For Shogun re Israel

it's truly unfortunate that your excuse for isreal hinges on a "standard" for democracy that a nazi would approve of. Hitler was elected too the, right? Nevermind that germany severed it's jews from office because everyone else is doing it too! Way to keep up, dude. Maybe you can ask ghook or jillian how many times they've validated israel as a WESTERN DEMOCRACY. or, call me an antisemite.. that's ace up your sleave, eh fucknuckle?

It is truly unfortunate that your excuse for the arabs is that they should not be held to the same standard as others. IOW, in Shoggieland you would divide a people by rules and regulations that you patronisingly assign to them. How benevolent of you. So what if Israel is a Western Democracy - that validates your double standards how?

WHO is giving arabs a free pass? Again, what ARAB nation has ever claimed to be a democracy again? I take it you figured out that Morocco has never claimed as much when rationalizing their national agenda? Gosh, that must mean that israel has every right to require an ethnic litmus test

Oh, so a country surrounded by people who want them DEAD, should just roll over a die because Shoggie believes they should NOT act in their best interests to help them survive but turn the other cheek. How benevolent of you. How many enemies surround Morocco? How many people who live there want it to disappear into the sea. Yet another double standard....:cuckoo:

The "israel is a western democracy" excuse has ALWAYS been an aspect of this thread.. Maybe you'd like to actually read the fucking thread before posting?

Of course I have read this thread. What is the excuse you are talking about Gerbil-boy? Are you saying because they are a western democracy, they should roll over and die? Maybe next time you should do the same somebody threatens your life..

Sure you have.. you fucking insinuated that the above list of American jews in office came from a hateful source... yet when I proved otherwise.. well, clearly your reaction to facts proved just as quick to scream antisemite as the the rest of the enablers.

I have insinuated no such thing. I wondered why you GOT such a list. What is your point of getting such a list? You get those kinds of lists for other ethnicities or are Jews the only ones lucky enough to grab your attention?

Yes, and CLEARLY being hated has nothing to do with the jewish litmus test! Hell, why didn't OUR blacks just roll over and accept their segregated life off the field? Didn't they KNOW that hating whites for treating them like shit would NEVER lead to a black president? I tellya, we sure did give THEM a free pass too during that civil rights era! What a bunch of fucking terrorists, lemme tellya.

Oh, but the Jews should roll over right? Let's just kick them into the sea and be done with it. Let's make them the kicking boys of the world yet AGAIN shall we. Other than Judea back in the day, Jews have never been in charge of their own destiny in modern history. Arabs have. And just look at the arab countries. Great beacons of freedom and happiness aren't they?

Again, if YOU want to accept a double standard then so be it. It's not like you'd be the first person willing to accept racism for the sake of zion.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I'm the one with the double standard...This from the guy who gives the Pals a free pass....LOL...Yeah, my double standard is that the Pals are arseholes and certain segments of Jewish politicians are. Yet you're the one who only gives one side a free pass...

YEA! it's INTELLECTUALLY DISHONEST to expect a western democracy feeding out of the hand of the west, using "israel is the only democracy in the mid east" excuses left and right to sto acting like nazis who ALSO tried to keep an ethnic majority propped up in their nation! Good one!

Yeah, they're such nazis. You a Drama Queen in your spare time? Yeah, check out those gas chambers in Haifa, and the ovens in Tel Aviv....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: You trying for the title of Empty Rhetoric King??

What the fuck does ARAFAT have to do with israel making being jewish a prerequisite for their highest office again? Ahhh, I sure do love strawman excuses from really desperate people being fitted with my mudhole stomping boot. Hey, what else does saudi arabia excuse israel to do? THEY cut off hands for stealing so it's OBVIOUSLY pure joo hating antisemitism to criticize israel for doing the same!

