Fox has Jones ahead by 10 pts over Pedo Roy

It’s so funny to see the political shitstorm over the sex scandals.

Once again, trying to get Trump out fo Office....the Russia thing is a loser.
The Foxnews poll polled cellphones, where many of the other polls did not. That may matter.

That could be a large part of the discrepancy. Looking back at previous polls Fox had Jones ahead of the other polls by about 8%. But now the discrepancy is 19%. The younger cell phone voters are less likely to vote in special elections. Also blacks less likely to vote in special elections. RCP shows Moore ahead by 2.2% calling it a tossup within the 3.5% margin of error. I think RCP analysis is about right.
It’s so funny to see the political shitstorm over the sex scandals.

Once again, trying to get Trump out fo Office....the Russia thing is a loser.

It's even funnier seeing 10 of the Trump Cabinet fall on the sword in less than 10 months. Repubtards have been screaming HC is a criminal for 33 years yet she never got arrested. How many Trumptards have already been arrested? How's that Trump great instincts working out? LOL
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To those, including Trump, who have endorsed an alleged pedophile because he will support a tax cut for the wealthy, should we not ask: “For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?”
Fox ? Fox is biased and fake news, it is time people started calling it what it is. There is no reporting on politics unless it supports a particular point of view and assumption, that rules it out as a news site. People need to say that over and over again as some actually think it is news. On occasion a guest on Fox will be honest and the Fox talking head will quickly move back to the biased nonsense. Republicans are such weak thinkers, they follow like trained puppies. Later, maybe today, I am going to post a thread on the kind of thinking and reason that manages the conservative, libertarian and republican mind today. Imagine if the grand old party changes to home of pedophiles and sexual predators?

What About the 19 Women Who Accused Trump of Sexual Misconduct?

The GOP is trying to pass a super-unpopular agenda — and that's a bad sign for democracy

Push poll
You just can't make this up:

Fox News Poll: Enthused Democrats give Jones lead over Moore in Alabama

"""""Democrat Doug Jones holds a 10-point lead over Republican Roy Moore among likely voters in deep red Alabama.

Greater party loyalty plus higher interest in the election among Democrats combined with more enthusiasm among Jones supporters gives him the advantage in the race to fill the U.S. senate seat previously held by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

That’s according to a Fox News Poll of Alabama voters conducted Thursday through Sunday using traditional polling techniques, including a list-based probability sample with both landlines and cellphones.""""""


But Fox lies all the time, at least according to the jerk weed left wing.

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