For Liberals.What Happening With Black People?,Uh,Maybe Blacks Learning More Of The 50's & 60's?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
This would be the worst nightmare for Liberals, being they always pretend to love black people. But as time goes on, maybe millions more blacks are learning that it was the Democrat Party who treated them all like chit back in the day? the KKK was run by Democrats?, Hmm, maybe that why the "Trump Black Approval" keeps growing steadily?
Dear LeeOnLido
I believe with the democraticized access to media, where more people are speaking out for themselves,
the Black community and leaders will connect directly with each other instead of letting parties keep dividing them.

Once they fully unite, they can demand and lead solutions that represent their community
partnerships, talents and business development, schools and nonprofit outreach.

They won't need to rely on this system of dividing the poor "field slaves"
from the better off "house slaves" but will develop and own their own economic system
of banks and education/training to uplift their own family and community networks.

That will stop the flood of poor disenfranchised minorities filling the prisons,
and will turn that whole population around by investing in schools and jobs,
starting with medical care to treat the sick instead of punishing and exploiting social ills.

It's just a matter of time before the Black leadership, especially Black church and nonprofit
and media leaders, team up and quit letting the political games divide and oppress them.

I'd say people like Diamond and Silk, Kanye West and Cornel West, and the
progressive Black leaders I know with the Green Party and Public Radio
could start pulling this coalition work together that started with Occupy but got derailed.

Occupy the Dream was the first attempt to call for Black athletes, entertainers, and
business leaders to call for Federal Reserve reforms to equalize access and participation
in economic investment and ownership. But that got divided and silenced.

Now with loudmouths like Trump, Cortez, and everyone else fighting for time on the Mic,
ANYONE can speak out. Both pro and anti Kaepernick, and people going rogue like
Diamond and Silk. So this environment of free speech lends itself to more people coming
together, representing and speaking for themselves, and using that to come together as equals.

I believe this will help more people rise above party politics and start talking real solutions and reforms.
And the solutions are all about people investing in their own ownership and community development,
from business plans to campus development, taking back prisons and creating more jobs in
medical services and education to foster ownership of their own property and programs they
can govern directly themselves. Instead of relying on govt, and party politics as the middle man.
47% in three polls..... That has to scare the dog crap out of democrats.. Then you have 52% of Hispanic voters as well... If these trends hold, Democrats will lose control of major cities and states this election as well..
47% in three polls..... That has to scare the dog crap out of democrats.. Then you have 52% of Hispanic voters as well... If these trends hold, Democrats will lose control of major cities and states this election as well..
so long as Trump keeps campaigning at Pizza Hut/KFC and those other restaurants,,,he wins
This would be the worst nightmare for Liberals, being they always pretend to love black people. But as time goes on, maybe millions more blacks are learning that it was the Democrat Party who treated them all like chit back in the day? the KKK was run by Democrats?, Hmm, maybe that why the "Trump Black Approval" keeps growing steadily?
Blacks are still overwhelmingly Democrat.
Is this another pretend "blexit" thing?
Blacks were much better off before LBJ and his "War on Poverty" and "Great Society". He knew that he would make Blacks dependent, destroy the nuclear family, and keep them controlled and voting Democrat. What a travesty.

Trump may get they highest percentage of Blacks than previous Republicans.
latest "Itchy Monkey Butt Scratch Poll".......Black Trump Approval 37% Latino Trump Approval 76% Dead People 35%
47% in three polls..... That has to scare the dog crap out of democrats.. Then you have 52% of Hispanic voters as well... If these trends hold, Democrats will lose control of major cities and states this election as well..
Dear Billy_Bob
What will take the "scare" out of this change
is focusing on the REAL work that needs to get done which the DEMOCRATS have been promising anyway - from Prison reforms to sustainable health care and education.

To create equal access to a cost effective system of education, job training and health care, JOBS and SCHOOL/training programs would have to be created. So there would be JOBS FOR EVERYONE who believes in democratizing the access and "socializing" the costs. The way this is going to happen is by cooperative OWNERSHIP.

So the biggest "SCARE" is realizing it's going to be DIY, we the people doing the work, and paying OURSELVES to manage our own communities, programs and resources. Not paying more and more taxes to govt to try to do this for us.

It may sound scary but it's what the Democrats, Liberals and Progressive Greens have been pushing. This is what change and reform looks like.

It means doing the work yourself, hiring each other and creating the jobs and institutions to get the work done.

The D party will have PLENTY of work to do ahead, just converting the failed prison system into a more effective system of preventative education and care, where the same resources, facilities, jobs and taxes that used to run the prisons (and taxpayer into the ground while escalating the criminal problems and costs) will be redirected to support job training and education to PROVIDE the services needed to break the cycle of crime, poverty, and economic disparity by equalizing access to programs proven to solve these problems.
i wonder what the dems are gonna do if black approval hits 40% by next October
Democrats force Americans to compete with foreign nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated at will, for resources meant for them. Democrats are selling their votes out.
47% in three polls.......

Which three polls would that be?
He made up the three poll thing.

Yeah, I know.

Start eating crow.....

Zogby: ‘Poor performances’ of Democrats boost Trump’s approval to 51%, up with blacks and Hispanics

Zogby has him at 51 and 48 for blacks and Hispanics..

Shall I go on or are you now salting up your serving of crow?

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