Oh, now the Pals ripping off Pals is a strawman argument...LOL..what do you do for an encore, hand out free pizza vouchers to suicide bombers? You got proof that an arab CANNOT be PM of Israel? Your whole argument is moralist revisionist and you are standing on a high horse being the moral arbitor of a country that will not exist if Jewish people are a minority. We once had an independent member of parliament who was forever bagging the PM. His name was Winston Peters. He threw out moral high ground issues all the time and as the PM at the time said, "It's all right for Winston to say that, he'll never be Prime Minister". It's easy for you to bag Israel Shoggie, you'll never be Jewish and never have to live there...
There is a HUGE difference between literally cutting off hands and trying to help yourself..

go ahead and get it out of your system, dude... muslims are evil, eat baby jews, worhsip the debil, DESERVE their refugee status, are 100% hateful, bleed crude oil and transform into cockroaches in the full moon, and want nothing, and I mean NOTHING, more than to kill a jew.

Wow, you really do like stereotypes don't you! Yeah all Muslims in the world are refugees...any more generalisations you want to impart? So all the Muslims who live in Muslim countries are refugees? Go figure! Most Muslims couldn't give a flying fuck about the Jews. Most want to just get on their lives. Unfortunately most live in totalitarian states, so what better way to control the people than have the state get the traditional enemy in the bad books - kinda keeps the peoples' eyes off what a shitty job their leaders are doing don't right?

Does telling your version of shifty eyed ****** jokes make you feel better about a racial litmus test in israel? There, i'm glad I could give you your zionist insulin this morning. I notive that the most effort you put into posting falls into the "demonize a muslim; israel, right or wrong" catagory. Say it AINT SO! I never could have PREDICTED your rebuttal would take that venture!

LOL - unlike your ANTI-ISRAEL insulin right? Demonise Jews, all Pals are innnocent! They are nothing but tools of Zionist Supression!

It's absolutely hilarious that braindead fucks like you reach for ANYTHING to blame a muslim before taking israel to task for ANYTHING. I hope you don't have kids, dude... I'd hate to see how you'd rationalize your kid kicking the shit out of the neighborhood kids just because he gets picked on at school. I mean, if we don't punish the kids on the playground then it's "intellectually dishonest" to punish your kid for giving the neighbor a black eye, right?

Um, actually I have taken Israel to task on plenty of things, the Temple Mount debacle to be one. Plus the Sabra and Shatila massacre - again involving You Know Who. See, you spew venom and stereotype me all the while:
1) Never having debated me long enough or know my views to make such a call.
2) Do EXACTLY what you are accusing me about a LOSER hypocrite..
Who's punishing who? The Pals tried to take over Jordan and Saudi and got told to fuck off - ditto Lebanon....So the arabs can kick the shit out of each other, but if a Jew tries to protect their place in life, they are Zionist Nazis? You do realise other than Judea the Jews have never had a homeland, right? All the while the arabs have had the Ottoman Empire and in modern times several countries yet the leaders STILL cannot give the people freedom. There is a problem in the region all right, and I venture to say it is not the Jews...

as for neg repping, I've returned what you've handed out. I realize that such a statement demonstrates that I'm standing on the head of ajewish baby right this second in your mind as you reach for the victim button but maybe you can try to remember, while tossing out the Scarlet A, who neg repped whom first.

Um, being an ex-mod, you may or may not know this, and maybe Jillian or Gunny do or don't know this, I sure as shit don't know - but maybe mods can see when and where people hand our rep. You are either lying, stupid or forgetful - but on the 14/2/08 you neg repped me FIRST. Not the other way around. The little credibility you had just went out the window. If you can't stand the heat...

I know I know... ARAFAT wasted millions so it's must be the joo hating antisemitism causing me to reply in kind. Anything else is just "intellectual dishonesty"!

No, you are basically saying "The Israelis are treating the Pals like shit, so therefore their whole lot in life is down to the Israelis fault." The fact the world has given those people BILLIONS of dollars in aid to help alleviate their world only for it to be squirraled away by their unscrupulous leaders is A-OK in your book. Again, how benevolent of you.

