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Former Rand Paul Aide, Pardoned By trump, Charged With Funneling Russian Money Into 2016 Election

OMG, what a load of shit.
1. Bannon got caught, hope he get a long sentence, nothing to do with Trump
2. Manafort got caught, hope he gets a long sentence, nothing to do with Trump
3. Roger Stone was lynched, everyone lies to congress all the time, nothing to do with Trump
4. General Flynn, got caught in a perjury trap by Comey. Nothing to do with Trump
5. George Papadopoulos spent 12-days in prison, so what? Nothing to do with Trump.
6. Rick Gates, another small fish crook, nothing to do with Trump.
7. You forgot Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen, a sleazy lawyer who got caught.
8. You also forgot Carter Page:
"Horowitz found fault with specific aspects of the FBI's conduct, including omissions of facts and false statements to the FISA court when applying for a warrant to conduct surveillance on Page."

You forgot to mention the FBI falsifying evidence, illegal FISA warrants, a bullshit Mueller Investigation, failed operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Razor, perjury traps, even the IG (Horowitz) said the FBI had severe violations illegally obtaining FISA warrants to spy on Trump:
NONE of them had anything to do with Trump?

So, if that's your criteria, why did you post this?

In 2008, Robert Roche, a U.S. businessman based in Shanghai with extensive commercial ties to the Chinese government, bought the website Obama.com.

Roche, a big-time bundler for Obama, was given a place of honor at the head table with Obama and first lady Michelle Obama at a 2011 state dinner for Chinese President Hu Jintao. Nothing illegal about that.

It's not clear Roche still even owns Obama.com. But this year, suspiciously, the site began sending visitors to the Obama campaign's donation page on the Web. Some 68% of Obama.com's visitors are foreign.

Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz announced today the release of a Report of Investigation Regarding Alleged Unauthorized Contacts by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Employees with the Media and Other Persons in Advance of the 2016 Election. The DOJ Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated this investigation in response to information that came to our attention during our Review of Allegations Regarding Various Actions by the Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in Advance of the 2016 Election.

NOTHING to do with Obama.
There is a big difference between "conspired to" and actually "funneled" money.
Keep hope alive, this time you nailed his bright orange ass. Just like Hunter's laptop and real whistleblower Bobulinsky nailed the Xidens.
yawn. Wake me up if any Trump gets indicted.
Ummm no there isn't
Trump's "best people" breaking laws for Trump and him abusing his office to pardon them has nothing to do with Trump?
No dummy, it has everything to do with Trump's character, how he conducts business and who he surrounds himself with. It doesn't happen by itself.
You Trumpster tools keep chanting about "crooked Hillery" while cheering on the biggest swamp toads to set foot in the White House.
Compermentalization required to do that is borderline insane.
1. None of your crook broke laws for Trump. They just broke laws.
2. Agree that Trump seems to like petty crooks, but then again, look at the Xiden's money trail, and that is more disturbing than Trump's because they sell us out to make money.
3. The Xidens are the biggest toads to ever squat in the WH. Buy any of Hunter's paintings?
4. Look at the policies and promises kept, not the MSM propaganda.
What a load of shit.

First of all, how would a lawyer who just joined the DNC in Aug 2016 know of a “secret server” in the Trump org? Did he work at the Trump org? No, he simply colluded with big tech “researchers” to frame the Trump org.

Sussmann told the FBI that Trump org was communicating with Alpha Bank, he lied about not being a part of the Clinton campaign when he was being paid (they literally have the invoice for his services).

So what was the “evidence” he had? Completely manufactured “sales receipts” that they created themselves, and never had anything to do with the Trump org or Alpha bank. No actual digital evidence of any such communication ever existed.

The FBI determined there was no illegal communication between any Trump email server and Alpha bank.

The point was to just manufacture a bogus narrative, tell the FBI, knowing they would jump and “investigate”, then leak that the FBI is “investigating” the Trump org even though they all know there is absolutely nothing there. Then of course the lame stream media would have a “breaking story” that the FBI is “investigating” the Trump Org for a completely bogus and made up accusation by a Clinton and DNC paid lawyer.
There was no leak that the FBI was investigating, before the election....
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LOL, right. The left is all concerned illegal campaign contributions but turn a blind eye to Dems doing it all the time.
Or when Hillary pays a lawyer to invent a story about Trump and a Russian bank and lie to the FBI, so the FBI can launch and “investigation”, then leak to the media there is an “investigation” on Trump before the election. But that wasn’t “election meddling”, right?

