Fourth Las Vegas Witness Unequivocally Described Shooters From Within Venue (Deceased)


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
She was a real person, not a "conspiracy.

Fourth Las Vegas Witness Unequivocally Described Shooters From Within Venue (Deceased)

Fourth Las Vegas Witness Unequivocally Described Shooters From Within Venue (Deceased)


A Las Vegas concert-goer and witness, who is now deceased from a prior illness, posted onto Facebook before she died a detailed and riveting account of her experience which is similar to those of at least three other witnesses, of shooting coming from within the venue. The woman steadfastly maintained that she could hear a source of gunfire which was coming nearer and nearer to her and her fleeing friend, causing them to break coveted cover and run in changing directions.

Kimberley Suchomel wrote:

"because it felt like no matter what direction we took, we were being followed." She said her and her and her friend had the feeling that "men" were "chasing us."

Suchomel wrote in the Facebook post, the authenticity of which has not been disputed, that:

"We couldn’t hide because they (and I do mean THEY) were chasing us. That exact moment is when I started to really panic.....And It was directly behind us, following us. Bullets were coming from every direction. Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us. But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us...The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got...There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one."

The Facebook post has since been made private by the family, but screenshots and copies of the post were archived on the Internet before that happened.

Suchomel, who suffered from a brain tumor and severe epilepsy, died unexpectedly last Monday in her sleep, according to her grandmother, speaking to the Seacoast Online, a New Hampshire news outlet.

Suchomel wrote:

"we ended up running in a weird triangular path. The first place I remember getting to was a parking lot, and I told Casie (who was slightly in front of me) we needed to get under one of the trucks. She turned to me and started her way back to me, and that is when the gunfire got even CLOSER than ever before. It was RIGHT THERE."

Rocky Palermo also broke cover because of the sound of firing coming closer to his hiding place. He says in his video narration:

"we heard the gunfire approaching where we were, coming closer and closer and getting louder and louder, and I knew we were getting gunshots which were closer to us than when we originally started, and that's when I knew that we had to run."

Palermo says he strongly believes that there was more than one shooter, and that before leaving the hospital, every person that he knew of was interviewed by the FBI, including himself. He says that he told two FBI agents of his conviction that there were multiple shooters, but that there has been no follow up.

Palermo said:

"I told them the same thing that I'm telling you, I definitely believe that there were at least three to five shooters, 100% there was not just one person shooting from the 32nd floor."

Palermo, who was interviewed by CNN soon after the shooting at his hospital bed about his wounds, said that "every other person that I've talked to that unfortunately did get hit as well, have all said the same things."

Palermo and other witnesses say that, contrary to strict regulations regarding emergency exits at concert venues, concert-goers found many of the exits blocked as the fled for safety (see: "Exits at Las Vegas Concert Were Suddenly Blocked Prior to Shooting, Creating Kill Zone")

Another witness who says there was firing from withing the venue was interviewed on the night of the shooting by a local news station, linked HERE.

Kimberley Suchomel's account is strikingly similar in other ways to that of Gio Rios', who was near the front row with his girlfriend when the shooting began. As they fled the venue and crossed the street, Rios and his girlfriend recount gunfire and seeing muzzle flashes coming from the direction of Hooters or the MGM Grand at one point, which are a block from the Mandalay Bay where the accused shooter, Stephen Paddock, was said to be sniping from.

Rios says in his 44 minute oral history posted on Youtube:

"we were running across the street and we hear shots coming from Hooters, MGM area, shots coming from over there and shots coming from Mandalay Bay." (at 24:00 in video.)

Mentioning Hooters, Suchomel wrote in her post:

"The 2nd place I remember going by was Hooters- which is where we met back up with the rest of our small group. We ran towards the entrance thinking we could take cover there, but as we got closer, a stampede of people ran out, terrified. We could only conclude that there was another gunman inside of that hotel. This made us even more scared- we had nowhere to go- no one to trust."

Suchomel wrote:

"I have been watching the news non-stop since I arrived back home to my family. And it just doesn’t make sense. The story that are feeding everyone doesn’t add up to our eyewitness accounts...Tons of things don’t add up."

She end her post, writting days before she died, saying:

"We went to Las Vegas for a super fun, down to Earth country concert featuring our favorite artists. We left scared, scarred, traumatized and broken. And for that, we demand answers."

Fourth Las Vegas Witness Unequivocally Described Shooters From Within Venue (Deceased)

Hello and thank you for the information, I agree that it is more than strange that shooting from the beginning there was something that sounded wrong and I listened to CNN early in the hour of France.
At first they said that someone was shooting in the crowd (who was at the concert) and then they spoke of the hotel as it came from the top.
we can only be uncomfortable with this story because Something don't seem right
She was a real person, not a "conspiracy.