There is an enabler on this thread all right, and it's not me. You are intellectually dishonest because you only address one side of the issue. I address both - and before you say I don't, just go back and check my posts. You have made the mistake many people out of their depth do - you stereotype and put all people who disagree with you, not only in the same boat, but attribute their POVs to ALL those that disagree with yours. Time to go back to school Shoggie. Your intellect is found wanting.....
It is truly unfortunate that your excuse for the arabs is that they should not be held to the same standard as others. IOW, in Shoggieland you would divide a people by rules and regulations that you patronisingly assign to them. How benevolent of you. So what if Israel is a Western Democracy - that validates your double standards how?

So, this is your rebuttal to the EVIDENCE of israel being a WESTERN DEMOCRACY? gosh, I can't say that it surprises me that you insist of deflecting criticism of israel while there is a muslim nation, a NON WESTERN MUSLIM NATION THAT NEVER CLAIMS TO BE THE SHINING EXAMPLE OF DEMOCRACY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, to point a finger at.

You are as predictable as every other lemming hellbent on doling out a double standard. enjoy.

Oh, so a country surrounded by people who want them DEAD, should just roll over a die because Shoggie believes they should NOT act in their best interests to help them survive but turn the other cheek. How benevolent of you. How many enemies surround Morocco? How many people who live there want it to disappear into the sea. Yet another double standard....

Well, I guess you just justified the entire NAZI campaign to ww2, eh dummy? Why should they roll over and play dead int he shadow of WW1 instead of acting in their, uh, BEST INTEREST by invading poland and killing off the jews, eh? OH, all of a sudden that becomes a bad idea when an aryan uses the same excuses for their motivations, eh?

It's funny how I post an actual poster from nazi germany conveying the SAME national concern that you give israel... and you reply with shit talking and a handful of neg reps..


You, sir, are a fucking masterful debater.

So, if Morocco were surrounded by western nations that they saw as enemies... then they would be within their right to insist that a significant population of Europeans can never fill tier highest political office.... because they are white?

Disappear into the sea? CLEARLY, you've taken the time to wade beyond the bullshit and discover the actual quotes... Clearly, you are not satisfied with misconstrued talking points that are as profound as Bush claiming that saddam has phantom WMDs. CLEARLY, you are objective enough to let the evidence trump an ethnic common denominator. Clearly, NZ pumps out more than sheep farmers and anonymous cast for Peter Jackson movies.

Of course I have read this thread. What is the excuse you are talking about Gerbil-boy? Are you saying because they are a western democracy, they should roll over and die? Maybe next time you should do the same somebody threatens your life..

I'm saying that we won't accept a GERMANY that keeps jews out of their hightest office based on the same race-based excuse because such is the STANDARD of a western democracy. ALL Pals don't THREATEN israel much like ALL JEWS didn't threaten Germany... But don't let that keep you from posting your own poster, dude. I hear they also bleed green ichor and eat babies too. Restricting political office based on RACE has nothing to do with your goofy fucking lunge at the blank checks. But, it's funny watching you hit every lame fucking milemarker that every other enabling zionist passes on their way to double-standardville.

I have insinuated no such thing. I wondered why you GOT such a list. What is your point of getting such a list? You get those kinds of lists for other ethnicities or are Jews the only ones lucky enough to grab your attention?

I realize that evidence amounts to antisemitism in your mind but bare with me while I quote you:

More interestingly, where did he get the list from? Did he have it sitting in a little folder on his desktop? Was it from some pro-Jewish site? Some anti-Jewish site? Or did he do the research himself. It if was the latter, then kudos for the effort. It if was numbers one and three, then I think that speaks for itself (that he his anti-Jewish)

So, I posted my source.. from wiki... and then all of a sudden you jump strait to the Scarlet A since insinuations regarding my source didn't pan out for your simple reptilian mind... Hey, clearly, by quoting you I am suggesting that jews all die. :thup:

