Forget Impeaching Kavanaugh, you have grounds to Impeach the Dems who knew it was about "the Cause"


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
The rediculous call to impeach Kavanaugh could backfire now that there is more open evidence the railroading of the judge was all about 'The cause" (abortion issue).
Is Impeaching Pelosi now possible?
She was openly recorded as saying Kavanaugh was mere collateral damage for "the Cause" (which now is proven to be Abortion rights).
So if she knew all along, allowed false testimony and lying by Senators in her party and participated in the sham and did not use her congressional powers to keep members ethically in line then her abuses is grounds for removal, especially by and through their own standard and claims of powers to doing so in impeaching politicians.

Then we have Kamala Harris, who by and through Dem standards in calling for removal of Costas for being the D.A. allowing a reduced sentence of a child predator equates to Kamalas own D.A. record of doing the exact same thing=impeachable offence by her party's own stance, but then add the stance she took against a "known" false charge on Kavanaugh in order to support her party's abuse of their power and manipulation of the supreme courts as for
"their Cause" (their right to kill babies). And add to the fact she arrested and had abnormally heavy sentences on African Americans caught with pot when she herself was a smoker. And add her abuse of power and overeach in her raid of the reporter journalist who exposed planned parenthood including illegally ceasing evidence and footage (obstructing justice).
Being the raid has the same willingness to break the law over the abortion debate, this shows a pattern of lawlessness for "the cause".
This is enough evidence to start impeaching those in congress and senate that are involved in abusing their political positions in an illegal manner all for a political position of the party.
If the republicans can grow a pair they can reverse this political terrorism that's taking place by boomerang-reversing the calls of impeachment by starting impeachment calls on these blatant and open Dem abuses and overeach.
Show Nadlers years and years of harassing Trump and overeach abuses now, show Pelosis own admission, Fords lawyer's admission and have the lawyer talk about her ties to Avenattis client. Find out who
Instigated the Times article to offset and coincide with the Ford Lawyer admission embarassment, then hold accountable Harris and others who willingly comitted crimes for
"the cause".
GROW A PAIR AND FIGHT BACK, least you want to be a doormat for those lawless ones.
Impeaching Kavanaugh is perfectly appropriate and warranted.

It’s not going to happen, of course – for much the same reasons Trump won’t be impeached.

But it’s nonetheless appropriate and warranted.
Impeaching Kavanaugh is perfectly appropriate and warranted.

It’s not going to happen, of course – for much the same reasons Trump won’t be impeached.

But it’s nonetheless appropriate and warranted.

Impeaching Kavanaugh is perfectly appropriate and warranted.

It’s not going to happen, of course – for much the same reasons Trump won’t be impeached.

But it’s nonetheless appropriate and warranted.
Just note you had 0 evidence and backing in your personal statement, and there is a reason for that.
Just remember that hot air from these empty arguments is more damaging then flatulent cows to the world's environment.
Impeaching Kavanaugh is perfectly appropriate and warranted.

It’s not going to happen, of course – for much the same reasons Trump won’t be impeached.

But it’s nonetheless appropriate and warranted.

Yep, soon as you find some evidence you're good to go...dumbass.
The thread premise is typical of the dishonest right: when you can’t defend, deflect.
Who said I was right wing? As a rationalist I know every issue is a seperate positional view not tarnished by gang mentality that you have created through party affiliation pride.
But your response proved my points, you are flailing kicking and screaming at enemies you create in your own mind to save from hurt pride, seeing everyone who disagrees with you as rival opposition party even when they have no party.
You proved my years of commentary points on affiliation pride and gang behavior, and points here now on "your cause" not being for the country or for humanity, because it's all about you in fascist form.
Instead of addressing Harris' fascist behavior to silence and stiffle a journalist by abusing her power to raid their home, you resort
to ad hominem arguments that never ever are backed by facts or descriptions. Just blanket statements and smokescreens proves my points.
Impeaching Kavanaugh is perfectly appropriate and warranted.

It’s not going to happen, of course – for much the same reasons Trump won’t be impeached.

But it’s nonetheless appropriate and warranted.

Only if you believe unsupported allegations. If you want to apply that standard, we can get rid of anyone we want to.
The thread premise is typical of the dishonest right: when you can’t defend, deflect.
you mean like you can't defend the accusations against kavanaugh so you deflect?

you have zero room to speak of dishonesty, son. you reek of it 24x7.
I hope Kavanaugh sues. Could you imagine them bringing the more than two dozen people that the FBI refused to interview one of the time to talk on the stand?
About his drunken debauchery and his rubbing himself all over drunk women?
I’m sure it would be riveting testimony.
Going after Kavanaugh is futile. Even if the House impeaches him, the GOP Senate will not convict him. Elections are fought over which party in the WH gets to choose the next justice. Kavanaugh isn’t going anywhere unless the Democratic Party wins all of Congress.
I hope Kavanaugh sues. Could you imagine them bringing the more than two dozen people that the FBI refused to interview one of the time to talk on the stand?
About his drunken debauchery and his rubbing himself all over drunk women?
I’m sure it would be riveting testimony.
How quickly you forget you and your party's earlier arguments about blasting on FBI and Judges. Sometimes it takes a while, but you always fall into your own failed arguments.
Must be nice being a fascist, never having to keep an even standard and make up your own rules everyone but you have to follow.
I hope Kavanaugh sues. Could you imagine them bringing the more than two dozen people that the FBI refused to interview one of the time to talk on the stand?
About his drunken debauchery and his rubbing himself all over drunk women?
I’m sure it would be riveting testimony.

If anyone can actually remember him doing it.
Impeaching Kavanaugh is perfectly appropriate and warranted.

It’s not going to happen, of course – for much the same reasons Trump won’t be impeached.

But it’s nonetheless appropriate and warranted.

So the left flamed out on impeaching Trump, now the war drums are beating on impeaching kavanaugh for what he allegedly did 40 years guys are getting desperate.


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