Former President of France Sarkozy moving to Britain to avoid 75% taxes


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010

This is just freaking priceless.

I hope all the wealthy bail on this commie government in France who have set about to steal from the successful.

And the French government has the nerve to claim that Sarkozy might be corrupt when they have no qualms about acting like common thieves.

Sarkozy's plans 'to dodge new 75% French tax rate by moving to London with wife Carla and setting up £1bn private equity fund'


Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni to dodge new French tax hike by moving to London and setting up £1billion fund | Mail Online
Oh, I do hope he followed proper French protocol and surrendered before turning himself over to the Brits.
I'm a "liberal" (i.e., not a raving right winger), and I would move to low tax environments, too, if I (a) didn't care where I lived, (b) was independently wealthy, and (c) had my "independent" wealth in a form that was strongly impacted by taxes.

By the way, I thought Britain was a socialist paradise? Apparently Mr. Sarkozy appreciates socialism . . .
I'm a "liberal" (i.e., not a raving right winger), and I would move to low tax environments, too, if I (a) didn't care where I lived, (b) was independently wealthy, and (c) had my "independent" wealth in a form that was strongly impacted by taxes.

By the way, I thought Britain was a socialist paradise? Apparently Mr. Sarkozy appreciates socialism . . .

Conservatives have a minority coalition government now in Britain and they lowered the taxes that the Blair/Brown commies had imposed.

Prime Minister Cameron actually angered the new French President. He said Britain was ready to roll out the red carpet.

That asswipe in France has actually declared himself an "enemy of finance".

What's really wild is that Hollande the new French PM is wealthy. I believe he has three homes on the French Riviera. .

But communism flows thru his veins much like the wealthy left in America.

The Prime Minister promised to welcome anyone looking to escape a 75 per cent top rate of tax, which is set to be introduced by France’s new socialist president Francois Hollande.

This week Mr Cameron told a business summit in Mexico: ‘If the French go ahead with a 75 per cent top rate of tax we will roll out the red carpet and welcome more French businesses to Britain, and they can pay tax in Britain and pay for our Health Service and schools and everything else.’

David Cameron pledge: French react with fury as Cameron calls rates 'uncompetitive' and 'wrong' | Mail Online
obama momma scowled at mrs. sarkozy..


Typical magilla look...:D
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Yeah, she sure acts low-rent for a First Lady. it must come from all of those years of hating white people.
Former President of France Sarkozy moving to Britain to avoid 75% taxes
Well then according to Joe Biden, Sarkozy is not very patriotic remember
Biden calls paying higher taxes a patriotic act

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