And, had you been reading the fucking thread instead of looking for someplace to join the zionist band wagon you'd have known that MY posted list is an example of an ACTUAL WESTERN DEMOCRACY letting people hold office, get this.. DESPITE ETHNICITY. holy SHIT, what kind of crazy jew-hating crap is THAT!?! Yet, here you are making excuses for israel when holding them accountable for state-based racism. Hey, i'm glad you weren't around when blacks wanted equality! That's probably antisemitism too! Hell, if I don't have a matching list of muslims then it MUST mean that an ethnic litmus test is perfectly natural! Go ask William Joyce about the benefit of a single ethnic national identity, dude. Like I said, you and David Duke wold hump each others leg while looking the other way..

Oh, but the Jews should roll over right? Let's just kick them into the sea and be done with it. Let's make them the kicking boys of the world yet AGAIN shall we. Other than Judea back in the day, Jews have never been in charge of their own destiny in modern history. Arabs have. And just look at the arab countries. Great beacons of freedom and happiness aren't they?

Again, your talking points give you away.

Indeed, look how ethnic equality in the US has banished white people to the sea! OHH NOOOOEEZ! So, the jews have a shitty history. CLEARLY, this makes up for handing out shitty daily realities to other enthicities! Hell, if only white people could have had their OWn holocaust then the one that killed all the jews would ahve been acceptable? NO?!?!?!?! geeee, you don't say!

What the fuck does removing the ETHNIC LITMUS TEST have to do with external muslim nations? Gosh, you mean ARABS might infiltrate the israeli government and stop making ONLY JEWS the primary focus of their policy? HOLY SHIT! Next thing you know, blacks in America will desire the same thing... oh wait...

Clearly, it takes a jew to create freedom and happiness in the mid east! Just like white people CREATED democracy for former slaves! Hey, way to think before you post something absolutely damning of NZ education.

I'm the one with the double standard...This from the guy who gives the Pals a free pass....LOL...Yeah, my double standard is that the Pals are arseholes and certain segments of Jewish politicians are. Yet you're the one who only gives one side a free pass...

Indeed, because bringing the SMACK down during the Watts riots despite the social reality of how blacks were being treated in America was a DOUBLE STANDARD! Those darkie bastards should have been strung up and evicted like israel treats pals, right! Disenfranchisement from a nation based on the color of their skin? an ethnic divide seperating those who the state gives a fuck about (jews) from those it wants to purge from it's land for the sake of a PURE ETHNIC NATION (pals)? sure, dude! Because you see OTHER WESTERN NATIONS marginalizing populations for the sake of the criminal behaviour of a few ALL THE TIME! Hell, remember how the US rounded up the JEWS after the Rosenbergs were put to death?? Oh, no.. because THAT is not what an ACTUAL western nation does.

After all, every pal is a direct reflection of every other pal and they all love watermelon and are shifty eyed and rape white wome... yes, history sure is anti-semitic!

Yeah, they're such nazis. You a Drama Queen in your spare time? Yeah, check out those gas chambers in Haifa, and the ovens in Tel Aviv.... You trying for the title of Empty Rhetoric King??

Sure, just like our blacks should have just been glad to not be picking cotton! YOU ARE the beacon of equal application of state policy despite ethnicity, lemme tellya. Say, how easy was it for Walt Disney to disregard gassed jews since they could have left at any time and "deserved what they got"? I guess you can answer that question by admitting how easy it is for you to rationalize the aparthied wall, refugee existance for the sake of the new master race.

For a drama queen I sure am the only one of us to be posting EVIDENCE... then again, you know how much evidence has always been antisemitic!


Oh, now the Pals ripping off Pals is a strawman argument...LOL..what do you do for an encore, hand out free pizza vouchers to suicide bombers? You got proof that an arab CANNOT be PM of Israel? Your whole argument is moralist revisionist and you are standing on a high horse being the moral arbitor of a country that will not exist if Jewish people are a minority. We once had an independent member of parliament who was forever bagging the PM. His name was Winston Peters. He threw out moral high ground issues all the time and as the PM at the time said, "It's all right for Winston to say that, he'll never be Prime Minister". It's easy for you to bag Israel Shoggie, you'll never be Jewish and never have to live there...
There is a HUGE difference between literally cutting off hands and trying to help yourself..