The story wasn’t invented. Nine people were arrested and went to jail for it.
Same with Trump.
No indictments, no runs, no hits, plenty of errors, and no one left on base.
Obama, Hillary, and Xiden all had illegal money, Obama took in $millions and paid a fine.
Peter Schweitzer, says all I need to know, that your article is fake news and a fake accusation!

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LOL, right. The left is all concerned illegal campaign contributions but turn a blind eye to Dems doing it all the time.
Or when Hillary pays a lawyer to invent a story about Trump and a Russian bank and lie to the FBI, so the FBI can launch and “investigation”, then leak to the media there is an “investigation” on Trump before the election. But that wasn’t “election meddling”, right?
Wrong! There was no leak to the news, about the FBI investigating Alpha bank PRIOR to the election.
1. None of your crook broke laws for Trump. They just broke laws.
2. Agree that Trump seems to like petty crooks, but then again, look at the Xiden's money trail, and that is more disturbing than Trump's because they sell us out to make money.
3. The Xidens are the biggest toads to ever squat in the WH. Buy any of Hunter's paintings?
4. Look at the policies and promises kept, not the MSM propaganda.

They broke laws for Trump. Trump is a criminal. We all watched him committing crimes via Twitter.

There is no “Biden money trail”. This is a right wing fabrication. You repeating this lie just makes you look gullible and stupid.

More stupidity.

I like the policies. They’ll get you out of this mess and bring you back to First World status.
Same with Trump.
No indictments, no runs, no hits, plenty of errors, and no one left on base.
Obama, Hillary, and Xiden all had illegal money, Obama took in $millions and paid a fine.

Peter Sweitzer is a known liar and hypocrite. Anyone who works for Breitbart is fake news.

When Sweitzer wrote Clinton Cash, he admitted he had no evidence of anything he just “connected the dots”. His book was thoroughly debunked but you clowns are still scream “Uranium One” at every opportunity.

Switzer has never written a fact based book in his life. He just make shit up and you believe it all.
So your claim :
While senile Joe Biden floods the nation with illegals, drives the nation into financial ruin and turns his back on all the people he left behind in Afghanistan your whining about what Trump is alleged to have done
is a petty attempt to change the subject.

You have proof of that?

Your claim of proof is not proof itself, moron.
How stupid are you? That's rhetorical. You are extremely stupid.

By your own posts, that bring up alleged misconduct by Trump associates which are unproven claims, you try to divert attention away from very real threats to the nation during Joe Biden's watch (the border mess, people left behind in Afghanistan, dangers to our economy and sound dollar, a president who should be in long term senior care, etc.) while you discount serious threats to the nation in favor of partisan Trump sniping in our rear view mirror.

It's a free country. You can be an absurd dick if that suits you, as it seems to.
Just don't expect people trying to cope with the Biden regime to give a fuck about your crapola
that diverts attention away from very serious problems the nation faces today!
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Peter Sweitzer is a known liar and hypocrite. Anyone who works for Breitbart is fake news.

When Sweitzer wrote Clinton Cash, he admitted he had no evidence of anything he just “connected the dots”. His book was thoroughly debunked but you clowns are still scream “Uranium One” at every opportunity.

Switzer has never written a fact based book in his life. He just make shit up and you believe it all.
Hitting the bottle early again, I see. Jack Daniels in your orange juice?
How stupid are you? That's rhetorical.
By your own posts, that bring up alleged misconduct by Trump associates which are unproven claims, you try to divert attention away from very real threats to the nation during Joe Biden's watch (the border mess, people left behind in Afghanistan, dangers to our economy and sound dollar, a president who should be in long term senior care, etc.) while you discount serious threats to the nation in favor of partisan Trump sniping in our rear view mirror.

