For the first time I wll look forward to hearing from obama


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
So what do you think his teleopromter will tell him to say tomrrow?
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1) Changeovers in mid term elections happen all the time.
2) Many Democrat candidates won
3) Outside money from overseas decided all these elections for the GOP
4) The GOP needs to work with me in a bipartisan fashion. To show my good faith here are some scraps my dog wouldn't eat.
"Tough Titties, America. In the health care bill there was a provision that allowed me to create a private army of my closest sheep. I will call them the obamabot zombie elites, and they will disarm all of you and I name myselef dictator of the United States of Obamaland. Just kidding, good game, GOP. Seriously tho, zombies."


"Barney Frank said if he won another term he would give everyone a free BJ. Time to collect."


"Fuck this, I resign. Good luck, President Biden."


"Can I smoke weed yet?"
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"Tough Titties, America. In the health care bill there was a provision that allowed me to create a private army of my closest sheep. I will call them the obamabot zombie elites, and they will disarm all of you and I name myselef dictator of the United States of Obamaland. Just kidding, good game, GOP. Seriously tho, zombies."


"Barney Frank said if he won another term he would give everyone a free BJ. Time to collect."


"Fuck this, I resign. Good luck, President Biden."


"Can I smoke weed yet?"
"Barney Frank said if he won another term he would give everyone a free BJ. Time to collect."

I almost threw up with that mental thought.
1) Changeovers in mid term elections happen all the time.
2) Many Democrat candidates won
3) Outside money from overseas decided all these elections for the GOP
4) The GOP needs to work with me in a bipartisan fashion. To show my good faith here are some scraps my dog wouldn't eat.

I'll take 4 for 1,000 alex
Question is ... will he have a temper tantrum before or after he speaks? Maybe he'll say what he has to say on his $200M/day apology tour in India.
he can either get gridlock or be like Clinton and work with the republican tidal wave that's only half way here.
Obama needs to move further Left.

Dems lost because they ran away from ObamaCare and the Progressive Jihad on Free Enterprise. Dems need to listen to people like Maddow and let the Far far far far Left drive the train.

Make Single Payer a core issue in 2012. Nationalize all the Banks.

That's the only way Dems have a shot in 2012, Obama needs to move further Left
Obama needs to move further Left.

Dems lost because they ran away from ObamaCare and the Progressive Jihad on Free Enterprise. Dems need to listen to people like Maddow and let the Far far far far Left drive the train.

Make Single Payer a core issue in 2012. Nationalize all the Banks.

That's the only way Dems have a shot in 2012, Obama needs to move further Left

Yep. That's what the left said before this almighty fuck up. I wonder if they've worked their problem out yet. Somehow, I doubt it.
1. The problems of the nation haven't changed.
2. Now you (Republicans) actually have to govern a bit instead of just obstruct.
3. We must seek the holy grail of bipartisanship.
4. Go ahead House, propose your lunacy.
Were I he I'd laugh and say:

" Hey at least I've got job security for another couple years and a hell of a good retirement package, too. I've become a libertarian. And like most libertarians all I can tell my fellow Americans is this:
Were I he I'd laugh and say:

" Hey at least I've got job security for another couple years and a hell of a good retirement package, too. I've become a libertarian. And like most libertarians all I can tell my fellow Americans is this:

I see you have absolutely no idea what Libertarians stand for. Good to know. It's much better to whine about shit you don't know about than educate yourself. Anyone who tells you different is a liar.

Speaking of liars.... I wonder where truthmatters is today? :lol:
I dunno what the idiot in chief is gonna say but I doubt he'll use his well-worn, "Elections have consequences" mantra.

But whatever does come out of his lying lips will be interesting considering the huge debacle his agenda has brought upon the Dimocrat party. Sixty-plus Dims have lost their House seats. That's the worst House beating since 1948, 62 friggin' years ago!

Ten state governors flipped to the Republicans including OH and PA, both of which also lost 5 House seats too. And going to the Republicans just in time for the redistricting that's coming up on their watches. Some consequences there Barry, huh?

Six Senate seats thus far and maybe even one more when the dust settles. Oh, and by the way one of those seats was once occupied by the former community agitator himself. And the guy who took over Barry's "most liberal" crown in the Senate, Rusty Feingold, got his progressive ass handed to him next door in WI.

So I imagine amid all this Dim turmoil Barry will probably say the right things, but no reason to believe for a nanosecond he'll mean any of it.
Were I he I'd laugh and say:

" Hey at least I've got job security for another couple years and a hell of a good retirement package, too. I've become a libertarian. And like most libertarians all I can tell my fellow Americans is this:


I see you have absolutely no idea what Libertarians stand for. Good to know. It's much better to whine about shit you don't know about than educate yourself. Anyone who tells you different is a liar.

Speaking of liars.... I wonder where truthmatters is today? :lol:

I understand what Libertarianism stand for. There's much to be said for that political philosophy in theory.

I also know a heck of lot of self-proclaiming libertarians who sign onto the "I got mine, get yours" attitude, too.
1. The problems of the nation haven't changed.
2. Now you (Republicans) actually have to govern a bit instead of just obstruct.
3. We must seek the holy grail of bipartisanship.
4. Go ahead House, propose your lunacy.

Sure thats the ticket for him to run on. I hope he does do that and more.

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