Dr Grump
Platinum Member
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- #101
it's truly unfortunate that your excuse for isreal hinges on a "standard" for democracy that a nazi would approve of. Hitler was elected too the, right? Nevermind that germany severed it's jews from office because everyone else is doing it too! Way to keep up, dude. Maybe you can ask ghook or jillian how many times they've validated israel as a WESTERN DEMOCRACY. or, call me an antisemite.. that's ace up your sleave, eh fucknuckle?
It is truly unfortunate that your excuse for the arabs is that they should not be held to the same standard as others. IOW, in Shoggieland you would divide a people by rules and regulations that you patronisingly assign to them. How benevolent of you. So what if Israel is a Western Democracy - that validates your double standards how?
WHO is giving arabs a free pass? Again, what ARAB nation has ever claimed to be a democracy again? I take it you figured out that Morocco has never claimed as much when rationalizing their national agenda? Gosh, that must mean that israel has every right to require an ethnic litmus test
Oh, so a country surrounded by people who want them DEAD, should just roll over a die because Shoggie believes they should NOT act in their best interests to help them survive but turn the other cheek. How benevolent of you. How many enemies surround Morocco? How many people who live there want it to disappear into the sea. Yet another double standard....
The "israel is a western democracy" excuse has ALWAYS been an aspect of this thread.. Maybe you'd like to actually read the fucking thread before posting?
Of course I have read this thread. What is the excuse you are talking about Gerbil-boy? Are you saying because they are a western democracy, they should roll over and die? Maybe next time you should do the same somebody threatens your life..
Sure you have.. you fucking insinuated that the above list of American jews in office came from a hateful source... yet when I proved otherwise.. well, clearly your reaction to facts proved just as quick to scream antisemite as the the rest of the enablers.
I have insinuated no such thing. I wondered why you GOT such a list. What is your point of getting such a list? You get those kinds of lists for other ethnicities or are Jews the only ones lucky enough to grab your attention?
Yes, and CLEARLY being hated has nothing to do with the jewish litmus test! Hell, why didn't OUR blacks just roll over and accept their segregated life off the field? Didn't they KNOW that hating whites for treating them like shit would NEVER lead to a black president? I tellya, we sure did give THEM a free pass too during that civil rights era! What a bunch of fucking terrorists, lemme tellya.
Oh, but the Jews should roll over right? Let's just kick them into the sea and be done with it. Let's make them the kicking boys of the world yet AGAIN shall we. Other than Judea back in the day, Jews have never been in charge of their own destiny in modern history. Arabs have. And just look at the arab countries. Great beacons of freedom and happiness aren't they?
Again, if YOU want to accept a double standard then so be it. It's not like you'd be the first person willing to accept racism for the sake of zion.
I'm the one with the double standard...This from the guy who gives the Pals a free pass....LOL...Yeah, my double standard is that the Pals are arseholes and certain segments of Jewish politicians are. Yet you're the one who only gives one side a free pass...
YEA! it's INTELLECTUALLY DISHONEST to expect a western democracy feeding out of the hand of the west, using "israel is the only democracy in the mid east" excuses left and right to sto acting like nazis who ALSO tried to keep an ethnic majority propped up in their nation! Good one!
Yeah, they're such nazis. You a Drama Queen in your spare time? Yeah, check out those gas chambers in Haifa, and the ovens in Tel Aviv.... You trying for the title of Empty Rhetoric King??
What the fuck does ARAFAT have to do with israel making being jewish a prerequisite for their highest office again? Ahhh, I sure do love strawman excuses from really desperate people being fitted with my mudhole stomping boot. Hey, what else does saudi arabia excuse israel to do? THEY cut off hands for stealing so it's OBVIOUSLY pure joo hating antisemitism to criticize israel for doing the same!
Oh, now the Pals ripping off Pals is a strawman argument...LOL..what do you do for an encore, hand out free pizza vouchers to suicide bombers? You got proof that an arab CANNOT be PM of Israel? Your whole argument is moralist revisionist and you are standing on a high horse being the moral arbitor of a country that will not exist if Jewish people are a minority. We once had an independent member of parliament who was forever bagging the PM. His name was Winston Peters. He threw out moral high ground issues all the time and as the PM at the time said, "It's all right for Winston to say that, he'll never be Prime Minister". It's easy for you to bag Israel Shoggie, you'll never be Jewish and never have to live there...