It's a free country. You can be a comical dick if that suits you, as it seems to.
Just don't expect people trying to cope with the Biden regime to give a fuck about your crapola
that diverts attention away from very serious problems the nation faces today!
There is no "alleged misconduct" by Trump Associates. We all saw and heard what happened at the Elipse, and at the Capitol, on TV. Stone, Trump, and Flynn whipping the crowd into a frenzy over the "stolen election", telling them they had to "fight like hell or you won't have a country", and the crowd of angry Trumpists beating the police, destroying the building and assaulting the Capitol building. It didn't end when Ashli Babbit was shot either, although the attackers seems to be taken aback. It certainly didn't stop them.

Not surprisingly, their lawyers are now claiming that a large number of these people were under treatment and/or medicated for a variety of psychiatric problems. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

But you also have the spectacle of Roger Stone posing for photos at the Capitol on January 6th, surrounded by his "bodyguards" - all of whom just happen to be leaders of the various factions of Proud Boys who have backups stationed outside the Beltaway with caches of guns, ammo and other weapons which would be brought into DC on signal that the Capitol had been taken.

Or the people Trump appointed to key positions in the Pentagon, within days of the election being called for Joe Biden. They effectively blocked the DC National Guard from leaving Langley for hours, on the grounds that it would look bad to send in the NG but stop a "citizen's protest" after the fuss over LaFayette Square. Five people died as a result of these Pentagon "decisions". Who ordered those troops to stay put? Why did the Maryland National Guard arrive at the Capitol before any significant DC or federal force showed up?

As for the Biden Administration, what exactly are YOU personally trying to cope with Eric? Do you hate competence and good management THAT much?

Trump is the guy who declared a "National Emergency" on the Southern Border in 2019, and has never rescinded that State of Emergency, there. He's also the guy who dismantled the immigrant processing centres and replaced them with "for profit prisons" where he held people for years with no due process, separating families and shipping thousands of small children around the country, without proper records.

Biden evacuated more than 120,000 people out of Afghanistan - the greatest airlift the world has ever seen. Not everybody is happy with how he accomplished it, but an airlift on this scale has never even been tried before. Stop watching all of your new on FOX.

Trump's economy was in the toilet and the water was starting to swirl BEFORE the pandemic hit. The dollar was far from sound. Trump should have been raising taxes in a booming economy, not lowering them, leaving your treasury empty with some of the largest deficits in history, at a time when the nation needed to invest to stem the pandemic. There was not a single mainstream economist who had anything but scorn for Trump's cut and spend policies, combined with his trade wars, and cutting back on overtime for the lowest paid workers.
Hitting the bottle early again, I see. Jack Daniels in your orange juice?

Good Lord no. Somebody gifted my husband with a bottle of that shit. We both had one drink of it and it sat for years. I'm still working on the bottle of vodka I bought last Christmas. The only thing I ever mix with my orange juice is champagne, and I only do that while watching figure skating with my friends. Today I had pancakes for breakfast with my grandkids. The only thing I put in my coffee is a bit of raw sugar.

Sounds like you're projecting your drinking onto me. I have allergies to the ingredients used to make most alcoholic beverages so I seldom drink. I was the "designated driver" when I was younger, even before we had a name for it. Just like our resident pudge ball, Azog, calls everyone "fat", and Bripat's go to insult is "moron".

Your go-to insult says far more about you than the total stranger you think you're insulting.
Dems keep acting like being charged with a crime is the same as being convicted of a crime.
Paul is the guy who stood in the way of helping out the first responders in New York. He will forever be known as such, first and foremost.
Paul is a first class lowlife. No wonder why his neighbor beat the shit out of him.
Biden is an influence peddler and a senile POS. Democrats are worse than crooks and grifters. They are traitors and their policies are meant to take this country down. Shills like you have no character or morals. Thank you for showcasing your own lack of character and your hate for this country.
How many business dealings does that bastard Trump & his daughter have in China? Plenty of them.

Biden has none.

So who's kissing ass in China, idiot.
Republicans are cheaters, big time.
This has to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen you write.

Both sides do it. Remer that black congressman that had a freezer full of money? Or all the dems who went to congress young and basically broke and are worth millions today despite never holding a job?

Greed is neither bound by political affiliation or your ignorant bullshit.

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