France As The Canary In The Coalmine


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
.....and we're next.......or, now.

1.I recall a note by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, secularist and nationalist who created modern Turkey. As Ataturk so correctly stated, there a many cultures, but only one civilization...
And France is, or was, a mainstay of Western Civilization. But has become a very, very weak one.

2. Perhaps Napoleon destroyed much of the manhood of France, in his wars, and maybe their character as well. They were a nation that rounded up their Jews even before the Nazis asked them to, and post-war conditions made France the doorway to Europe for hordes of immigrants with barbaric 7th century views. And rather than respond with a defense of Western Civilization, the French elites planned a very different future for their nation, and for Western Civilization......surrender.

This is no longer the France of Voltaire, who claimed to fight for your right to disagree.

3. …“France to Vote on the Great Replacement of Western Civilization

4.Bfmtv interviewed Fewzi Benhabib, a resident of Saint-Denis. Since his arrival from Algeria 25 years ago, he found in France the ideology from which he was fleeing in his former country "For the Islamists, it is a question of Islamizing modernity, not modernizing Islam."

5. This is how Algerian novelist Boualem Sansal, in L'Express, recently described the level of Islamization in France.

"Where Islam takes hold, it is forever. Islamism is based on Islam, which no one has the right to criticize. But in your countries it also plays a role in democracy and in the rule of law. Islamism exploits these values. Since democracy recognizes all opinions, from the far right to the far left, it is obliged to recognize Islam as well. All those who do not commit attacks or violent acts are, in principle, protected in a state of law. Islamism thus immediately finds itself in a conquered terrain.

It is necessary to fight Islamism from the beginning. Because it is like humidity in a house. Initially the threat is invisible, it penetrates the walls which, little by little, crumble. When you realize it is too late, you have to destroy everything to clean up. It becomes a mission impossible. France is at the stage where it has just discovered that Islam is eroding her home".

A slight America, it is not Islam, but it is a doctrine of 'submission' that is very similar.
Can you hear that echo here in words like 'mandates'?
There is an anti-Western Civilization advancing, and it is headed by the Democrat Party.
The French only know surrender.

It's part of their culture.
That's a lovely idea. Thank you.

6. There used to be the bon mot, 'which is the only Arab nation not at war'?
With ‘France’ as the answer.

If one reads the definition of “The Great Replacement” in Wikipedia, one cannot miss the Leftist slant of the statement. The bare truth is here:

“The Great Replacement (French: Grand Remplacement), also known as the replacement theory,[1][2] is a white nationalist[3] conspiracy theory[4][5][6] which states that, with the complicity or cooperation of "replacist" elites,[a][4][7] the white French population—as well as white European populations at large—is being demographically and culturally replaced with non-European peoples—specifically Arab, Berber, South Asian and sub-Saharan Muslim populations—through mass migration, demographic growth and a European drop in the birth rate.”

Of course, it is not a ‘theory’ at all….it is a fact.
In 1965 the Democrat Party began the same with the
Hart-Celler Act, the Democrats have revealed that they intend to replace Americans with voters who need welfare, and will vote Democrat.
Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote.

This is how Algerian novelist Boualem Sansal, in L'Express, recently described the level of Islamization in France.

"In 2050 we will be a half-Islamic country, in 2100 we will be an Islamic republic", according to Éric Zemmour, the journalist and presidential hopeful in 2022. This difficult but staggering reality denounced by Zemmour is recognized by everyone, even on the left. Radical left leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon predicted the same kind of scenario, calling it "creolization by 2050".
France to Vote on the Great Replacement of Western Civilization

Power means far more to the elites than their nation, or even Western Civilization.

The article referenced by OP is a poor source that prints a lot of fake news.

Can't OP find the article on Fox News? If it were a true story, it would be on Fox.

The article referenced by OP is a poor source that prints a lot of fake news.

Can't OP find the article on Fox News? If it were a true story, it would be on Fox.

I don 't seen any references to 'fake' that you can back up.

How lucky the Left is to have so very many who wield the "is not, issssssss noooooootttttt!!!" complaint so well.

Relieves you of the necessity of thinking, huh?
7. There is this critical point which, in fact separates the higher intellect from the sort who votes for the Left:

“In the book Grand Manipulateur, the journalist Marc Endeweld reveals what France's President Emmanuel Macron says in private on the sensitive issues of immigration:

"The Elysée employees have confided to me that in recent months, especially on the issue of immigration, Macron has not hesitated, in front of his colleagues, to take up Éric Zemmour's formulas on the Great Replacement. He is obsessed with it".
France to Vote on the Great Replacement of Western Civilization

The less mentally agile will be told it is all racism.
No, it isn’t.
It is not the skin color, the religion, nor the geographic origin of immigrants that engenders distaste: it is values.

