For 22 murder victims, LA Riots leave legacy of justice eluded.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Twenty years ago, Los Angeles erupted in riots after four cops were acquitted in the videotaped beating of Rodney King, but during an uprising supposedly in the name of justice, some people got away with murder.
During the five "Days of Outrage," a disbelieving nation watched on television as looters broke store windows and emptied shelves, Korean grocers sat atop their stores with assault rifles and fires were set throughout South Central and other parts of the city. Beatings, including the brutal one administered to truck driver Reginald Denny, were captured on video by news crews.
“Can’t we all just get along?” pleaded King as the city was plunged into violent chaos. The phrase became a rallying cry for a city determined to heal after being torn apart by racial divisions.
The police were overwhelmed, and the National Guard was called in to help quell the violence. When the mayhem subsided five days later, nearly 1,600 buildings were destroyed or damaged and more than 2,300 people were hurt. The final cost of the riot was estimated at more than a billion dollars, including $735 million in property damage.

Read more: For 22 murder victims, LA Riots leave legacy of justice eluded | Fox News

This is what the media and sharpton have set us up for in the Zimmerman case.
But the human toll is the most disturbing legacy of the riots. Some 53 people were killed in what police have classified as riot-related homicides and accidents. Of those, some 22 homicides remain classified as open and unsolved.
The dead for whom justice remains elusive include a 15-year-old boy shot as he stood on a corner, a Good Samaritan who tried to douse flames set by a crowd of angry looters, a hard-working immigrant who insisted on making grocery deliveries even as his neighborhood burned, a suburban man shot when he came to check on his store and John Doe No. 80, whose identity may never be known.

Read more: For 22 murder victims, LA Riots leave legacy of justice eluded | Fox News
Actually it was 54 people murdered. Your article says 53, small difference. 22 murders are still unsolved.

I'm here in Los Angeles, just as I was 20 years ago when it happened. Today I'm watching local news thining they are being sly in agitating for the recreation of those riots. Of course, no one is going to mention that it was black Mayor Tom Bradley who was responsible for sparking the riots to begin with.

Credit for ending the riots isn't with the National Guard, or the police, credit for ending the riot belongs to the United States Postal Service. The riot started on April 30, five days later the postal service said they would not deliver the mail to the infected neighborhoods. That meant no welfare checks. The rioters lined up at the post offices to be handed their money and the riot was over except for some dying muttering that requiring blacks to pick up the welfare checks was racist. White people living in areas where there was no rioting didn't have to go pick up their welfare checks!
The LA riots were a direct result of the media manipulating the truth to create drama.
They wilfully and purposely cut out the first few minutes of the video tape showing King fighting the officers and trying to run away.
Not that this in any way justified them beating the shit out of him later...but it set the mindset that the police beat the man for the shear joy of it.
Same with Zimmerman and Trayvon.
By all accounts - Zimmerman is a documented community volunteer than has been working with troubled kids (including blacks) for years. He was well liked and thought good of. Trayvon was a troubled youth with a history of causing trouble and violence. Yet the media obviously tried to create an image opposite from the truth - again to create drama.
Actually it was 54 people murdered. Your article says 53, small difference. 22 murders are still unsolved.

I'm here in Los Angeles, just as I was 20 years ago when it happened. Today I'm watching local news thining they are being sly in agitating for the recreation of those riots. Of course, no one is going to mention that it was black Mayor Tom Bradley who was responsible for sparking the riots to begin with.

Credit for ending the riots isn't with the National Guard, or the police, credit for ending the riot belongs to the United States Postal Service. The riot started on April 30, five days later the postal service said they would not deliver the mail to the infected neighborhoods. That meant no welfare checks. The rioters lined up at the post offices to be handed their money and the riot was over except for some dying muttering that requiring blacks to pick up the welfare checks was racist. White people living in areas where there was no rioting didn't have to go pick up their welfare checks!

Did Hollywood ever make a move of this event? I can't remember any.
[ame=]LA Riots (Part 1 or 2) - YouTube[/ame]
The rioters,no matter who they are,should have been killed.
people have the right no matter who they are,to protect life and property.
truthmatters,youre a useless piece of shit old racist.
For the 20th anniversary of the LA riots... Fox News is playing the 'racecard' masterfully in order to drum up 'ratings' just as they set us up for the Zimmerman/Trayvon case linking the two by portraying Zimmerman as a 'hero' while playing Trayvon as a 'troubled kid'.

Fox News thrives on their vast audience of rednecks, racists, obstructionists, anarachists and assassins and is dependent on them for their huge ratings.
For the 20th anniversary of the LA riots... Fox News is playing the 'racecard' masterfully in order to drum up 'ratings' just as they set us up for the Zimmerman/Trayvon case linking the two by portraying Zimmerman as a 'hero' while playing Trayvon as a 'troubled kid'.

Fox News thrives on their vast audience of rednecks, racists, obstructionists, anarachists and assassins and is dependent on them for their huge ratings.

Talk about paranoia. The left never stops whining about Fox. First the story was that Fox didn't cover the incident and now the charge is exploitation of the incident. Yesterday the A.P. had a headline posted all day reminding us of a LA Riot "hero" while downplaying the thousands of assaults and 54 murders and multi Billion dollar bill. Nobody is talking about the current head of the OWS, Van Jones, who organized a riot in Oakland, Ca at the time. Barry appointed him to his "green jobs" board even though his experience was limited to arson and looting.
Who hates who?

The riots were terrible, absolutely.

And so was an all white jury in Simi Vally acquitting four cops of assault when they were clearly caught on tape doing it.

The real question is, are we going to drop the ball this time.

People have, rightly or wrongly, taken this Martin case personally. Unlike Rodney King, he wasn't a career thug, he was just an average kid.
The riots were terrible, absolutely.

And so was an all white jury in Simi Vally acquitting four cops of assault when they were clearly caught on tape doing it.

The real question is, are we going to drop the ball this time.

People have, rightly or wrongly, taken this Martin case personally. Unlike Rodney King, he wasn't a career thug, he was just an average kid.

Personally I hold to the concept that it's far worse to punish the innocent than acquit the guilty, regardless of skin color.

Typically, the country (or at least its basic structure) tends to agree with me. Thus the innocent until proven guilty thing we all enjoy.
The riots were terrible, absolutely.

And so was an all white jury in Simi Vally acquitting four cops of assault when they were clearly caught on tape doing it.

The real question is, are we going to drop the ball this time.

People have, rightly or wrongly, taken this Martin case personally. Unlike Rodney King, he wasn't a career thug, he was just an average kid.

You knolw him personally? If not, why are you talking about things you are ignorant about?

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