Former Oversight Chairman Rips FBI Denying Requests on Hillary's Emails: Total Crap and Illegal


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Former Oversight Chairman Rips the FBI

"The FBI has denied a Freedom of Information Act request seeking a series of emails belonging to former Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. In their rejection of the request, the FBI cited a "lack of public interest" for their decision.

FBI shuts down request for files on Hillary Clinton by citing lack of public interest Total crap and against the law
— Jason Chaffetz (@jasoninthehouse) August 30, 2017

"This is absolutely disgusting, it's totally counter to who we are as a nation. We are open, we are transparent, we're supposed to be self-critical. The American people pay for this government. Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State, what she created were federal records and every individual in this country has the right to see those," Chaffetz said. "They're protecting themselves, they're protecting Hillay Clinton and they don't want the exposure. What is it that they're hiding?"

Even Stevie Wonder can see the FBI is still trying to protect Hillary Clinton from the Indictment and Prison Time she deserves....

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