There is a similar conflict in America, with the very same lie: racism.

“Piecing together state and federal reports, it appears that half the correctional population in California consists of illegal aliens. According to a state report, there were fewer than two hundred thousand inmates in the entire California prison population, including mental hospitals, in 2009. That year, 102,795 illegal aliens were incarcerated in California, costing the state more than $1 billion a year.”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole
8. It isn't skin color, place of origin, poverty, or any superficial characteristic that is objectionable in an immigrant..... is the values that they bring.

In France, the immigrants in question bring anti-Semitism and add violence to it.

The ostensible "fault" of the French historian Georges Bensoussan was to declare on the radio that immigrants from Middle Eastern countries absorb anti-Semitism from an early age like "mother's milk." He was put on trial for incitement to hatred and finally cleared after four years. Bensoussan recently told Le Figaro what is happening to his country:

"For safety reasons, Jewish children have massively abandoned public education. In the suburbs, there is a climate that recalls the worst memories of the Jewish Maghreb. It is a French defeat and not a Jewish defeat, because the whole of French society is threatened by what threatens Jews today. The Seine-Saint-Denis has lost 80% of its Jewish population in 20 years."
France to Vote on the Great Replacement of Western Civilization

In America, one would have to be an abject moron to believe the absurd, unchanging, claim of 11 million illegal aliens welcomed and cosseted by the Democrats.
Milton Friedman was for illegal immigration.
"Friedman's considered view is that free migration without a welfare state is first best.
Welfare for all legal residents makes first-best free migration impossible. In that case, a high rate of illegal immigration is the second-best solution."
Milton Friedman's Argument for Illegal Immigration

Sooo....either open borders but no welfare in the country....or control of our borders but no welfare in the country.

Interesting economic choice?

In any nation, immigration policy should be set based on what is best for the country.

There are some 50 to 80 million.
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9. France, the canary in the coalmine of civilization, reveals the smallest of alterations in the problem.

The government has allowed those with very different values to take over large areas of the nation.

“France's General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI) has mapped 150 districts "in possession" of Islamists. These neighborhoods have become enclaves in the hands of fundamentalists, who shape the areas according to their ideology, which, as the word Islam itself denotes, is one of submission. In places such as Roubaix, "the situation is assuming worrying proportions", according to a prefect speaking with Le Figaro. Or the center of Perpignan, where "aggression, drug trafficking, Muslim communitarianism, racial tensions and tribal violence" force non-Muslims to move elsewhere. Or Les Izards, a district of Toulouse, "where Arab gangs control the streets in a climate of fear". Or Grigny, a district on the southern outskirts of Paris, "a lawless territory". Or in Grenoble.” France to Vote on the Great Replacement of Western Civilization

The same in America.

A very different ideology occurs in what we call 'ghettos,' some areas were even the police won't venture.

In America, it is Democrat cities taken over by crime and poverty, defund the police or else riots and arson, that are effectively the same as Islamic ‘no-go’ zones in France.

Our elites have allowed and encouraged this.....they are called Democrats.
10. France and America.....closer than you think.

“Two thousand military servicemen signed a letter to French President Emmanuel Macron and the government, warning that France is on the verge of collapse and civil war because the state has "surrendered" to radical Muslims. The letter followed an appeal by 20 retired generals and hundreds of former officers, in which they speak of "disintegration and Islamization" in progress, as well as a document sent to parliament by other generals and officers, proclaiming, "We are in a hybrid war, it is multifaceted and will end in a civil war at best and a cruel defeat with no future at worst".

In the span of 20 years between 1998 and 2018 and throughout France:

"The number of births with at least one parent foreign increased by 63.6 percent. The number of births with both parents foreign increased by 43 percent. The number of births with both parents French decreased by 13.7 percent".

It’s all about values……and we don’t have to look as far as France.

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For decades, the share of U.S. children living with a single parent has been rising, accompanied by a decline in marriage rates and a rise in births outside of marriage. A new Pew Research Center study of 130 countries and territories shows that the U.S. has the world's highest rate of children living in single-parent households.. Almost a quarter of U.S. children under the age of 18 live ...

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Dec 18, 2014Single motherhood has grown so common in America that demographers now believe half of all children will live with a single mom at some point before the age of 18. Wp Get the full experience.

Just the tip of the iceberg, in Western Civilization.

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