!"
Read more: SOWELL: Politicians need poverty to justify programs

Once upon a time, we taught nutrition and food preparation, as well as managing a household budget in schools. It was called Home Economics. Of course, boys were rarely in attendance, but some were starting to come around.
There is no true poverty in the United States of America.
That is, material poverty. But there is spiritual poverty, poverty of character.
And there is a virulent political philosophy that encourages taking, rather than earning....
...pleading and demanding based on envy.

Food stamps for those who need food, and cannot provide for old and honorable heritage in America: "On January 6, 1657 twenty-eight “Scottish men” signed the Laws Rules and Order of the Poor Boxes Society” in Boston, New England and formed the Scots’ Charitable Society."

But what the Left has made common is a blemish on the nation and the people...

1."Mass Gov. Deval Patrick Vetoes Ban On Using Welfare EBT Cards To Purchase Porn, Tattoos, Manicures Because It Would “Humiliate Poor People”…No surprise he’s a close friend of Barack Obama (Axelrod ran his first campaign for Mass governor).

2. Patrick vetoed the reforms Sunday while signing the state’s $32.5 billion budget.

3. According to the Boston Herald, which first reported the veto, the governor berated the legislature’s stab at banning the purchase of specific items like manicures, tattoos, guns, porn, body piercings, jewelry, and bail by saying the move was “political grandstanding” at a time when such reforms are already on track elsewhere.

4. “I’m not going to do anything that makes vulnerable people beg for their benefits.This notion of humiliating poor people has got to be separated from how we make a program, and frankly separated and disposed of, from how we make a program work and work well,” Patrick said,...

5. Patrick allowed bans on the use of EBT cards in establishments known for the sale of seemingly controversial items — such as tattoo parlors, gun shops, casinos, cruise ships, and adult entertainment facilities —- to stand."
Exposing Liberal Lies: Deval Patrick OKs Porn, Tatoos, Jewelry with Food Stamps

We live in a time when the welfare industry needs to convinced well-meaning folks that there is a 'need.'
Rather it is a 'want.'

Consider the above when you vote.

That is interesting

What do you think we should do about it?

Abolish social welfare - both state and federal.

It's been abused to the extreme - let all these 30-year-olds living off the taxpayer fend for themselves.

Either that or make welfare fraud a class X felony punishable by a minimum of 15-years in prison. Maybe they can get their free "Obama money" that route...

True, they'd get good, basic nutritious food and "free" healthcare while in prison, too.

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