For all the Palin lovers

Palin has a long way to go and a great deal to learn. However, she has talent and thus far in her political career she has more than pleased those she has represented and currently represents and that is the duty of her job.

But, this thread is not about that. This thread is about the insecurity of the liberal mind and their relentless need to attack a person who currently does not effect them in any way unless they are a resident of Alaska.

They won the presidential election and they added more seats to the house and senate. You would think that not only would they be in a rather good mood, but, explaining to everyone else how they were right. You would think they would be stating everyday as the new office of the President Elect makes vital choices and decisions about the new change taking place and the quality of the new plans being formed.

So I ask, what is wrong with this picture. Why do they continue to chase after a loser who is no threat to them?

Ahuh ............
i think it's more of a "HAHAHA! can you believe the turd the republicans tried to pass off as a fillet that last election?".

don't get bent out of shape.. your side chose her.
You care to tell everyone what the so-called "Bush Doctrine" is?

Outside of some political hack answer, bet you can't do it.

I knew what it was the moment I heard him ask the question.

They should have nominated Tina Fey. She's smarter.
Because she's campaigning for somebody else, means she's campaigning for herself?

It's scary you think that.

Hey jackass, she has a job and she's the only Governor that state has. And obviously since they almost elected a convicted felon, and they voted for her, they need all the help they can get.

Again, and I'm the idiot
Palin has a long way to go and a great deal to learn. However, she has talent and thus far in her political career she has more than pleased those she has represented and currently represents and that is the duty of her job.

But, this thread is not about that. This thread is about the insecurity of the liberal mind and their relentless need to attack a person who currently does not effect them in any way unless they are a resident of Alaska.

They won the presidential election and they added more seats to the house and senate. You would think that not only would they be in a rather good mood, but, explaining to everyone else how they were right. You would think they would be stating everyday as the new office of the President Elect makes vital choices and decisions about the new change taking place and the quality of the new plans being formed.

So I ask, what is wrong with this picture. Why do they continue to chase after a loser who is no threat to them?

Ahuh ............

The reason is they are frightened to death they they may not be able to ridicule her into obscurity before they have to run against her. So they are in full personal attack mode until they can get her.

She defies their image of what a proper woman is supposed to be, much like Clarence Thomas violated this image of the "proper Black man," she cannot be allowed to defy their image of what their Balkanized minorities, that make up their party, represent. Worse yet she's articulate and motivational. The only thing worse than a Conservative, is a conservative with communication skills. No, they have fixed bayonets and they will never stop the human-wave attacks.
blah blah blah.. Palin was the republican version of Geraldine Ferarro some 20 years later. Nothing more, nothing less.
Hey jackass, she has a job and she's the only Governor that state has. And obviously since they almost elected a convicted felon, and they voted for her, they need all the help they can get.

Again, and I'm the idiot

I'm glad you have that kind of self-actualization, yes you are the idiot. But thanks for letting everyone know.

Ass, we have a mayor over here that thinks they need to go to Africa on city business. I have no problem with pols campaigning for pols during the political season.

There's still an election going on in Georgia. And what is it that you think is to damned urgent going on in Alaska right now. One minute you lefties are telling us nothing important ever happens in Alaska, the next minute, it's so busy there they can't do without their governor for a minute. Typical muddled, directionless personal attacking from the left. :eusa_whistle:
That's what I figured, you have no idea.

Next hack.

You figured wrong.

Really though, I hope Palin comes back, but I think Bobby Jindal would be a better choice for the Republicans.
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""Its one thing to be an idiot, its a whole different thing to open your mouth and prove it to the rest of the world ""

Well I guess your the "whole different thing" LOL

At first I thought bigdaddygtr was a troll. However, it seems that he actually believes what he posts. What's funny about the quote he posts in his sig-line is not so much that he epitomizes what it says, but that he doesn't know how to spell. And word has it that he's a teacher.
Sarah Palin on David Letterman....funny.....

[ame=]YouTube - Late Show: The Sarah Palin Debate Recap[/ame]
At first I thought bigdaddygtr was a troll. However, it seems that he actually believes what he posts. What's funny about the quote he posts in his sig-line is not so much that he epitomizes what it says, but that he doesn't know how to spell. And word has it that he's a teacher.

Ah, OK .............. Well this sheds some light on his/her mind set and lack of common sense logic.
Hey jackass, she has a job and she's the only Governor that state has. And obviously since they almost elected a convicted felon, and they voted for her, they need all the help they can get.

Again, and I'm the idiot
yes, YOU are the idiot
Another awful analogy from another idiot on the right. If you really think that what you just said makes sense, then you really need some help

In a thread from one of the head idiots on the left.

Let me give you a clue, Mr Liberal in name only -- Who cares what she's doing? THAT would be liberal. You minding her business AIN'T.
So, since she's running in 4 years then fuck her job now and begin campaigning? Its gonna take 4 years of reading 24 hours a day to get her to a level competent enough to run

No idjit ... she's running for office whenever she feels like it, and she's out doing whatever she pleases, and doesn't need YOUR approval to do so, so STFU, huh?
You guys loved to talk about how she has been an executive leader and how wonderful she is as a Governor, so I'm curious, ever since she lost she seems to have been everywhere BUT Alaska. Doesn't she still have a job to do or is she going to try and cash in on her ridiculous fame

Palin back on the campaign trail -

Yeah she has a job and that job is to prevent the left from taking a 60 seat majority in the US Senate...

Alaska is a state of independent, rugged individuals... they don't need a nanny governor to hold their hand all day. They reject you, your ideology and your absurd notions about what their governor should be doing.

(It's worth noting however, how this imbecile is still wetting her pants over someone she claimed in her last breath was the best thing that ever happened to the left...)
Obama started running for office in 2006 and he did it the SAME time as every other candidate, not 4 years before and not 2 years before ANY other candidate. And the funny thing here is that you all keep calling me the idiot

It really isn't funny that you're an idiot. You must think so though or you'd shut up.

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