For Reps Sake!

Lunch break: I've been hard at work paying the bills, and now I feel poor!

OTOH, the sun is shining and the birds are chirping and it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood........

Had a visitor yesterday - something got into the fireplace and the cat was utterly fascinated. I decided I didn't want to know. But when something flew overhead, I couldn't continue to ignore - especially as the cat tried to use my head as a 'launch pad' to get to it.

Anyway, 'it' was a very unhappy and confuse sparrow. Not wanting to risk blood on the upholstery or carpet, I stashed Kitty-Boy in the bathroom, and went around lowering shades and then opening the front door. It didn't take long before the silly little sparrow made its bid for freedom.....the trick is to leave light only by the 'exit' for 'em.

I'm glad it was a sparrow and not a bat. Him we had to snag with a towel and put gloves on to grab him and get him outside where he could happily feast on mosquitoes and suchlike........
Reppin' again..............

Wish I could post photos not links, oh, well.................

Why can't you post photos?

Vigilante gave me instructions, still doesn't work. I would accept any other advice though.

Try youtube first. Go to youtube and choose a video. Then left click on the url address to capture it. Then right click on it to copy it. Then go to this thread and to reply to this posting. Then right click and the URL should show up. Then click submit reply. Try it.
Reppin' again..............

Wish I could post photos not links, oh, well.................

Why can't you post photos?

Vigilante gave me instructions, still doesn't work. I would accept any other advice though.

When you reply to thread, there's an insert image icon, you can paste in an URL and it should post. You can also do what Esmeralda said with Youtube videos and just copy the URL directly into your post.

As far as personal photos, I believe you can use a photobucket or other type of account to post the here but someone who posts a lot of those like Bloodrock should be able to help.
Why can't you post photos?

Vigilante gave me instructions, still doesn't work. I would accept any other advice though.

Try youtube first. Go to youtube and choose a video. Then left click on the url address to capture it. Then right click on it to copy it. Then go to this thread and to reply to this posting. Then right click and the URL should show up. Then click submit reply. Try it.

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Why can't you post photos?

Vigilante gave me instructions, still doesn't work. I would accept any other advice though.

When you reply to thread, there's an insert image icon, you can paste in an URL and it should post. You can also do what Esmeralda said with Youtube videos and just copy the URL directly into your post.

As far as personal photos, I believe you can use a photobucket or other type of account to post the here but someone who posts a lot of those like Bloodrock should be able to help.

Thank you, and Esmeralda; able to do both now!
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Those eyes, that nose, that curious look they get...........................I love weiner dogs...........................
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