For The 199th Time; Why Are We Still In Iraq & Afghanistan????

different PLACE in the dimension called TIME.
Back then, both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
were HUGE BULWARKS---(remember the great wall
of china?------same superannuated idea) I trust
logic, and truth
Truth is constant-

silly answer. The protection afforded a land mass by
an INTERVENING ocean------does not remain a constant over time and TECHNOLOGY
If we withdraw from Afghanistan with our tails between our legs we will be inviting another 9/11.
"tails between our legs" is how you wish to paint it.....

The families of those soldiers see their loved ones differently than you.....

What are you gaining from occupying Afghanistan for generations??

Then ask yourself what the Soviets got for it
We may gain freedom from another 9/11 by occupying Afghanistan. Should we pull out of the ROK?
silly answer. The protection afforded a land mass by
an INTERVENING ocean------does not remain a constant over time and TECHNOLOGY
No- it's a straw man argument- you're ignoarance isn't impressing anyone but maybe yourself-

"The US military has launched a strike on facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran-backed militia, in retaliation for recent rocket attacks on US troop locations in Iraq, the Pentagon said. "These strikes were authorised in response to recent attacks against American and Coalition personnel in Iraq, and to ongoing threats to those personnel," he said. While the bombing could be the first retaliatory moves by the United States following last week's attacks, Thursday's strike appeared to be limited in scope, potentially lowering the risk of escalation."

Why the fuck are we still in Iraq......why are we still in Afghanistan?? Why are we still occupying the Middle East period.....The delicate balance between Shiites and Sunnis that held across Iraq has long been destroyed and US troops have no business in the middle of a never-ending stream of proxy wars between the Saudis and Iranians....these folks live there, we don't -- they will always wait us out...and with all of the hundreds of billions of dollars of weapons we sold the Saudis; let them protect their own oil fields or hire a bunch of Erik Prince mercenary firms to do it for them.....not US troops....

I thought Trump was the person best suited to end both wars; because of the sycophancy of the GOP and their willingness to switch positions on virtually anything based on if their cult leader tells them to...but he didn't -- he just ran his mouth as usual....and now we are still just as involved in this Bush generated quagmire as ever.....and Biden DEFINITELY won't be the one to get us out -- even if he wanted to; the GOP and Democrat war hawks will switch right back to Neo-con status and talk about cutting and running and how "we gotta fight them over there to avoid fighting them here, blah blah blah".

US troops don't protect Saudi Arabia's oil fields.

US troops DO, indirectly, protect Saudi Arabia's
oil fields. -----and the international waterways in
the area, coveted by both shiites worldwide and
jihadist pigs. It is a difficult position

Iran wants to control Socotra, the Bab al Manab and the Straits of Hormuz.
Who does Iran think they are to think they can control water ways

Only imperial nations can do that....
Iran is a terrorist nation and I am glad that we killed Soleimani.
And that dumb ass talk is why the US will remain bogged down in the ME forever......

People always want to pick and choose who and when nations are terrorist.......

But would clutch our pearls when those nations put that label on us
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If we withdraw from Afghanistan with our tails between our legs we will be inviting another 9/11.
"tails between our legs" is how you wish to paint it.....

The families of those soldiers see their loved ones differently than you.....

What are you gaining from occupying Afghanistan for generations??

Then ask yourself what the Soviets got for it
We may gain freedom from another 9/11 by occupying Afghanistan. Should we pull out of the ROK?
How is occupying Afghanistan preventing another 9/11

17 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis funded by Saudis......are you saying we should have been occupying Riyadh??
If we withdraw from Afghanistan with our tails between our legs we will be inviting another 9/11.
"tails between our legs" is how you wish to paint it.....

The families of those soldiers see their loved ones differently than you.....

What are you gaining from occupying Afghanistan for generations??

Then ask yourself what the Soviets got for it
We may gain freedom from another 9/11 by occupying Afghanistan. Should we pull out of the ROK?
How is occupying Afghanistan preventing another 9/11

17 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis funded by Saudis......are you saying we should have been occupying Riyadh??
bin Laden was based in Afghanistan and the Taliban harbored al-Qa'ida.
The US is in the ME to ensure and insure the US Federal Reserve Note remains the currency of choice for Saudi's oil trading- see the Nixon/Saudi agreement- see Nixon's removing the US currency from the Gold Standard- see Nixon's price and wage controls- see the New American Century, we need another Pearl Harbor- see 9/11- 2 planes hit 2 bldg's in different locations and bought down 3 bldg's in near identical fashion- follow the money see the agenda- Israel dictates US foreign policy-

I think you need refresher course on 9/11.
Because when Trump moved to reduce troop levels the push back he got from you people, was too much even for him to deal with.

To be fair, some of it came from our people too.
If we withdraw from Afghanistan with our tails between our legs we will be inviting another 9/11.
"tails between our legs" is how you wish to paint it.....

The families of those soldiers see their loved ones differently than you.....

What are you gaining from occupying Afghanistan for generations??

Then ask yourself what the Soviets got for it
We may gain freedom from another 9/11 by occupying Afghanistan. Should we pull out of the ROK?
How is occupying Afghanistan preventing another 9/11

17 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis funded by Saudis......are you saying we should have been occupying Riyadh??