When the fuck did ARAFAT decide israeli state policy? NEVER? oh, gosh, don't let THAT keep you from blaming a muslim though. Lord fucking knows that it's the MUSLIMS FAULT that they have been evicted from their homeland for the sake of israel! If only they would have just rolled over, eh?

and, again, I"VE posted my evidence. If you were not such a zionist cockmunch screaming arab like chicken little gazing at the sky you might have wondered what the fuck being jewish has to do with being consistent in applying state standards evenly DESPITE race. So, were the killers of Emmet Till justified because a white woman was THREATENED by a learing black kid? NO? b-b-b-but they were THREATENED! They just had to preserve their WHITE lifestyle, right? Gosh, all of a sudden it's apples and oranges, right? NO, I will never live there but plenty of fucking PALS do. While you are sitting here turning a blind eye THEY get to live in a nation whose sole concern is limited to a single ethnicity. Here in the west, we don't stomach that shit or make excuses for state based racism. Unfortunately, zionist racism is fashionable these days.

And yes, read every Olmert quote on his reason for a two-state solution. I would post it but you'd start calling it antisemetism and look for a mulsim to point a finger at. I COULD post this as the latest offering of EVIDENCE.... but we both know you'll see it as antisemitiswm strait from the desktop of Stormfront's web master.

Wow, you really do like stereotypes don't you! Yeah all Muslims in the world are refugees...any more generalisations you want to impart? So all the Muslims who live in Muslim countries are refugees? Go figure! Most Muslims couldn't give a flying fuck about the Jews. Most want to just get on their lives. Unfortunately most live in totalitarian states, so what better way to control the people than have the state get the traditional enemy in the bad books - kinda keeps the peoples' eyes off what a shitty job their leaders are doing don't right?

Actually, were you smart enough to catch it, I was making fun of your willingness to demonize arabs. Admit it, that string of sarcasm made your muslim hating pocket mouse spring into erect attention, didnt it?

What "most muslims" think about jews has NOTHING to do with how ISRAEL, a supposed "western nation" treats pals right outside the fucking wall, dude. Dont let that keep you from every effort in deflecting criticism though.


Isn't it cool how America rationalized the holocaust "because italy is doing it too"? Indeed, Iran, Saudi, MOROCCO and every other muslim nation that you are trying to divert the argument with has NOTHING to do with state-based racism in Israel. They, much like ARAFAT, don't set jewish policy that only benefits jews. THEY, much like ARAFAT, never claimed to be western OR democratic. But hey, they don't call em SCAPEGOATS for nothing, eh dick scum?

LOL - unlike your ANTI-ISRAEL insulin right? Demonise Jews, all Pals are innnocent! They are nothing but tools of Zionist Supression!

quote me. when have I EVER demonized jews? I criticize israel as a supposed "western nation" whose policies have a DIRECT impact on the policies of MY nation. I realize that no one really gives a fuck about NZ and would laugh to death before trying to use your country as a shield for zion but, again, i'll remind you which of us is bothering to post EVIDENCE and which is comfy resorting to tired ole Scarlet A routines.. If israel were not a mid east theocracy discuised in the costume of a western democracy there would be no issues to criticize. You can't find a single example of me hating on jews for the sake of their race. WHY? Because I don't hate jews as a population and I am not willing to suggest that zionist fucktards reflect every other JEW like how you re insisting that every kassam rocket wielding Pal is DIRECTLY reflective of every other muslim and, hence, deserve their fate. Thank god there is no synonym for "antisemite" to convey your ignorant hatred, eh dude?