There is a HUGE difference between literally cutting off hands and trying to help yourself..
go ahead and get it out of your system, dude... muslims are evil, eat baby jews, worhsip the debil, DESERVE their refugee status, are 100% hateful, bleed crude oil and transform into cockroaches in the full moon, and want nothing, and I mean NOTHING, more than to kill a jew.
Wow, you really do like stereotypes don't you! Yeah all Muslims in the world are refugees...any more generalisations you want to impart? So all the Muslims who live in Muslim countries are refugees? Go figure! Most Muslims couldn't give a flying fuck about the Jews. Most want to just get on their lives. Unfortunately most live in totalitarian states, so what better way to control the people than have the state get the traditional enemy in the bad books - kinda keeps the peoples' eyes off what a shitty job their leaders are doing don't right?
Does telling your version of shifty eyed ****** jokes make you feel better about a racial litmus test in israel? There, i'm glad I could give you your zionist insulin this morning. I notive that the most effort you put into posting falls into the "demonize a muslim; israel, right or wrong" catagory. Say it AINT SO! I never could have PREDICTED your rebuttal would take that venture!
LOL - unlike your ANTI-ISRAEL insulin right? Demonise Jews, all Pals are innnocent! They are nothing but tools of Zionist Supression!
It's absolutely hilarious that braindead fucks like you reach for ANYTHING to blame a muslim before taking israel to task for ANYTHING. I hope you don't have kids, dude... I'd hate to see how you'd rationalize your kid kicking the shit out of the neighborhood kids just because he gets picked on at school. I mean, if we don't punish the kids on the playground then it's "intellectually dishonest" to punish your kid for giving the neighbor a black eye, right?
Um, actually I have taken Israel to task on plenty of things, the Temple Mount debacle to be one. Plus the Sabra and Shatila massacre - again involving You Know Who. See, you spew venom and stereotype me all the while:
1) Never having debated me long enough or know my views to make such a call.
2) Do EXACTLY what you are accusing me of...talk about a LOSER hypocrite..
Who's punishing who? The Pals tried to take over Jordan and Saudi and got told to fuck off - ditto Lebanon....So the arabs can kick the shit out of each other, but if a Jew tries to protect their place in life, they are Zionist Nazis? You do realise other than Judea the Jews have never had a homeland, right? All the while the arabs have had the Ottoman Empire and in modern times several countries yet the leaders STILL cannot give the people freedom. There is a problem in the region all right, and I venture to say it is not the Jews...
as for neg repping, I've returned what you've handed out. I realize that such a statement demonstrates that I'm standing on the head of ajewish baby right this second in your mind as you reach for the victim button but maybe you can try to remember, while tossing out the Scarlet A, who neg repped whom first.
Um, being an ex-mod, you may or may not know this, and maybe Jillian or Gunny do or don't know this, I sure as shit don't know - but maybe mods can see when and where people hand our rep. You are either lying, stupid or forgetful - but on the 14/2/08 you neg repped me FIRST. Not the other way around. The little credibility you had just went out the window. If you can't stand the heat...
I know I know... ARAFAT wasted millions so it's must be the joo hating antisemitism causing me to reply in kind. Anything else is just "intellectual dishonesty"!
No, you are basically saying "The Israelis are treating the Pals like shit, so therefore their whole lot in life is down to the Israelis fault." The fact the world has given those people BILLIONS of dollars in aid to help alleviate their world only for it to be squirraled away by their unscrupulous leaders is A-OK in your book. Again, how benevolent of you.
There is an enabler on this thread all right, and it's not me. You are intellectually dishonest because you only address one side of the issue. I address both - and before you say I don't, just go back and check my posts. You have made the mistake many people out of their depth do - you stereotype and put all people who disagree with you, not only in the same boat, but attribute their POVs to ALL those that disagree with yours. Time to go back to school Shoggie. Your intellect is found wanting.....