Diamond Member
Uh, guy, when we signed a treaty with NV, we knew that they were going to violate it. Not to relitigate the whole Vietnam War, but our military leaders KNEW from the start it was a fool's errand. They know that if there was a free and open election, Ho Chi Mihn would have won by a landslide over the French Quislings we were backing.
Pay attention folks. Over 1,000,000 Viet Namese were killed by the U.S. As opposed the 58,000 U.S. Dead (They are what Felon47 calls, "Suckers and Losers").
The War in Viet Nam had been going on since the end of WWII. It was what the Viet Namese "The French War", which ended with the French surrender at Bien Dien Phu. Then came the "American War". For Ho, it was a War of Unification. HIs country (Viet Nam) had been divided, much like Korea was after WWII. He fought the Chinese, the Japanese, the French and the Americans. His only goal was unify his country. When I was there the War was already lost for the Americans. Using Agent Orange, mining the port of Hai Phong, the indiscriminate shelling villages in Viet Nam by the U.S.
The U.S. approach was a failure. But it was doomed to fail. The Viet Namese wanted one nation. The U.S. knew going in that the peace treaty was a farse. Kissinger sold out the South Viet Namese. Nixon handed South Viet on a silver platter to the North, he surrendered to the North. Just like Felon47 sold the Afghan Government out to Taliban. He surrendered, just like Nixon.
The Military, when I joined was all volunteer. There were some people who had been drafted but by in large they joined by choice. Me, I joined up. Knowing I would be sent there. Viet Nam was a horror story.
Greenland and Canada will be way much worse.