Um, actually I have taken Israel to task on plenty of things, the Temple Mount debacle to be one. Plus the Sabra and Shatila massacre - again involving You Know Who. See, you spew venom and stereotype me all the while:
1) Never having debated me long enough or know my views to make such a call.
2) Do EXACTLY what you are accusing me about a LOSER hypocrite..
Who's punishing who? The Pals tried to take over Jordan and Saudi and got told to fuck off - ditto Lebanon....So the arabs can kick the shit out of each other, but if a Jew tries to protect their place in life, they are Zionist Nazis? You do realise other than Judea the Jews have never had a homeland, right? All the while the arabs have had the Ottoman Empire and in modern times several countries yet the leaders STILL cannot give the people freedom. There is a problem in the region all right, and I venture to say it is not the Jews...

Likewise, motherfucker. Including your big bad assumptions regarding the reason I posted a list of jews. Go read a fucking thread instead of jumping in to see how many antisemites you can label before the logic requires you to actually read their evidence.

And yes, when israel ACTS like a fucking MASTER RACE then they can be criticised for trying to be one. That includes making RACE the litmus test for politics. I don't care what string of boofuckinghoo jewish history you can whip out faster than doc holiday could pull his gun, ethnic descrimination is still ethnic discrimination. Yes, Even if the new master race behaves like a nation of nazis. Funny how you totally ignored the Nazi poster conveying the same fucking excuses as you hand out to israel, eh? Clearly, calling me a jew hating antisemite works.

It takes JEWS in office to protect israel? Gosh, why didn't white people think of that?? OH wait.. they did.

And, of course you don't think israel has ever been a problem.. A burning bush said that they could have JERICHO!

Um, being an ex-mod, you may or may not know this, and maybe Jillian or Gunny do or don't know this, I sure as shit don't know - but maybe mods can see when and where people hand our rep. You are either lying, stupid or forgetful - but on the 14/2/08 you neg repped me FIRST. Not the other way around. The little credibility you had just went out the window. If you can't stand the heat...

Are you fucking kidding me?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

yea, dude.. what the fuck ever. I probabaly neg repped myself 5 times this weekend too. Suggesting otherwise would be CLEAR jooo hating antisemitism!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ever notice how zionist ALWAYS blame someone else? always. It's ALWAYS someone else's fault. Well, i guess it's pretty clear that you've mastered deflection as a defense mechanism.

No, you are basically saying "The Israelis are treating the Pals like shit, so therefore their whole lot in life is down to the Israelis fault." The fact the world has given those people BILLIONS of dollars in aid to help alleviate their world only for it to be squirraled away by their unscrupulous leaders is A-OK in your book. Again, how benevolent of you.

No, what IM saying is that WE HERE IN THE WEST don't hold the entire fucking population of blacks in ghettos because a stark minority are criminal. What IM saying is that national public office is open DESPITE RACE in an ACTUAL western democracy. Do you think the US DOESNT spend money on places that hates them? Again, what the FUCK does Arafat have to do with Israeli policy? Nothing. Just like Malcom fucking X didn't write racist laws that brung the civil rights era to a head. But hey, as long as there is a scapegoat within reach, eh? I mean, it's sure the fuck NOT transparent that you will rationalize just as much as an Aryan in Germany posting posters that advertise a jewish boycott.

There is an enabler on this thread all right, and it's not me. You are intellectually dishonest because you only address one side of the issue. I address both - and before you say I don't, just go back and check my posts. You have made the mistake many people out of their depth do - you stereotype and put all people who disagree with you, not only in the same boat, but attribute their POVs to ALL those that disagree with yours. Time to go back to school Shoggie. Your intellect is found wanting.....

Prove it, bitch. Are you incapable of anything beyond talking shit and accusing someone of hating jews? Quote me. Post a source or two like I have. Or don't. Clearly, proving your accusation is about as unnecessary as consistency with assholes like you. ONE SIDE? what other fucking side CREATES ISRAELI NATIONAL POLICY? Oh silly me.. Arafat, obviously.


