For KL

I KNEW IT! Between you and Jim that kid HAD to be adorable and he is!!!!!! SOOOOO Adorable.

God, I could just PINCH the cheeks! so cute!

My kids are teens and talk back - except now that they are TALLER THAN ME (grrr) I have to look UP to tell them no LMAO enjoy the stage while they still think you know your butt from a hole in the ground. lol

Just to make sure you know my true feelings.... DAMN THAT KID IS SOOOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks...but as you can see by Sir's post, he's already talking back. A conversation that took place when he was 1.5 years old:

Jordan: sit with me, granddaddy.

Granddaddy: I can't right now, sweetheart, I'm drinking coffee and mommy doesn't like to drink on the couch.

Jordan: I'll tell mommy it's okay granddaddy.

Granddaddy: No, honey, it might spill.

Jordan: But Granddaddy, it might not.

I swear that's how it went down. Damn, had to have a kid smarter than me! And, probably taller soon too. Kid was premie but weighed 6.8 pounds. Charts off the height/weight scale and, at 3 years old, wears the clothes of a 5-6 year old.
one of mine (cant remember which right now but Im pretty sure it was my daughter) at the age of 3 was testing my nerves so badly one day I didnt think that I or she would make it through till evening. I told her 'one last time' to knock it off and that she was driving me up the wall.

She replied, while stomping away "and Im NOT done driving you up the wall YET"

I ended up banging my head on the wall

Originally posted by KLSuddeth
one of mine (cant remember which right now but Im pretty sure it was my daughter) at the age of 3 was testing my nerves so badly one day I didnt think that I or she would make it through till evening. I told her 'one last time' to knock it off and that she was driving me up the wall.

She replied, while stomping away "and Im NOT done driving you up the wall YET"

I ended up banging my head on the wall

:clap: scary how cute they are...
My dad loves to tell the story about when we were up there, everyone was sitting around watching football and Jordan got up and turned the TV off and told everyone "I don't wanna listen to that crap!"

I guess you kinda had to be there, but it was funny to hear a 2-year-old (he was 2, right?) pop off with something like that out of nowhere.

You poor thing - I think I wouldve died too!!!!!

Kids say the darndest things, eh?
Just because we're talking about kids.. I"m gonna toss a picture of mine in there. The joy of my life, and the cause of my insanity. I've now entered potty training hell. We've got the pee thing down... but the poop is not happenin! She holds it for weeks until I give her Fletchers Castoroil (root beer flavor :puke: ) ... I highly recommend it for the constipated child, however, line your house with plastic because, when it comes, boyyyy does it go everywhere.
boy do I remember that stage! for some reason they seem to be afraid of 'pooping in the potty'

(My 13 year old tomorrow son was watching me type this and is now thoroughly disgusted and mortified LOL)

btw, that is one cutie you have there! oooooo I LOVE da babies!

Its a good thing that all of you with little ones live far away - I have this thing with pinching cuteness!
I know I said it before, but she's such a cutie. Love the pigtails!
She's a real cutie Lil'! Thanks for sharing the rest of the story as I am getting ready to eat!

Well, geeee, Evil. I wish you would have told me that sooner. I coulda told you that it was pretty runny, yet had substance. Kinda pasty. Brown, mostly... that "amber brown". It was pretty smelly (she got her father's ass). It was up her back, and down the back of her legs.

If I can be of any further assistance, feel free to let me know. :D
Okay...still sitting here feeling poorly. Baby's watching cartoons.

On the cartoon, one of the characters had an accident and cake landed on his head. So I said, "Oh no, poor dragon. That's not good." and my son said "no, it's not. But it sure is funny!"

Oy...3 years old.
That sounds just like my son when he was that age!


Cant believe my 'baby' is gonna be 13 tomorrow - damn
Originally posted by KLSuddeth
That sounds just like my son when he was that age!


Cant believe my 'baby' is gonna be 13 tomorrow - damn
No. I'm 37 years old with a 3 year old. I still feel like a kid in mommy's clothes. I can't imagine 13. When my son is that age, I'll be 47 my mom was 34 when I was 13. Weird.

Hope you have a happy son's birthday tomorrow. He should get you a present for putting up with him all these years (I really am turning into my mother).
LOL Yes I agree = a present for me SHOULD be in order!

Considering the kid was over 10 lbs at birth - 23 and a half inches long, then proceeded to NOT sleep for 2 years. Hell yeah - I deserve a medal LOL

I cant believe that I, at 5'1 and a pre and post pregnancy weight of 110 had a kid that large. You would have gotten a kick out of seeing me - I was as wide as I was tall - grossssssss

I, however, was and am not the woman you are though....I LOVED my epidural - no WAY was I going to push out a kid that big without some deadening down under! And again I say.....Kudos to you my friend!:bow3:

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