For My Father


Educator (of liberals)
Nov 11, 2011
Portland, OR / Salem, OR
My father is known as a man with no morals. He was a serial cheater on my mother. He wasn't a very good father really. He was very selfish. But I want to tell you something about my father that happened today, that really makes me beam with pride about him.

When I was teaching I had a student that was from a background of extreme poverty and abuse. She would show up to class with black eyes, fat lips....I tried talking to her so many times but it was useless. Finally, I got her to agree to meet me off campus for lunch one day and I arranged to have my father there. When he saw her bruises and heard her story, he got her away from her abuser, set her up in a safe location, paid to have her protected by security guards, and paid for her education.

Tonight she received her master's degree in psychology. My father had not had contact with her since that initial meeting. I called him tonight to let him know about her degree and he simply said "good for her".

Everyone thinks my father is a slime because he cheated on his wife. My father is a great man. He saved this woman's life.

Daddy..I am SO proud of you!!!! And I am SO proud to be your son.
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When I was teaching I had a student that was from a background of extreme poverty and abuse. She would show up to class with black eyes, fat lips....I tried talking to her so many times but it was useless.

You had a student that you KNEW was being abused and you didn't call the police or childrens services?
I call bullshit. Why I do believe that a teacher would be in trouble today for ignoring abuse of a kid like that.

You might be proud of daddy but is daddy proud of you?
BP, you are every right to be proud of your dad.

Zeke is the type of person to stay away from: looking for holes in good things? That's being slimy.
When I was teaching I had a student that was from a background of extreme poverty and abuse. She would show up to class with black eyes, fat lips....I tried talking to her so many times but it was useless.

You had a student that you KNEW was being abused and you didn't call the police or childrens services?
I call bullshit. Why I do believe that a teacher would be in trouble today for ignoring abuse of a kid like that.

You might be proud of daddy but is daddy proud of you?

I taught at the college level dipshit. The girl was in her early 20s when she was my student. Children's services no longer apply there and police only care if something is happening at the moment. Do you really think I was able to arrange to meet an underage girl for lunch? Think. DUH!

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