Trust me, I can live without your approval. Giving the token minimal attention to temple mount? WOW. You must wear a fucking big shiny medal! Did someone pat you on the back because you sure do deserve recognition for coming around to rejecting the destruction of a muslim holy sight for the sake of a jewish temple! Gee, wally, I am standing in AWE of your masterful concern! You ARE totally a friend of the common man! Hell, how DID you fend off the automatic excuse that muslims DESERVE to lose a historic artifact when CLEARLY ARAFAT squandered money?!?!? Ok, someone call the nobel peace prize committee... They will probably be impressed with token gestures that avoid a predictable label just like I am!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Im going around in circles with you on this. Bottom line is this:

Dr Grump: Jews and arabs need to get along better. The Israeli's have done some bad things and should be brought to account, but generally have been defensive. The Pals had an opportunity going back to 1948 to split the country and now that has happened with them getting most of the West Bank and ALL of the Gaza, they not only have less land than they would have if they had gone with the 1948 deal, they can't even get along! With Hamas controlling one part and Fatah controlling the other. I'll repeat - the Pals have never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

Shoggie: Arabs good. Jews bad.
Im going around in circles with you on this. Bottom line is this:

Dr Grump: Jews and arabs need to get along better. The Israeli's have done some bad things and should be brought to account, but generally have been defensive. The Pals had an opportunity going back to 1948 to split the country and now that has happened with them getting most of the West Bank and ALL of the Gaza, they not only have less land than they would have if they had gone with the 1948 deal, they can't even get along! With Hamas controlling one part and Fatah controlling the other. I'll repeat - the Pals have never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

Shoggie: Arabs good. Jews bad.

You haven't made your first circle around my mountain of posted evidence.. Don't worry though, kid.. You can always just chock Haartz sources as Stormfront articles and the usual crowd won't ask too many questions.

Hey, make sure you tell me how IM the one ignorantly generalizing with a masterful quote like:

I'll repeat - the Pals have never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

quoting evidence is sooooo antisemtic, isnt it?


and the necessary correction to your goofy lil post is:

dr pussy: I can't wait to hop on the fashionable bandwagon while humans are labeled refugees and demonized into oblivion. Jews cannot be racist; they are chosen like that.

Me: Human travesty is human travesty regardless of race or "chosen"status. Racism happens. even in groups that were once the victims of racism.

Now, feel free to scroll up and read the nazi primary source again. I'm sure you will call it apples and oranges but who REALLY believes that you will attempt anything that doesn't already fit the mold you are looking for, eh?

ps, just in case you need another piece of evidence to ignore that will get jill to leave a slugtrail:

Israel had always been ingrained within her mind as a land of safety to which she could escape in case things in Europe ever took a turn for the worse.

Once she moved to Israel, Nathan found that her new country also suffered from discrimination. However, this time, Jews, rather than being discriminated against, were the ones discriminating. she said. The Arabs of Israel suffered from severe segregation comparable to the plight during South Africa’s apartheid, she argued.

‘Marriage to an Arab is national treason’

Recent poll reveals steep rise in racist views against Arabs in Israel; many participants feel hatred, fear when overhearing Arabic, 75 percent don’t approve of shared apartment buildings,7340,L-3381978,00.html

Ynet.. CLEARLY a branch of Stormfront!

During the latter part of the October 2000 events, thousands of Jewish Israelis rioted in Nazareth and Tel Aviv, throwing stones at Arabs, destroying Arab property and chanting "Death to Arabs".[34] Haaretz editorialized that that year's "Yom Kippur will be infamous for the violent, racist outburst by Jews against Arabs within Israel".[35]

Wiki... a BASTION of antisemitism!

Civil rights group: Israel has reached new heights of racism
By Yuval Yoaz and Jack Khoury, Haaretz Correspondents
Tags: Association for Civil Rights

Racism against Israel's Arab citizens has dramatically increased in the past year, including a 26 percent rise in anti-Arab incidents, according to the Association for Civil Rights in Israel's annual report.