Fourth Las Vegas Witness Unequivocally Described Shooters From Within Venue (Deceased)

Fourth Las Vegas Witness Unequivocally Described Shooters From Within Venue (Deceased)


A Las Vegas concert-goer and witness, who is now deceased from a prior illness, posted onto Facebook before she died a detailed and riveting account of her experience which is similar to those of at least three other witnesses, of shooting coming from within the venue. The woman steadfastly maintained that she could hear a source of gunfire which was coming nearer and nearer to her and her fleeing friend, causing them to break coveted cover and run in changing directions.

Kimberley Suchomel wrote:

"because it felt like no matter what direction we took, we were being followed." She said her and her and her friend had the feeling that "men" were "chasing us."

Suchomel wrote in the Facebook post, the authenticity of which has not been disputed, that:

"We couldn’t hide because they (and I do mean THEY) were chasing us. That exact moment is when I started to really panic.....And It was directly behind us, following us. Bullets were coming from every direction. Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us. But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us...The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got...There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one."

The Facebook post has since been made private by the family, but screenshots and copies of the post were archived on the Internet before that happened.

Suchomel, who suffered from a brain tumor and severe epilepsy, died unexpectedly last Monday in her sleep, according to her grandmother, speaking to the Seacoast Online, a New Hampshire news outlet.

Suchomel wrote:

"we ended up running in a weird triangular path. The first place I remember getting to was a parking lot, and I told Casie (who was slightly in front of me) we needed to get under one of the trucks. She turned to me and started her way back to me, and that is when the gunfire got even CLOSER than ever before. It was RIGHT THERE."

Rocky Palermo also broke cover because of the sound of firing coming closer to his hiding place. He says in his video narration:

"we heard the gunfire approaching where we were, coming closer and closer and getting louder and louder, and I knew we were getting gunshots which were closer to us than when we originally started, and that's when I knew that we had to run."

Palermo says he strongly believes that there was more than one shooter, and that before leaving the hospital, every person that he knew of was interviewed by the FBI, including himself. He says that he told two FBI agents of his conviction that there were multiple shooters, but that there has been no follow up.

Palermo said:

"I told them the same thing that I'm telling you, I definitely believe that there were at least three to five shooters, 100% there was not just one person shooting from the 32nd floor."

Palermo, who was interviewed by CNN soon after the shooting at his hospital bed about his wounds, said that "every other person that I've talked to that unfortunately did get hit as well, have all said the same things."

Palermo and other witnesses say that, contrary to strict regulations regarding emergency exits at concert venues, concert-goers found many of the exits blocked as the fled for safety (see: "Exits at Las Vegas Concert Were Suddenly Blocked Prior to Shooting, Creating Kill Zone")

Another witness who says there was firing from withing the venue was interviewed on the night of the shooting by a local news station, linked HERE.

Kimberley Suchomel's account is strikingly similar in other ways to that of Gio Rios', who was near the front row with his girlfriend when the shooting began. As they fled the venue and crossed the street, Rios and his girlfriend recount gunfire and seeing muzzle flashes coming from the direction of Hooters or the MGM Grand at one point, which are a block from the Mandalay Bay where the accused shooter, Stephen Paddock, was said to be sniping from.

Rios says in his 44 minute oral history posted on Youtube:

"we were running across the street and we hear shots coming from Hooters, MGM area, shots coming from over there and shots coming from Mandalay Bay." (at 24:00 in video.)

Mentioning Hooters, Suchomel wrote in her post:

"The 2nd place I remember going by was Hooters- which is where we met back up with the rest of our small group. We ran towards the entrance thinking we could take cover there, but as we got closer, a stampede of people ran out, terrified. We could only conclude that there was another gunman inside of that hotel. This made us even more scared- we had nowhere to go- no one to trust."

Suchomel wrote:

"I have been watching the news non-stop since I arrived back home to my family. And it just doesn’t make sense. The story that are feeding everyone doesn’t add up to our eyewitness accounts...Tons of things don’t add up."

She end her post, writting days before she died, saying:

"We went to Las Vegas for a super fun, down to Earth country concert featuring our favorite artists. We left scared, scarred, traumatized and broken. And for that, we demand answers."

Fourth Las Vegas Witness Unequivocally Described Shooters From Within Venue (Deceased)

There were 3-5 shooters? That bitch is crazy. I was there and i can tell you that there were at least 50-75 shooters, plus 1 tank and T-rex.
Last edited:
She was a real person, not a "conspiracy.

