Diamond Member
- Nov 22, 2003
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Mr.Conley said:Can you understand that the private interests wouldn't have been able to develop the idea if the NSF hadn't been there to fund the basic research first? Its because the NSF is much more willing to invest in projects with no guaranteed profit that a lot of this stuff comes around. Private firms also do a great deal, but the NSF's commitment to basic research and standards is nessicary for the advancement of science as well. The NSF does a lot of good work in science and for the advancement of the nation; they would be an ideal way to get the government involved. Its an ideal combination of massive government resources combined with competition among private companies and high standerds to produce some of the best science on the planet.
Right, the government did, "throw a few billion at," the Big Dig and Boston got an effective transportation system. It was morbidly expensive and took far too long but the job did get done or at least it got more done than if the government hadn't, "throw a few billion at," it. I'm not saying that the government is always perfect whenever it invest money, though private companies aren't either, but government backing tends to make things happen (or at least less of a hassle). Private companies can and should invest in finding new sources of energy, but that doesn't mean the government shouldn't get involved to get the process moving.
Fortunately, the NSF has protective measures inplace to prevent coruption. The board that chooses the government is from outside the NSF and is screened to ensure they have no connection with any of the projects up for grants. The process is also kept competitive to keep costs down and see that the best science recieves funding
I think the government would get a 'bigger bang' just by offering a 'reward' for whichever private company came up with the best solution by such and such a date, then had to 'share' their idea, with the best 'final solution' garnering the most rewards on the open market. I'd put my $$$ on the Japanese or Chinese-best at building off of original ideas.
Just look at Los Alamos for 'government subsidies'.