Haaretz again.. Shit, could I BE any more clear that my sources are from the nazi handbook?!?

Film depicts racism in Israel
Screening tonight first in a series to illuminate region through cinema
By Brian Maffly
The Salt Lake Tribune
Article Last Updated: 01/30/2008 11:20:49 AM MST

The Israeli film ''Live and Become'' tells the story of a non-Jewish Ethiopian refugee boy who poses as a dead Falasha child so he can be airlifted out out of his war-torn homeland under Israel's Operation Moses to rescue Ethiopian Jews in mid-1980s. The boy is adopted by a loving, liberal Israeli family, but rather than being the promised land, his adopted homeland turns out to be rife with racism.

Holy shit.. NOW i'm dragging mormons into my web of jooo hatred!
Funny... he kicked your butt all over the thread.

you WOULD be the one saying that, wouldnt you?

I wonder if you have a reason to suggest as much (despite his and your refusal to address evidence)

nnawww... the very IDEA is antisemitic!


im shocked, SHOCKED that a zionist would be applauding like sean hannity on Bush's 04 inauguration! SHOCKED, I say....
Nope... it's been your persistant refusal to make the pals responsible at all for their condition, as well as your continued position that Israel should no longer exist that makes you unrealistic and unreasonabe.

Just because it's a Jewish state doesn't mean Israelis are going to roll over and die or be subjugated under Arab rule to appease you. And as far as I'm concerned anyone who suggests that had better take a long, hard view of their motivations.

Now go analogize Israel to the Nazi's again. It's what we've come to expect from you.
the pals are not responsible for the RACISM in israel any more than our blacks were responsible for their treatment or the treatment of jews in germany. I figured i'd make sure to point out the last example given your pattern of behaviour in whipping out the Scarlet A.

If israel were a single state nation not hellbent on hte preservation and benefit of a single race then I would have no problem with it. You know, in accordance with the standard of the rest of us actual western nations. If we can't put our blacks on a second tier for the sake of some bullshit modern master race arguement then guess what that means for israel and her behaviour towards arabs who have just as much history to that land as jews..

I notice you don't quote me demonizing jews.. or address the posted articles conveying racism... from jewish sources no less.. But, hey, thats really not your forte in this topic is it?

It's sad that what you haven't come to expect is a jewish homeland that rises above the same racism that put your people through the coals in Germany. If you can't beat em JOIN em, right jill?

NOw, feel free to avoid, deflect and demonize... It's probably not a pattern of behaviour that you'd cry about as antisemitism if someone were to generalize your behaviour. nope. being all chosen like that must be fucking allsome.

Are Palestinians in any way to blame for their predicament?

Were Native Americans in any way to blame for the trail of tears?

Black South Africans, LIKE Nelson Mandelah, to blame for their treatment by white afrikaners? You do realize that the very same man who became such an icon after the fall of aparthied in that nation did, in fact, kill whitey, right?

history is a bitch, isnt it?

Absolutely the violence is bad on all sides. Thats a given. But rationalizing your version of "the only good injun is a dead injun" because white settlers were being scalped while moving west, like jews creating a nation, does not negate the FACT of a reaction to manifest destiny or zionism. Nor do individual violent actions convey anything about an entire population any more than a handful of sheisty jews in germany validated taking it out on the whole population during the holocaust. Further, your double standard regarding a race based criteria for any national "western" nation is about as convincing as keeping blacks subjigated during the 100 years between the Emancipation Proc and the civil rights era "for the sake of preserving white America"

Face it. Im the one trying to keep you bastards from making excuses based on the ethnicity of a population. You won't be the first to enable this kind of shit and jews wont be the last humans to rationalize racism as a national defense.

almost forgot.. feel free to insist that I like throwing jews down wells though.. You may not be able to keep pace with my arguments but you sure as hell can find antisemitism where you need to see it.

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