Fourth Las Vegas Witness Unequivocally Described Shooters From Within Venue (Deceased)

Fourth Las Vegas Witness Unequivocally Described Shooters From Within Venue (Deceased)


A Las Vegas concert-goer and witness, who is now deceased from a prior illness, posted onto Facebook before she died a detailed and riveting account of her experience which is similar to those of at least three other witnesses, of shooting coming from within the venue. The woman steadfastly maintained that she could hear a source of gunfire which was coming nearer and nearer to her and her fleeing friend, causing them to break coveted cover and run in changing directions.

Kimberley Suchomel wrote:

"because it felt like no matter what direction we took, we were being followed." She said her and her and her friend had the feeling that "men" were "chasing us."

Suchomel wrote in the Facebook post, the authenticity of which has not been disputed, that:

"We couldn’t hide because they (and I do mean THEY) were chasing us. That exact moment is when I started to really panic.....And It was directly behind us, following us. Bullets were coming from every direction. Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us. But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us...The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got...There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one."

The Facebook post has since been made private by the family, but screenshots and copies of the post were archived on the Internet before that happened.

Suchomel, who suffered from a brain tumor and severe epilepsy, died unexpectedly last Monday in her sleep, according to her grandmother, speaking to the Seacoast Online, a New Hampshire news outlet.

Suchomel wrote:

"we ended up running in a weird triangular path. The first place I remember getting to was a parking lot, and I told Casie (who was slightly in front of me) we needed to get under one of the trucks. She turned to me and started her way back to me, and that is when the gunfire got even CLOSER than ever before. It was RIGHT THERE."

Rocky Palermo also broke cover because of the sound of firing coming closer to his hiding place. He says in his video narration:

"we heard the gunfire approaching where we were, coming closer and closer and getting louder and louder, and I knew we were getting gunshots which were closer to us than when we originally started, and that's when I knew that we had to run."

Palermo says he strongly believes that there was more than one shooter, and that before leaving the hospital, every person that he knew of was interviewed by the FBI, including himself. He says that he told two FBI agents of his conviction that there were multiple shooters, but that there has been no follow up.

Palermo said:

"I told them the same thing that I'm telling you, I definitely believe that there were at least three to five shooters, 100% there was not just one person shooting from the 32nd floor."

Palermo, who was interviewed by CNN soon after the shooting at his hospital bed about his wounds, said that "every other person that I've talked to that unfortunately did get hit as well, have all said the same things."

Palermo and other witnesses say that, contrary to strict regulations regarding emergency exits at concert venues, concert-goers found many of the exits blocked as the fled for safety (see: "Exits at Las Vegas Concert Were Suddenly Blocked Prior to Shooting, Creating Kill Zone")

Another witness who says there was firing from withing the venue was interviewed on the night of the shooting by a local news station, linked HERE.

Kimberley Suchomel's account is strikingly similar in other ways to that of Gio Rios', who was near the front row with his girlfriend when the shooting began. As they fled the venue and crossed the street, Rios and his girlfriend recount gunfire and seeing muzzle flashes coming from the direction of Hooters or the MGM Grand at one point, which are a block from the Mandalay Bay where the accused shooter, Stephen Paddock, was said to be sniping from.

Rios says in his 44 minute oral history posted on Youtube:

"we were running across the street and we hear shots coming from Hooters, MGM area, shots coming from over there and shots coming from Mandalay Bay." (at 24:00 in video.)

Mentioning Hooters, Suchomel wrote in her post:

"The 2nd place I remember going by was Hooters- which is where we met back up with the rest of our small group. We ran towards the entrance thinking we could take cover there, but as we got closer, a stampede of people ran out, terrified. We could only conclude that there was another gunman inside of that hotel. This made us even more scared- we had nowhere to go- no one to trust."

Suchomel wrote:

"I have been watching the news non-stop since I arrived back home to my family. And it just doesn’t make sense. The story that are feeding everyone doesn’t add up to our eyewitness accounts...Tons of things don’t add up."

She end her post, writting days before she died, saying:

"We went to Las Vegas for a super fun, down to Earth country concert featuring our favorite artists. We left scared, scarred, traumatized and broken. And for that, we demand answers."

Fourth Las Vegas Witness Unequivocally Described Shooters From Within Venue (Deceased)

There were 3-5 shooters? That bitch is crazy. I was there and i can tell you that there were at least 50-75 shooters, plus 1 tank and T-rex.

SURE, Nobody knows for sure if it was 50 more or least if it's "Paddock the culprit or not? We've seen his body down but maybe it's not him either we have no valid motivation, maybe to be an anti trump one of those frustrated running.
T-Rex is booting the buttocks of the enemies (we need it a lot) at least in my signature

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