Afghanistan is a REFUGE for Sunni terrorists from Pakistan. REMEMBER the Taliban and Bin Laden?----
since circa 1980----Afghanistan has virtually been
invaded and occupied by sunni terrorists. It is a very
dangerous situation. Afghanistan was ----back in the day, part of the PERSIAN EMPIRE and even its language, "PASHTUN" is chock full of farsi. making
it attractive to Iran. (queen Vashti was afghani --megillat esther). Sunni terrorists are HIGHLY
MOTIVATED to attack americans----just for being
americans. (also jews just for being jews)
excuse me-----I should have mentioned on the attack list of sunnis-----Hindus, Shiites, Jews, Christians,
Buddhists, ---depending to some extend on OPPORTUNITY
Why the fuck are we still in Iraq......why are we still in Afghanistan?? Why are we still occupying the Middle East period..

Some economists like Michael Hudson argue that US military spending on its 800 bases around the world is almost entirely responsible for the balance of payments deficit, thereby gaining a "free lunch" by establishing the dollar as international reserve currency.

Dollar Recycling | Michael Hudson

"Ending the gold-exchange standard in 1971 created a situation in which the excess U.S. dollars thrown off by the U.S. payments deficit end up in foreign central banks.

"For these central banks, the inflow of surplus dollars poses the problem of what do we do with them.

"Central banks don’t buy stocks and bonds, or control of corporations, because that is risky and also does not directly help their own economy.

"So central banks buy US Treasury bonds and bills – IOUs of the U.S. Government.

"For the United States, the money that is spent on running a balance-of-payments deficit on military account and on American investors buying Chinese stocks and Chinese companies, dollars are recycled back to the United States to buy US Treasury bonds."

Is it possible that ending our eternal warfare state would also terminate the dollar as a global reserve currency?
If we withdraw from Afghanistan with our tails between our legs we will be inviting another 9/11.
So how long should we stay 1 more year? 5, 10 20 maybe 50more years? We have to stop throwing good money after bad... The IS needs to rid itself of the mid east fixation and let them settle thing for themselves
If we withdraw from Afghanistan with our tails between our legs we will be inviting another 9/11.
"tails between our legs" is how you wish to paint it.....

The families of those soldiers see their loved ones differently than you.....

What are you gaining from occupying Afghanistan for generations??

Then ask yourself what the Soviets got for it
We may gain freedom from another 9/11 by occupying Afghanistan. Should we pull out of the ROK?
How is occupying Afghanistan preventing another 9/11

17 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis funded by Saudis......are you saying we should have been occupying Riyadh??
bin Laden was based in Afghanistan and the Taliban harbored al-Qa'ida.
Bin Laden could have been based in New Zealand and if 19 people are committed to pulling off an attack.....they still can....

A less committed group of people pulled an attack off on the US Capitol and didn't need a "base" to do it.....

We don't have to occupy countries for generations for this false sense of safety -- because we have been doing it for 20 years already and fear has been the only justification for continuing to do it....which tells me what we are doing ain't working...
Why the fuck are we still in Iraq......why are we still in Afghanistan?? Why are we still occupying the Middle East period..

Some economists like Michael Hudson argue that US military spending on its 800 bases around the world is almost entirely responsible for the balance of payments deficit, thereby gaining a "free lunch" by establishing the dollar as international reserve currency.

Dollar Recycling | Michael Hudson

"Ending the gold-exchange standard in 1971 created a situation in which the excess U.S. dollars thrown off by the U.S. payments deficit end up in foreign central banks.

"For these central banks, the inflow of surplus dollars poses the problem of what do we do with them.

"Central banks don’t buy stocks and bonds, or control of corporations, because that is risky and also does not directly help their own economy.

"So central banks buy US Treasury bonds and bills – IOUs of the U.S. Government.

"For the United States, the money that is spent on running a balance-of-payments deficit on military account and on American investors buying Chinese stocks and Chinese companies, dollars are recycled back to the United States to buy US Treasury bonds."

Is it possible that ending our eternal warfare state would also terminate the dollar as a global reserve currency?
So switching to the gold standard will end military interventionism ??
different PLACE in the dimension called TIME.
Back then, both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
were HUGE BULWARKS---(remember the great wall
of china?------same superannuated idea) I trust
logic, and truth
Truth is constant-

silly answer. The protection afforded a land mass by
an INTERVENING ocean------does not remain a constant over time and TECHNOLOGY
TECHNOLOGY work both ways..... Should make the oceans even bigger for the enemies of the US
Why the fuck are we still in Iraq......why are we still in Afghanistan?? Why are we still occupying the Middle East period..

Some economists like Michael Hudson argue that US military spending on its 800 bases around the world is almost entirely responsible for the balance of payments deficit, thereby gaining a "free lunch" by establishing the dollar as international reserve currency.

Dollar Recycling | Michael Hudson

"Ending the gold-exchange standard in 1971 created a situation in which the excess U.S. dollars thrown off by the U.S. payments deficit end up in foreign central banks.

"For these central banks, the inflow of surplus dollars poses the problem of what do we do with them.

"Central banks don’t buy stocks and bonds, or control of corporations, because that is risky and also does not directly help their own economy.

"So central banks buy US Treasury bonds and bills – IOUs of the U.S. Government.

"For the United States, the money that is spent on running a balance-of-payments deficit on military account and on American investors buying Chinese stocks and Chinese companies, dollars are recycled back to the United States to buy US Treasury bonds."

Is it possible that ending our eternal warfare state would also terminate the dollar as a global reserve currency?

la la la la From the halls of Montezuma to the Hills of
Tipoli-----we will fight our country's battles---ON LAND AIR OR THE SEA ......
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